

Adventure unfolds when an ill-mannered nine year old and his teenage sister discovers classified information about a strange earth like planet in the solar system from their straitlaced astronaut father who's on a mission to the same planet, but things get messy when the kids get enthusiastic about the planet and sneaks into the shuttle leading to the planet. But things more interesting when they find out that the planet is inhabited by intelligent life with paranoia of invasion. discover what transpires when a family spends their vacation and restore their long-lost bond as a family in another planet karla. A page flipping and exhilarating story that takes your imagination millions of kilometres away from earth and keeps your gaze on every line, a story that shows what it feels like to have a vacation on karla, to cut it short, a KARLACATION ML

Martins_Olatunde · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


We've been on the road for seven minutes now, and it feels like it's been hours, the silence in the car is so nerve racking and thanks to Aaron, my phone is almost dead. I look at the rear view mirror and peep at Aaron but the devil is fast asleep, damn Aaron, if not for him who literally destroyed phone charger to shreds, I'd either be listening to music or chatting and now he's sleeping like an angel who lost his halo, if it were mom driving us to school, I would have smacked that cute face of his, I was really hoping that mom would drive us to school because dad is a walking load of boredom but my already bad day had to be ruined with a boring drive to school. Its actually rare to find me in a bad mood, but I've tried calling Marcus since yesterday, but to no avail which makes me very worried and puts me in a bad mood today, I am even surprised that Aaron didn't tease or make fun of me about my mood, it's probably because of what he wanted to collect from me, but if he had teased me earlier this morning, I would have locked him in the basement, and yeah I was really frustrated when he spoilt my charger, I mean he could have just cut it with a scissors or something, but he just had to blend it, who does that?.

Since I was a kid, I've always known that Aaron was not a normal kid, maybe mom had a contract with the devil during his gestation, because no normal child would nickname his sister a witch or call himself the first fruit of loki or the definition of mischief... I can't believe we've lived eight years under the same roof, and one of us hasn't found any of our parts in our foods, .

he started calling me a witch about a year ago, because some boys came asking me out and I ignored them, some even offered Aaron money to help them woo me, but I refused, he was mad and started calling me a witch because he thought I bewitched them for some 'despicable reason' He said, I'm not even sure he knows the meaning of despicable, but now, thanks to my best friend elsa, who teaches him somethings that's above his age, he now calls me a cougar. When he first called me a cougar, I thought he was talking about the mountain lion, but not long after, I noticed the way he used it and I lost it, I was so angry that day, that I locked him inside the refrigerator... don't worry, I released him not long after but since then he knew that the word really provoked me and he kept on calling me that, but I think I'm getting used to it.

oh and I haven't forgotten about our bet this morning, I'm definitely going to get thirty bucks from him. If he won the bet, I wouldn't have given him any thing but he was still going to get it, so if I force him to vomit thirty bucks, It's not cheating, right?.

"your mom told me about tonight's prom" dad says, breaking my chain of thoughts.

" Yes" I reply, playing with the bangles on my left wrist

"since when did your school turn to a club that does prom every month, I thought you went for one last month" I'm shocked by his first statement and I stare at him

"that was for the seniors" I reply.

"I hope you know that you're not going anywhere, stay home and study, because the last one you went for you brought a boyfriend home" He says and I couldn't help feeling sad, yes, it was this time last month that Marcus asked me out and I actually thought my parent would be cool about it, well mom was happy, and I even told her in advance because its my first, but dad hasn't kept shut about it till today, thank God Aaron is asleep, because I literally bragged to his face that I was old enough to have a boyfriend, and now dad just had to ruin everything and make me choke on my words.

"sorry" I don't even know what I'm apologising for, but I do it any ways to calm him down.

What comes next is another round of silence, but this time the atmosphere is awkward and I really can't help feeling uncomfortable, I look at Aaron again and his mouth is wide open and I can hear faint sound of snore, the sound pisses me off and I feel like stuffing my boot inside his mouth, my brother can sometimes be a knuckle head, but he wasn't always like this, it started when he was three years old, when dad suddenly stopped paying attention to him, so he started doing some questionable things so as to get dad's attention but it only made dad angrier. From simple pranks, it moved to mischief, and I've been with this version of Aaron for five years, but I know that my cute little brother is still there because he sometimes shows himself. It's not like I don't like this version, this version is fun and always kills boredom but i'm the one who pays for it, just imagine losing seven phones in two years.

We arrive at school and I alight immediately, I open the door for Aaron who is still dizzy from the sleep, but he smashes his heel on my toes

"ouch!" I shout in pain and withdraw my leg, trying hard to suppress the pain, so he would think it didn't hurt me.

"I didn't ask for your help" He says, while pouting out his tongue, he walks away, and his friends comes to escort him into the school

I walk into the school, almost staggering from the pain in my leg, but it soon subside, I look around and everyone seems to be on cloud nine, then it occurred to me that today is the day before vacation. I face palm myself and sigh, how could I have forgotten, Aaron didn't even talk about it, I'm sure he can't forget. This explains why Marcus hasn't been picking my calls, the football team gets so busy during this time of the term, because and he has to prepare for college. I sigh and I think I'm also moving to cloud nine.

I open my locker to pick out some books and put it in my bag and before I can turn back, I feel a strong, warm arm wrap around my shoulder from behind, my face feels hot and I think I've become crimson, 'Marcus' a loud voice in my head says, gently but loud that I can't tell if I said it out loud. A smile appears at the corner of my lips, and I can feel my self drowning in his embrace, the gentle but strong arms he wrap around my shoulder makes my heart thump and I want to be like this forever.

