

Adventure unfolds when an ill-mannered nine year old and his teenage sister discovers classified information about a strange earth like planet in the solar system from their straitlaced astronaut father who's on a mission to the same planet, but things get messy when the kids get enthusiastic about the planet and sneaks into the shuttle leading to the planet. But things more interesting when they find out that the planet is inhabited by intelligent life with paranoia of invasion. discover what transpires when a family spends their vacation and restore their long-lost bond as a family in another planet karla. A page flipping and exhilarating story that takes your imagination millions of kilometres away from earth and keeps your gaze on every line, a story that shows what it feels like to have a vacation on karla, to cut it short, a KARLACATION ML

Martins_Olatunde · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


'Superman at the edge of a cliff, and about a

mile away is iron-man, it is a rare sight but

the expression on their faces is denying any

marvel dc relationship. superman has a look

of disgust in his eyes, his hands forms a fist

and he tilts his head slightly and his neck bone

makes a cracking sound. while iron-man on

the other hand... well... you know how his

helmet covers his face, so who cares if he is

angry or not,

let the battle begin.

Superman takes off to the air at a devastating

speed, and the egde of the cliff that he flew

from couldn't handle the force and it destroys

and falls. Iron-man sees that superman is

already approaching him then he also takes

off at a speed equivalent to superman's and by

the time they both collide, a massive shock

wave is sent across the sky and they are both

thrown back to the direction they were coming

from. they both regained their stability on the

air, but iron-man was quicker than superman,

Iron-man sees an advantage and flies towards

superman with a punch, but he isn't fast

enough, superman punches him on the face

and it caused a dent on the helmet, Iron-man

is sent falling with one punch, but he was able

to fire a laser at superman head.

they both fall to the ground and there are two

distinct craters on the dry ground, by the time

superman stands up, iron-man is already

heading towards him, so he uses his eyes

laser to stop him, iron-man dodges the laser

but it grazes the booster on his leg causing

him to fall roughly on the ground, before he

could get what th problem was, superman

is already beside him, and ripping off parts of

his armour.

Iron-man tries to retreat, but superman isn't

giving him any opportunity, he manages to

space himself a bit and presses a button on

his left butt cheek, (don't think too hard about

it, just keep reading) a green glowing rock

suddenly appears in his chest, and the parts

of his suit that had already been torn out

regenerates, he combines all his fire power

into one and points it to the naive superman

who was heading his way.

"oh shit!!" superman shouts after seeing a

kryptonite laser beam shooting at his

direction, he tries to retreat, but it is too late, it

hits him.

"I am iron-man" iron-man says his stupid

catch phrase, probably smirking under that

ugly mask of his.

he sees a light coming from inside the smoke,

the area where he shot superman he was

shocked and zooming in a bit, he could see

superman levitating, his skin already red, and

his hair has changed colour (don't ask how,

even I don't know when superman became a

shinobi that can open th eight gate of life)

Iron-man was now scared and he started

cursing the stupid man dressed in black bat

costume with a faked grumpy voice, that sold

the useless rock to him.

"jarvis?" He called jarvis but jarvis is already


Iron-man musters courage and flies towards

superman, superman also does the same

thing and...'

'Knock Knock Knock'


I glare at the door with frustration, the iron-man and superman action figure in my hands still on the air.

"Aaron, get your ass downstairs" my stupid sister says from outside my room and my blood boils,

"Ahhhhh" I shout like a mad dog in frustration. This is the third time this week that my witch sister destroy my precious moment in my imagination with my toys, I throw my toys at the door

"shut up you witch, you ruined my moment" I yelled at her in annoyance, I then remember that I need something from her. I take my bag and shove an optimus prime toy inside, I then run outside and see that she's with her phone as usual and she's heading downstairs.

"Amy wait" I call her and she looks at me

"what do you want?" she ask without a sign of interest in her voice or face, I decide to tease her a little, so as to grab her attention.

"can't I call my lovely big sis again" I say with a playful smile, she rolls her eyes and ignore me while walking downstairs,

" Wait, Alright I'll go straight to the point" I quickly say, so that she would not ignore me and it worked, she came back upstairs and look at me, I don't think she's in a good mood, ooh maybe Marcus broke up with her, I really feel like teasing her right now, but not now maybe after I get what I want.

"Amy, I know this might sound stupid, but I really need money" I ask her desperately

"what do you want to use money for" she ask

"what do you want to use Marcus for" I say almost immediately. I know I'm not supposed to tease about her boyfriend, but if she minds her own business, I'll mind mine.

