
Karmic Emperor

Alucard Vlad Tepes, a man who revolutionized the whole world to its futuristic era was destined to die at the age of 40. Alucard possesses a power that could overthrow the world but he uses it for the betterment of humankind. Despite his achievements, Alucard can't escape the grasp of death. With his cursed power, Alucard knows his death is inevitable. But, Death is just the beginning, how will Alucard live in the world of the unknown? A world where humans achieved super strength, mystical powers, and manipulation of the laws and elements. Find out, just click the read button and follow the journey of Alucard in the world of cultivation. ( Seriously, please read my book :) )

Forgettable_Author · Fantasi Timur
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 - Bond of The Blessed

It's been a month since his undercover. He was making acquaintance with almost all of the outer sect disciples. Most of the outer sect disciples either had a good impression of him or stayed neutral. There are no outer disciples that haven't known his name.

Like always, he was seen in either the mission hall or the alchemist hall. He showed a talent to the alchemist that is enough for him to garner attention and probably know more about the corruption inside the sect.

For the past month of gathering and inspecting, bribery is running rampant more than any illegal smuggling and such.

He also reached the 3rd stage in Spiritual Sea Realm, and all of his qi is at the highest purity that could be achieved. Until he reached the 10th stage, he couldn't upgrade his qi to supreme, and thus, all of his qi only reached the highest limits.

If he decided to reach the 9th stage with just the average purity, it would only take him a month but since he decided to cultivate, he wanted the best of the best, foundation, purity, manuals, and such.

" Good afternoon, Du Yen. Have you decided to pick some missions? " The person in charge said his name is Wu-Tang, an outer sect disciple who decided to be in charge in the mission hall, handing missions to his fellow disciples. He wore the typical disciple clothes, he has short black hair, black pupils, and a well-toned body, and his personality is that he can make friends with just his impression.

" Yeah, but this time, I will take a solo mission for the first time. I want to try at least once in a while. Do you have any perfect mission for me? I want something that requires me to be out in the sect and, if possible, give me an easy task, will you?" Li Duyi said.

Wu-Tang nodded, looking at the posters thoroughly before picking a mission that requires to deliver of an elixir to the mortal kingdom Peng.

" Here you go, you have to deliver an elixir to the king of kingdom Peng, King Peng Weng. It seems that they required an elixir that could heal his son, who was crowned to be the next king. So, there might be some dangers along the way because of the enemies of the kingdom, but you should be strong enough. "Wu-Tang handed the poster to Li Duyi, nodded, and registered the mission.

Li Duyi thanked Wu-Tang as he got out of the hall to see Zhu Yue, standing outside as if waiting for someone. Zhu Yue, who was waiting, notices Li Duyi coming out. She headed towards him as she greeted him.

" Good afternoon, Du Yen. Have you taken any missions? If you have not, can we partner up if you don't mind? " Zhu Yue looked sideways, trying to evade looking at Li Duyi's eyes.

" About that... I'm sorry, I can't. I have already picked a mission. But, we can take a mission together when I return. Anyway, gotta go, goodbye Zhu Yue. " Li Duyi escapes and headed to the alchemist hall to get the elixir.

" Idiot Du Yen, I just want to be with you," Zhu Yue mumbled, oozing with sadness. Of course, Li Duyi knows what Zhu Yue wanted to convey, but he doesn't want to, not until he can ensure that there will be no one to betray him. With how cautious and important of a person he is, Zhu Yue is something he can't consider until she proves something to him.

Li Duyi notices Zhu Yue's feelings in one of their mission when he saved Zhu Yue from a rampaging demonic beast, and it seems Zhu Yue developed an interest in Li Duyi. At first, it was just a mild interest, but as time passed and together with the others, taking a mission. Zhu Yue's feelings developed over time and she fell in love with Li Duyi.

Thus, Zhu Yue tried everything to get his attention. Something that Li Duyi finds annoying, but since he is doing undercover, he must maintain his relationship with the outer disciples because outer disciples are also one of the resources that helps maintain the sect. While it might not harm if he does reject Zhu Yue, the thing called chain reaction will. Let's take an example of Zhu Yue's beauty. If he rejected Zhu Yue and other disciples knew about it.

It will affect the others' impressions of him, and then, he won't be able to gather more information about the outer sect's situation, and thus, all of his efforts will be for nothing.

So, as long as he maintains his relationship with her. He will achieve his goal sooner or later, more or less, he has achieved his goal but he still doesn't want to return to being Li Duyi who'll probably be nurtured by those old foxes and his free time will be gone. In a sense, Li Duyi doesn't want anything to do with the Ancestors and will return when he will be satisfied.

Li Duyi arrived at Alchemist Hall and handed the poster mission to one of the attendants who knew Li Duyi and handed him a wooden box with an elixir inside. Li Duyi thanked the attendant and immediately left the sect.

