
Karmic Emperor

Alucard Vlad Tepes, a man who revolutionized the whole world to its futuristic era was destined to die at the age of 40. Alucard possesses a power that could overthrow the world but he uses it for the betterment of humankind. Despite his achievements, Alucard can't escape the grasp of death. With his cursed power, Alucard knows his death is inevitable. But, Death is just the beginning, how will Alucard live in the world of the unknown? A world where humans achieved super strength, mystical powers, and manipulation of the laws and elements. Find out, just click the read button and follow the journey of Alucard in the world of cultivation. ( Seriously, please read my book :) )

Forgettable_Author · Eastern
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14 Chs

Chapter 11 - Upgraded Body Tempering Realm

" How do you feel? Is there anything strange going on in your body? Like, any reactions? " Li Duyi asked Yu Han, the kid shaking his head.

" I feel fine. It's just that... How do I say it? Uhh, there's a new, uhh..."

" Knowledge, that's what you were going to say. It is normal as I have passed you a manual about cultivation. It seems I have many things to teach you, " Li Duyi intervened and decided to teach Yu Han about the things he doesn't understand, like cultivation.

" Well, in a simple explanation. Cultivation is like eating if you eat too much. You'll throw up the food, it's the same as the cultivation, if you gather enough qi through cultivation, you can get stronger but if you absorb too much qi, you must expel it from your body as it is dangerous to have an excess qi. Think of qi as food or water, that should be easy to understand. " Yu Han, listen intently to Li Duyi.

" Now, cultivation has 9 realms, and every time you break through, you'll get a massive boost in power. Cultivation consists of Meridian Opening Realm, the Qi Gathering Realm, the Body Tempering Realm, the Spiritual Sea Realm, the Origin Condensation Realm, the Law Realm, the Law Unity Realm, the True Saint Realm, and lastly, the Empyrean Realm. I am at the Spiritual Sea Realm 3rd stage. " Li Duyi let Yu Han absorb the information before he continued.

" Meridian Opening Realm is where you unblock your 361 acupoints and guide the Qi through your dantian. Then, Qi Gathering Realm has 9 stages where every stage your Meridian will widen and the dantian can store a larger quantity of qi. As for the Body Tempering Stage, normally had 3 stages, the Muscle Tempering, Blood Tempering, and Bone Tempering. But, I created more for a better foundation, Meridian Tempering is next, followed by Acupoints Tempering, Organ Tempering, Brain Tempering, and last, the Dantian Tempering

" The next realm is the Spiritual Sea Realm. It also consists of 9 stages, but most cultivators don't know that there are hidden stages beyond the usual 9 stages. But, I don't have that much knowledge beyond the 10th stage. The 10th stage is called the Supreme Spiritual Sea, your qi will be up to Supreme as well as your Spiritual Energy. That's all for now. You can't be greedy for more than you can chew. " Li Duyi then talked about the history of the One Sword Sect.

" One Sword Sect is a prestigious and one of the most powerful sects in this area. They have a history worth of million years and even then, they still haven't reached the 100th mark of Sect Leader, meaning, they are strong enough that their sect leaders aren't that easy to be killed and lived a long life. Even the current Sect Leader has reached the age of probably a hundred thousand or more years. " Yu Han had his eyes sparkled by the mention of a hundred thousand years. To live a long life is the dream of many, but those who experienced it, only live with bitter memories.

To see their loved ones dying as time goes on is heartbreaking for them. That is why half of the cultivators either don't have wives or husbands and live in solitude. The higher their cultivation realm, the lower their productivity. While other cultivators, mostly men, had multiple wives with lower cultivation to reproduce and possibly create some talented sons and daughters.

Even then, it still has a low probability of happening. But, if those Law realms and above had offspring, their kids would either have amazing talents or special physiques that could help their cultivation.

" Wow! Does that mean if I cultivate to a higher level, I will live longer? " Yu Han curiously asked.

" Of course, the average lifespan of a Meridian Opening Realm has at least 150 years to live, Qi Gathering Realm had about a thousand years cause of the qi, while Body Tempering Realm might have little effect on increasing lifespan but, this realm helps you get a healthy body. That is why you must take the Body Tempering Realm seriously. Then, the Spiritual Sea Realm can probably live for tens of thousands of years or more. Depending on their cultivation manual. Manuals can increase either your strength, lifespan, perception, or anything. "

Yu Han was having a mental breakdown at how much information he had received. It opened up a whole new world perspective, the same way when boys opened up the adult world.

Li Duyi stops his lesson when he notices that Yu Han seems to malfunction. Thus, Li Duyi decided to appreciate the view from the balcony, he was greeted with a well-trimmed garden, a water fountain, a view of the kingdom, and the beautiful sky that illuminates the water fountain beautifully, lights reflecting the ever-flowing water on top of the fountain.

There is also a little white tea house in the middle of the garden, which is floating on top of the pond.

This makes Li Duyi think that it is a little too medieval era and Western fantasy-like despite the cultivation.

This makes him think about how the world operates for two genres to co-exist. Does this mean that magic exists somewhere around that he doesn't know of its existence?