" I'm sixteen Aaron, and you're eight, money should be the last thing on your mind and for your information, I'm old enough to have a boyfriend" she says like it's some kind of achievement.

"so you're a cougar?" I still don't know the meaning of that word, but I know it hits the right spot on Amy's nerve. her eyes twitch and she wants to leave, but I hold her hand and do a puppy face so she can stay and hear me out.

"let's make a bet on who's going to take us to school today, thirty bucks" I didn't wait for her to decide whether to stay or leave, but I say my idea any ways, she looks at me and I think she's interested, 'girls and money' I scoff

"Then I go for mom" she says, but she doesn't seam too interested.

"not so fast, what about I go for mom and you go for dad" I say with a mischievous smile on my face

"whatever" she says indifferently and walks away. I smile, rubbing my palms together and licking my lips, I knew that's what she was going to say, we both know that dad never takes us to school but I knew that if I brought the topic up she wouldn't have interest, and say whatever, as long as she doesn't say no, it's a deal for me. she absolute wouldn't give me the money, but I can take it behind her back and use this bet as an excuse. I smile at myself as I thought, this isn't the first time I'm doing this, it's just that my stupid sister won't learn.

"Would you kids come down here before you get late "

mom's scream brings me back to reality and I run downstairs and the thing that catches my eyes is the hot fuming pizza on the table,

'pizza for breakfast, it's a miracle' I say to myself, and for some reasons, everything starts moving in slow motion, breeze from nowhere starts blowing me like I am in a bollywood romance and I still don't get why foreigner's 'I want to know what love is' music starts playing in my head, I start drooling, and I can picture myself in a ballet dress, dancing round the pizza... wait, what!! eeewww, that last part wasn't supposed to be there. my hands start moving toward the pizza


mom taps my hand and breaks the wonderful moment, Lord, why is this family always messing with my moments? the worse part is, she brings a plate of disgusting vegetable and tells me to eat like a king, who does that? I almost cry but I'm a man, I shouldn't cry for such trivial matter, but I couldn't stop my eyes from tearing up, I shut my eyes, sniff and take a gulp of saliva, I then hear a chuckle, i open my eyes and I see Amy smiling, I almost lost it but i sit on th chair and ask

" what's funny"

"nothing, you just look cute"

Alright thats it!!

rule number one of the Turner family, never call Aaron cute cos you won't be able to stand the consequences, i may look cute, but don't be deceived, I'm the first fruit of loki, the definition of mischief itself, not some cute rabbit, In fact, cute is a word for wimps and I'm not a wimp, I fear nobody.

I stare at Amy, looking for what to do to poke her nerves, she definitely called me a wimp on purpose. I grab her phone charger from the table, she tries to take it but she isn't fast enough, I run to the kitchen and she comes along, I then shove her charger into the blender and blend it, smile in satisfaction " that's what you get for calling me a wimp" I say to her beaming with a smile and she just stared at me in shock and anger, she's lucky I didn't get hold of her iPhone because if I did, we'll all be drinking an apple product.

"what's going on hear?"

The thick masculine voice resound from behind me and I look back and it's him.

I might have lied about one thing, and that's the number one rule of this house is, never provoke this man, and he's the only one I fear... oh, that's two lies.

if you provoke this man, you'll probably be ground till you grow grey hairs, and he always has a hot head, sometime I think to myself that it wouldn't make any difference if he wasn't even In the family and I wish he isn't my dad.

I somehow manage to hide the blender and he didn't notice because he is busy with his tie, I look at Amy and give her a pleading look not to tell dad but the anger in her eyes is still there.

"good morning dad, nothings wrong" Amy says with a smile and I'm relieved, damn this girl is a good actress she lives up to the nickname I gave her, the witch.

"Stop fooling around and get ready for school and Amy, your not a kid anymore, stop playing with him like you are" He says and walks away, like always, he acts like I'm invisible and only talks to Amy, all he ever does to me is scolding, and don't get me wrong, just because I'm scared of him does not mean I don't provoke him, every one is a victim of my mischief in this house and beyond.

" You owe me a new charger" Amy says and she walks out of th kitchen. I sigh and pour her powdered charger into the dustbin and i also leave the kitchen

After we eat our disgusting vegetables, mom tells us that she would not be able to drive us to school, that dad would do it, my eyes widen and I peep at Amy but she wasn't looking, she has probably forgotten about the bet, Phweeew what a relief, I carry my bag, about to go out but Amy holds me back and says

" you owe me thirty bucks and a charger"