As soon as he saw the beautiful but long staircase going down, Li Duyi breathed deeply before taking his first step on leaving the sect.

Li Duyi uses his light step movement to get down the mountain immediately, free like a bird. He likes the fresh air of nature that can't be compared to his previous life's air. Those industries and their black smoke cause the air to be filled with filth.

Thus, Li Duyi, who appreciates nature more than anyone, likes the forest-scented air compared to the filthy air.

He takes his time to arrive at kingdom Peng because the distance between One Sword Sect and Kingdom Peng is short for him. Well, it's a thousand kilometers apart, but as a cultivator, it would take them 5 hours to reach such distance on account of the dangers when traveling. You can imagine how fast cultivators are, even in the early stages, as long as you passed the meridian opening realm, you'll get stronger by miles apart than the average human as the qi nourishes one's body. Meridian Opening Realm can reach at a speed of 100km/h, you can imagine someone of Qi Gathering Realm 1st stage whose strength and speed increase by twofold.

Of course, there are some weaknesses, the reaction time of Qi Gathering is shit when compared to someone who's at the Body Tempering Realm cause in this realm, one's perception is strengthened because of the residual Qi, strengthening the body.

But, will this affect Li Duyi? No, not really. He has his cheat-like vision and the sect also had a manual that increases perception at the cost of qi. Thus, eliminating the weakness and even other sects also has similar types of techniques like the one when he raided the demonic sect, in which he modified their manuals and integrated some parts into his all-encompassing cultivation manual.

His manual is a one of kind and consists of 9 levels, which correlates with the 9 realms.

At the 1st level - His meridian was strengthened beyond that of any cultivators. Giving him the best foundation ever. It will absorb all of the qi around 100 meters to help strengthen his meridian.

2nd level - The qi will continuously widen his qi pathways while at the same time strengthening until any foreign qi or poisons can't destroy the pathways.

3rd level - His everlasting qi strengthens and gives a healing factor to all parts of his body.

4th level - His spiritual energy and qi be purified to their purest form, autonomously.

As for the other levels, it is for the next.

Li Duyi finally arrived at the Kingdom Peng and shows his id card whereas the guards become respectful as they let him in. The kingdom was bustling with joy and kids running around. Seeing such a sight brings peace to Li Duyi's mind when he notices something at the alley, there, he saw a ragged kid searching for food. He was skinny, that the outline of his bones can be seen, dirt all over his body and his knees wiggling and trying to maintain his balance.

Li Duyi walked towards one of the stalls that sell meat. Since he always had spices inside his storage ring, which he brings, always. He buys some meat and uses his qi to transform it into a fire and cooks the meat in the air, while spices from his storage ring was taken out and floated to the meat and seasoned it.

The crowd was surprised to see a cultivator and what's even more bizarre, he was cooking the meat in the air. By the time he was finished, the crowds cheered for him but he just looked at them and uses his qi to make them disperse by pressuring them.

The crowd hurriedly disperse while Li Duyi walked towards the cowering kid, who kept saying sorry and some shit. Li Duyi looked at him in pity, handed the meat to the kid, and also converted his qi into water to wash the kid clean. He then converted it to the wind as he dries the kid's body from the water.

" Are you okay, kid? I'm not here to do anything bad, I just wanted to help. Here, have some meat. You need something to eat " While it is good for the kid to eat meat but it is a different topic when it comes to a skinny kid whose body can't absorb that many nutrients. That is why Li Duyi uses his Qi instead of finding a kitchen to cook the meat, to make sure it is super healthy and the body can take all the nutrients, protein, and any healthy benefits to the body.

Qi is such a magical thing, when he was reading the medicinal book, Li Duyi read about a way to make the foods healthy benefits to be consumed without causing any problems to the body but it takes a high control to qi. Just the requirement means that it isn't easy, but Li Duyi with his control in qi, is easy as walking. That's why, he can achieve something the average cultivator can't.

The kid looked at Li Duyi fearfully and hesitant to take the meat but Li Duyi was patient enough to take his time in taming *cough* giving the kid his meat *cough* ( no pun intended)

Moments later, the kid was forced to take the meat as he was salivating, and coupled with his hunger, he can't take it anymore and gobbled up the meat but he choked. Li Duyi who saw this, give the kid normal water, he doesn't convert his qi to water as it would kill the kid with his pure water qi.

It might be beneficial to cultivators but not to a mortal who hasn't stepped into cultivation.

" What's your name kid? " Li Duyi asked while making sure that the kid is comfortable talking to him.

" Uh... Eh, Ma my name is Yu, Yu Han. Tha... Thank you for the food mister " The kid bowed 90° to Li Duyi, who waved his hand and tried to stop the kid from bowing and probably causing his back to snap, by the looks of his stature.

