

in a distant future humanity has sent colonists into space it was their last chance to rebuilt once again humanity among them sora who has always dreamed of traveling through the stars but they need patience and determination to achieve there goals

kaze_itami · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

chapter 0 :a needed basis

in the distant future a group of colonists were sent to another planet vaguely similar to ours there will be around twenty it took 2 and a half to wait for this planet it is out of the question to turn around the resources and budget are colossal but fortunately on site there are several valuable and unknown resources to discover which will be more than sufficient to make this expedition profitable, given that the planet earth is in a pitiful state if this planet is comfortable it would be preferable to place colonies and give humanity another place to thrive , the colonists will have to learn to live there alone while waiting for the next colonist to arrive for a year. Fortunately, before the trip they have learned everything there is to know about this planet that the rulers of the earth have called drax among all the colonists there is one who is both stressed and excited at the idea of finally walking on this planet sora is a curious young man he knows that he has an insolent chance to be there so he goes all out do to be worthy of it the colonists will arrive in exactly 1 week which will give Sora time to review a little on the ecosystems of Drax, Sora is 21 years old he is of Japanese and British origin he will stay on this planet for more than 1 year so he has to worry about getting along well with the other settlers even if for the moment he can't stand Wiliam and his surly attitude, Sora has no choice he will have to deal with it for the moment

As the colonists' spacecraft approached Drax, Sora felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The planet's image on the viewscreen looked serene yet unfamiliar, a canvas waiting to be explored. With just a week left until touchdown, Sora delved into studying Drax's ecosystems with fervor. He pored over data, simulations, and virtual tours provided by Earth's best scientists, immersing himself in the planet's flora, fauna, and geological features.

During this time, Sora also made efforts to bridge the gap with Wiliam, recognizing the importance of unity among the settlers. He approached Wiliam with genuine curiosity, seeking common ground and understanding. Gradually, they found shared interests in exploring Drax's potential and the challenges of adapting to a new world. Their conversations evolved from strained to cooperative, laying the foundation for a better working relationship in the days to come.

As the countdown to landing ticked away, the atmosphere aboard the spacecraft buzzed with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Sora found solace in his preparations and newfound camaraderie, knowing that the challenges ahead would require not just individual skills but collective resilience. The dream of establishing a thriving colony on Drax, offering hope for humanity's future beyond Earth's woes, fueled Sora's determination to make every moment count once they set foot on the alien soil. the spaceship has arrived on Drax, the problem is that the area where the colonists landed has nothing to do with the one where it was supposed to land, the colonists after a movement of panic calmed down and decided to stay in the ship to see if there is anything dangerous around a week after landing the colonists decide to send a group to explore the surrounding area the group is made up of sora, wiliam, clark, ariel, rina, yun they had enough food and water to last 6 days no more no less, Sora was a little stressed because the expedition started very badly but he is optimistic he is certain that they will come back and find the original place where they were supposed to land with the ship , they had a device that allow them to find the place so it just a question of time before they find the place 

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