But Li Duyi doesn't think too much about the bizarre situation. Even if he did pay attention, it's not like he can do anything to change it. Thus, Li Duyi will only know when he can get the information in different parts of the world. From East to West, North to South, and then, the Central.

Li Duyi still hasn't made any progress on the cloning manual he wanted. It seems that the world denied such a manual to be created. The heavenly dao seems to know how versatile it is to have a manual for cloning.

Making it harder for Li Duyi to get a base. Well, he could try to make a clone based on how a certain anime created clones. But, the thing is that it doesn't delve that much into how the clone was created and how it was maintained, except split the chakra by half, that's it. Li Duyi has tried it before, but Qi doesn't work the same way as chakra does.

That's why Li Duyi must create it from scratch, getting some inspiration from different information about clones. But, if he still can't create such a technique, then Li Duyi will instead create the old method of acquiring the manuals of other sects. Infiltration using his newly created organization. But, since there is still one member, he can't use do that yet.

Even if it takes Li Duyi months or years, he won't stop until he gets him on those precious manuals.

As Li Duyi was raking his mind on how to create such a technique, Yu Han finally regained his composure and decided to cultivate using the Heavenly Demon Art. The manual can cultivate like any normal cultivation art, but it is inefficient compared to consuming others qi. The manual is built differently, it's a combination of orthodox and the demonic properties of demonic cultivation.

Since Yu Han's talent is not that good, it would take him a long time to break through Meridian Opening Realm, unblocking his acupoints. He already told Yu Han about the fact that someone helping him cultivate would be detrimental to his path of cultivation. He won't achieve the benefits of Perfect Harmony, which will be sought by many if they know about it.

So, Yu Han, with his determination, decided not to ask for help in unlocking his acupoints, and instead, he will do it on his own.

After hours of cultivating, Yu Han only managed to unblock 16 acupoints, making it 345 acupoints to go.

If it was someone with Low or Mid Potential, they would have already unblocked 40 and 70, respectively. That's how low the potential of Yu Han was. But, if he unblocks all of his acupoints, then, his manual will be used at its full potential, no matter how many cultivators qi he consumed, it would not affect his path to perfect harmony. Cause his manual is built for it to be like that.

The next day, Yu Han continued cultivating and unlocked 20 acupoints, totaling 36 acupoints that he had unlocked.

On the 2nd day, Yu Han slowly grasped the usage of qi, and his control over Qi becomes better as he unblock 24, making it a total of 60 acupoints unblocked.

On the 3rd day, Yu Han unblocked 30 acupoints as he reached 90 unblocked points, with no help whatsoever.

On the 4th day, the time for the banquet arrived, and Yu Han was told to stop cultivating and, instead, relax his mind and body for the occasion that will happen.

The maids help Yu Han change his clothes and trim his hair. For the past few days, Yu Han has changed immensely, the skinny Yu Han from the past was replaced with a not-so-skinny body, and the bones are not visible to his body no more. His hair regains its glossy brown hair while his round eyes regain their curious gaze but also contain wisdom that any normal child doesn't have.

Because of Li Duyi's teaching, Yu Han could be called a prince with just his knowledge alone. His mannerism changes through the teaching of Li Duyi that you won't even notice that he comes from the slums. If Li Duyi hadn't picked him up and taught him things, Yu Han would be living in the streets, eating food from the garbage, getting sick, and then probably dying of hunger and pain.

But, he was saved, and that's all that matters.

Li Duyi looked at Yu Han proudly to think the kid he picked up has finally grown in terms of wisdom, of course. But Li Duyi is still proud like a father. He might not look like it, but Li Duyi, from his previous life, wanted a child, but because of the inevitable death, he can't do something selfish and leave the child in a world with no father.

There is no one in their right mind to leave a child unless they are not fit to be a father. Thus, every time he looked at Yu Han, he was proud of his growth.

Soon after, with Yu Han at his side, gripping his hand, Li Duyi walked in front of a massive door that led to the hall. The guards guarding the door opened as soon Peng Weng announces the name of Li Duyi.

" Let's welcome the savior of Peng Yu, the crown prince. Cultivator Du Yen and his little brother Yu Han! " Peng Weng enthusiastically announces, Li Duyi calmly walked while Yu Han grasped the thigh of Li Duyi as he tried to hide.

Li Duyi assured Yu Han that it is okay, which makes the kid let go of Li Duyi's thigh and walk with him side by side, albeit awkwardly.

The crowds cheered for Li Duyi as they walked into the platform. Then, Li Duyi gave a short speech before raising his wine in the sky, the crowd cheered loudly, and the banquet continued.

Li Duyi, Yu Han, Peng Weng, Peng Yu, and other royal members are seen chatting and gathering at one table, Yu Han was eating his meal while Li Duyi chatted with Peng Weng

" How was the banquet? Is it to your liking, Cultivator Du? " Peng Weng asks, eyeing the ongoing banquet.