" Stop that or you'll injure yourself. Come with me, I'll bring you with me to meet someone. You see, I am on a mission right now and I can't just you here, I have to feed you, and in a sense, I'll take responsibility but also, I don't have to do this but as a good person, I'll do anything to help you. " Li Duyi said, he knows the struggle of the kid and when he was back on Thrae, he decided to accumulate massive wealth just to create orphanages around the world, and through that kindness, he was also known as the saint back on earth.

Because of how easy it was to amass wealth and that there are not that many dangers to the Thrae, he can do anything to help humankind. That's how he revolutionized the whole world to its futuristic era. With his background and connection, it didn't even take long for him to help.

Of course, because of his attachment to the humans, their death of them affected him the most and that's how he gradually loses his emotion and becomes emotionless. He can't even smile no more, but when he arrived in this world, his kindness has been ignited when he knows that there are cultivations and humans can live longer.

The reason why he didn't save the village before, he knows that he can't save them with his pathetic power, and thus, decided to call himself not a saint. But the truth is that he still remembered how the beasts trampled the village, people screaming, crying in agony, and many more. It took a toll on him, he knows that.

That's the reason he decided to be cruel when it comes to any obstacles. If killing is necessary, why can't he do it? If that is what it takes to achieve his goal for world peace. He is not that dumb to not know how hypocritical he is but he doesn't care.

That's why, he decided to hold the karma of the people in the village.

Back to the kid, Yu Han nodded at the proposal of Li Duyi as Li Duyi hold Yu Han's hand tightly but gently enough to not hurt his hand. First, he decided to buy some clothes for the kid before they continued their journey toward the King's Castle to deliver the elixir.

He showed the guard his id. The guard let them in after confirming the authentication of the id as someone guided him to the meeting room where Peng Weng was seen, walking around in anxiousness. With a knock, Peng Weng immediately opened the door, to see someone at the age of 16 with a kid holding tightly to his hand.

Peng Weng notices that the 16-year-old boy is wearing the cultivator's robe. This means, the person is the real deal. Cause, anyone who decided to wear a cultivator's robe and is not cultivator is either killed by the cultivators for impersonating or being in public humiliation. That's why, none of the mortals tried to wear the cultivator's robes.

" Welcome to my castle, High Esteemed Cultivator. Does the elixir with you? " Peng Weng asked immediately, cause his son's life is slowly sipping away and he needed it as soon as possible.

" Here you go " Li Duyi handed the box to the anxious Peng Weng who thanked Li Duyi as he hurriedly feed it to his son next door. Li Duyi and Yu Han were told to wait inside as tea was handed to them. Li Duyi and Yu Han drank their tea in peace, except for Yu Han who looked around uncomfortably as he fidgets next to Li Duyi.

Moments later, Peng Weng arrived full of excitement as he thanked Li Duyi for saving his son. Li Duyi just nodded and Peng Weng decided to throw a banquet in celebration of the recovery of the crown prince. The banquet will be held 5 days from now and Peng Weng personally guided the duo to the guest room as a thanks.

Li Duyi accepted his fate and let Peng Weng do whatever he wanted. It's because of how happy he was.

Now that Li Duyi has free time, he looked at Yu Han who was sitting next to him, uncomfortably.

" My name is Li Duyi, nice to meet you, Yu Han. I haven't said this to you because as you know, I was busy but now that we are given enough time. Would you like to return with me to the sect and become a cultivator or would you like to stay here " Li Duyi offered Yu Han a choice, a choice that would decide his future?

Yu Han contemplates his choice before deciding to follow Li Duyi. Which by the way, Yu Han's age is around the age of 5. At a young age, to think he would be finding his food in the trash.

Since Yu Han has decided to follow Li Duyi. Li Duyi decided to accept him as his disciple. While he may look like a 16-year-old, his mind had

already past that age.

Thus, he decided to impart a cultivation manual to Yu Han. A manual at the level of Heaven Grade called Heavenly Demon Manual.

He decided to make Yu Han somewhat of a demonic cultivator instead of cultivating through devilish paths like sacrificing bodies, eating hearts, and such. He decided to create a manual that consumes someone's qi. The reason he decided to impart such a technique to Yu Han is because of his lowest potential.

This technique is perfect for him and the technique has the perks of purifying the absorbed qi to make it his own.

Transferring the manual into Yu Han's mind, Yu Han was in a trance as he absorbed the content of the Heavenly Demon Arts Manual. This manual defies the normal cultivation manual that might be frowned upon by the cultivators but Li Duyi decided to create his force to gather information, protect the sect, and can move in secrecy.

Yu Han is the first person to ever become a member of this faction, by the name of Bond of the Blessed Organization. This organization will only consist of people he rescued and was blessed by him. It might sound silly, but in a sense, Yu Han was blessed to meet and be rescued by Li Duyi.

Thus, creating the organization of Bond of the Blessed.

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