"Happy anniversary" He whispers into my left ear from behind, and his warm breath sends a shiver down my spine, and I almost lost my balance. I turn my head to look at him and our face Is so close that the tip of our noses are just a millimeter away from each other, I stare at his starry silver eyes that made me blush even more, but the smile on his handsome face was so mesmerising, I've seen it countless times, but it feels like the first. I turn my head back to the locker shyly, my heart is racing and i feel butterfly in my stomach, what is this feeling?

"It's not an anniversary" I say, after getting my self together, I look at him and I smile timidly.

" oh! then what is it? a montheversary" He says with a smirk and I chuckle.

" I'm sorry I couldn't pick your calls, training has been tough, and I'm preparing for exam..." He says while scratching the back of his head but I interrupt him.

" I understand" I say smiling at him, he sighs and I see his hand moving to my face, he caresses my chick and removes the strands of hair on my face and puts it behind my ear, I feel electric current, moving through my body due to his touch and he smiles at me, I want this to go on forever, I just want to stare into his beautiful eyes and not look away for a second, I want the time to stop right at this moment and we would be like this forever, but I'm not sure that will happen, I feel intense envious gazes around me, the other girls are now looking at me like I stole something very precious from them, I really feel uncomfortable, so I walk away.

I think it was rude walking away In a moment like that and I hope Marcus wasn't offended, I look back and I see him coming, so I slow down for him to catch up.

"shy and timid as usual" Marcus says, walking beside me

I know what you're thinking, this Amy is quite different from the one who chases her brother around and locks him in the refrigerator, the real Amy is actually timid, lovable, tolerant like mom, gentle, intelligent, polite, jovial, a little too docile and beautiful in all features thanks to mom and dad's perfectly matched beauty. ( I'm not bragging) but being with Aaron can make you lose all form of rationality.

"so what did your dad say about the prom?" Marcus asks and I flash back to the moment in the car.

"He said I should stay home and study" I answer, blushing in embarrassment

"If that's what he says, then I have no objections" He says indifferently

"I'm sorry" I apologise

"sorry for what, don't you want to stay home and study? " He says, waving at some of his friends

"Well I'm not going to be there so you're going to have get someone else for the dance " i say, looking at the side of his face, expecting a change in his expression but his face is so calm

"ok" He responds with a smirk and I'm shocked. For some reason, I didn't expect him to be OK with it, but he has to be present in the prom with a dance partner because he is one of school football team who will be honoured, I think I'm jealous.

"Hey Marcus, do you want to miss training or what?" someone yelled at Marcus.

"sorry babe, I gotta go" He pecks my lips and runs off to meet his buddies, I freeze and I'm blushing like a naked chicken at the unexpected kiss.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date..."

I am interrupted by a soft but elegant voice, I look behind me and I see elsa, walking elegantly like a princess with her shin up as she impersonates William Shakespeare.

"quick fact, the poem is actually meant for males, so you should probably write it down and read it to him during the prom" she continues, as her once elegent countenance suddenly changed to a playful and teasing one.

I role my eyes and ignore her.

"for your information I'm not going to the prom" I say.

"lemme guess 'reynold' said no?" she says, stressing the part where she says reynold.

"Yes, and stop calling my dad by his name" I say, glaringly.

"okay, okay, don't tear me up with your eyes" she says raising her hands up innocently before smiling.

"guess I don't have to ask how you are, lovey-dovey, how's the devil's pet" I roll my eyes at her first statement and walk away towards my class, by devil's pet she means Aaron.

Not only do I have to deal with annoying Aaron at home, but I also have a best friend who reads annoying poems to me and teases me at evey turn.

elsa has been my best friend since I can remember, and she has always been the same beautiful, bold, playful, also intelligent girl, she's basically my sister and our families have been close even before I was born.

" how's the twins ?" i ask about her younger brothers ignoring her own question.

" well, as usual, adhering to Aaron, you better warn that devil to stay away from the twins, they are already starting to misbehave" she says while eating chocolate.

" says the girl who's eating chocolate early in the morning" it's not like I'm trying to defend Aaron, but she's also faulty, not just because of the chocolate but some other things.

" whoa babe, you're going to be sixteen next month, so technically your sixteen, the mentality of not eating sweets in the morning are for kids"

she lectures me.

" bad influence" I say with a smile and we both laugh.

" so your blaming me for my brothers, what about yours, that kid is the class president of detention and your cool about it" she says, pointing the chocolate to me, but I reject it.

" what do you want me to do, he's beyond my control" I say, we've talked about this countless times but she keeps on saying it because she thinks I'm to soft.

" fear" she says with a big smile, she then puts the litter of the chocolate into a boys back pocket, I remove it but the boy thinks i wadthe one who put it there so I apologise, guess I should mind my own business sometimes.

" you see, that's what I'm talking about you're just too soft, anyways, what I mean by fear is that you'll make him fear you, for example, take him to your backyard, get a mouse or a chicken,

Snap it's neck or yank it's head off or just do something horrid to the eyes, then tell him with a grim voice, if you keep on misbehaving, this is going to be you.." she says, demonstrating her actions. I'm not surprised by her words, but I'm shocked, she might be joking, but that doesn't mean she can't do it.

" oh my goodness elsa!!, are you for real?" I exclaim while laughing.

" yeah I mean it, or if you can't do it, I can help you" she says with a grin on her face.

" No elsa, I like my brother the way he is" this in fact true I still like him even with his behaviour

" whatever, I mean you're the raging beauty of this school, the angel that appears in the dreams of every guy, but your brother, is every teachers nightmare, don't you want to change that" I blush at her first statement but laugh afterwards.

We kept on talking until we reach our class, and some other girls join in the conversation, Aaron is kind of popular, rather notorious, even the seniors knows him, its kind of embarrassing being his sister, but I don't hate it.