" Hmm, it's quite to my liking. But, after we finish, we will return to the sect as I still have to pass the mission. Now then, let's toast. " Li Duyi raises his glass in the air. The others also raise their glasses as the sound of the hitting glasses makes a ka-ching sound.

The banquet lasted for hours before it finished as Li Duyi decided to return early in the morning back to the sect. He piggyback Yu Han to the room, Yu Han was tired from the banquet, and that's when Li Duyi decided to return.

Putting Yu Han down, Li Duyi walked to the balcony and saw the beautiful night sky, filled with stars. The moon shines ever so brightly.

" No matter what I did, I can't seem to create the clone manual. It's like there was an interference every time I tried. Looks like I'll have to raise my cultivation and try again when I am in a higher realm. " Li Duyi said before teleporting to the rooftop, where he goes into a meditative pose. He breathes deeply and exhales.

The surrounding qi gathered at a breathtaking speed, and the qi becomes a mist because of the large quantity being gathered. The qi surrounded Li Duyi as his body absorbs it crazily, and his Spiritual Sea widens before it compresses into something purer. Every qi has different types of color depending on what type of cultivation they used and for Li Duyi, the color of his qi is milky white, signifying the highest purity of his qi and his cultivation manual.

If such color was found out by the others, they would immediately know that his qi is at its purest form and his cultivation manual can use any type. But, no matter how pure his qi is, there are still much higher levels of qi and spiritual energy. When he reaches the Origin Condensation Realm, the properties of qi and spirituality will be strengthened, and his attack power would increase by many folds. If he can maintain such purity, then his power will increase by at least 20-fold.

Thus, Li Duyi must always purify his qi, and his spiritual energy has already reached the highest purity because of his soul being compressed over time.

Early in the morning, Li Duyi and Yu Han were seen sitting in the carriage till they reached the gate. They didn't ride a carriage to reach One Sword Sect as Li Duyi can easily arrive there by running and he wanted to bring Yu Han there so that he can cultivate peace.

With a qi covering Yu Han from the air, Li Duyi ran at a fast speed, seemingly teleporting as the surroundings blurred and changes every second. Soon after, Li Duyi arrived at the gate of One Sword Sect while Yu Han was stunned by the speed of Li Duyi, he can't still get over it. Thankfully, Li Duyi covered him with Qi, or else, Yu Han will die from the air pressure hitting him.

Li Duyi walked towards the gate and he greets the guard, the guard saw Li Duyi as he greeted back and asks who the kid was. Li Duyi answered every question the guard was asking before he was granted entry.

Li Duyi thanked the guard as he walked towards the mission hall just to coincidentally saw Zhu Yue coming out of the mission hall. It seems that she has taken a mission or handed a completed mission. But, Li Duyi shrugs it off and greeted Zhu Yue, who greeted back and notices the kid looking at her curiously while also hiding behind Li Duyi.

" Who's that kid with you? " Zhu Yue asked in a jealous tone.

" Ah, this is Yu Han. I picked him up when I was on a mission. How about you? Why are you in the mission hall? Have you taken a mission or handed a mission? " Li Duyi also asked Zhu Yue.

" I was just handing out. Anyway, you haven't forgotten your promise, right? " Zhu Yue raised her eyebrows as she looked at Li Duyi.

" Of course, I wouldn't my promise to you. But, I must rest first. I am quite tired, see you later Zhu Yue " Li Duyi said, making Zhu Yue nod in bliss as she wave her goodbye.

Li Duyi with Yu Han with him, entered the mission hall and handed the mission completion. Like always, he was rewarded as he put it in his storage ring.

Li Duyi brings Yu Han with him to Little Heaven Peak at a fast-breaking speed. Then, he contacted the sect leader about the kid he brought and if possible, make an id card for him. The sect leader approved of it and while at it, Li Duyi meet with the Elders, Sect Leader, and the Ancestors to talk about additional stages in the body tempering realm.

When they heard of the additional stages he added, they were shocked at the benefits of Perfect Harmony but when they heard that it required no assistance at the beginning of the cultivation. They know that they don't have any chances to achieve Perfect Harmony but it is good enough as they prepared to announce it to the Sect.

After that, the elders were dismissed as Li Duyi handed the thing he found when he was the outer sect disciple, their list of elders who took bribery, operated illegal businesses, and such.

Making the sect leader burst into anger but he quickly calmed down when Li Duyi told the sect leader that he will go for the inner sect next. Sect Leader Chu Yin nodded and told Li Duyi to proceed with the plan.

Since the advancement competition is near, it is the perfect time for Li Duyi to infiltrate the inner sect.

Thus, by the next day. The new addition of stages in Body Tempering was introduced and how and why they must be added to the cultivation. Making the disciples cheer but when they heard they can't achieve perfect harmony because they received help from outside influence dampened the mood of the disciples Chu Yin told them that it is better to know it early as they can still make their foundation better than any other cultivators.

With that, the reformation of the Body Tempering Realm was initiated, cultivation manuals being modified to be suited to the new Body Tempering Realm.

In just a single day, many broke through to the 4th stage of the Body Tempering Realm.

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