
The Military Development, The Envoy, and The Sun

After a day of partying, Felix returned to the Great German Empire. 

Once he returned, he authorized, together with his father, numerous Imperial 'aid' to boost the Dacian Economy. 

Felix had already negotiated with numerous businesses in order to open up factories in Dacia, in order to make use of its numerous people. He, himself, also opened a factory within Dacia in order to manufacture guns. 

Felix's factory uses an assembly line production method. This is made by assigning each person just one process or parts to make for the rest of their lives. The assembly line method ensures that the minimum amount of time is needed in order to make a single product. 

One pros of the assembly line method is secrecy. Since a person is tasked to finish just one part, the only knowledge they are aware of is the part they were tasked to do. Furthermore, the Dacian Republic can be trusted with a little bit of 'secret methods', since currently, they thinking is aligned with 'I would like to repay our 'saviors''.

Furthermore, Felix needed the manpower in order to keep up with the demand. His father had already approved the distribution of the AVH (AK) to the other mages and some of the infantry. Numerous soldiers are now practicing their new guns in order to get familiar with it. 

The AVH is currently in its 9th iteration, which now uses a properly heat-treated stamped metal sheet as its receiver, as opposed to the original milled receivers. This, in return, makes the turnover times more faster and the cost, cheaper.

The factory that was located in the middle of Berun was now turned into an inventing and testing site. It is now a site of innovation. There are also numerous testing sites around Berun, but that is for another time.

Going back to the issue of Dacia, Franz, his father, the emperor, also authorized numerous old fire-arms donations towards the military of the Dacian Republic. He had also send mages and a teaching instructor to teach the military of the current time's strategies, tactics, and formations. 

You see, Dacian military strategy is still stuck in its Napoleonic Era. They are still using horses, line formations, and old cannons. They failed to keep up with the current time's military innovation. In addition to the Prince's strategy, this is the also another reason on why the Empire easily subdued the Dacian Duchy.

The reason why the Empire is spending much supplies and training to Dacia, is because they are intended to be a shield against the invading Sultanate. The Empire is currently struggling in 2 fronts as of the moment, what more if the Ottoman army tried to invade the Empire.

That's why a Dacian military who is behind in the current times, has no right of winning or even defending themselves against a much larger enemy, such as the Ottoman Sultanate. 

The Dacian Republic knew this, and in order to repay their 'saviors' they intend to defend against one of their aggressors. They would train and suit themselves with the current time's military dogma, and hopefully, by the time they are ready, they can now rain hell against their enemies.

The Ottoman Sultanate, on the other hand, lay lowed after the brutal trashing of their mages at the Black Sea. They are scared that if another of those mages came, their entire mage battalion will be scrapped off on the face of the Earth... They also pulled their armies in the Hellenic front because they were really that scared.

The Ottoman Sultanate was not really equal in terms of power with the Major Powers. Their land is large, they control the whole of the modern world's middle east up to Egypt, but the quality of their gear and soldiers are not up to par. 

This gave time for both the Hellenic Republic and the Dacian Republic to enlist more soldiers, gear up, and retrain their existing soldiers.

Going back to the present time, Felix is currently enjoying his breakfast, a ham and egg sandwich, together with a side of apple tea, at his firing range at the factory. Yes, he is eating his breakfast at his office in the factory.

He is also currently studying some schematics that is in his hands. 

The design within the schematics is a liquid-propelled rocket. Yes, a liquid-propelled rocket, the predecessor of the V2 rocket...

This design was given to him by Wernher von Braun.... yes, this world's version of Wernher von Braun.... the Father of Rocket Science, the Father of Space Travel, and the Father of the American Lunar Program...

To give you a little bit of context, Wernher von Braun was a German-American aerospace engineer and space architect. He was a member of the Nazi Party and Allgemeine SS, the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany, and later a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the United States. 

His rockets were used at the later part of the Second World War. His rockets dealt disastrous damage towards the allies. However, since the rockets were introduced late during the war, the 'party' still lost, and with it, the technologies were also snatched.

Going back, Wernher von Braun submitted a design schematics towards the Prince's company. The design was a little bit like the V2 rocket, save from the internal design. It uses 2 parallel tanks instead of the modern version's 2 succeeding tanks. There are a lot of unused space within the rocket and the payload is a little bit underwhelming, however, such design can be easily changed.

Felix wanted to design a bomb which has the capacity to penetrate bunkers. In the current time's mode of warfare, bunkers and pillboxes are the norm. Felix wanted something that can penetrate inside these structures and deal damage within, that is also launched at a safe distance, 350km away. In the WWII of Felix's previous life, numerous bunker busters were also made and used towards the end of the war. 

Another rocket that Felix wanted the Empire to own, is the cluster bomb. The cluster bomb is a form of air-dropped or ground-launched explosive weapon that releases or ejects smaller submunitions. It also ejects explosive bomblets that are designed to kill personnel and destroy vehicles.

In Felix's previous world, the cluster bomb was a banned weapon of war. The ban was put on a signed treaty by numerous nations, however notably, most major powers did not signed it (U.S.A, Russia). 

Since it was not yet banned in the current times, Felix wanted the Empire to be the first to own it since it really is a game changer when it comes to war. The one who pursue technical innovation, will oftentimes be the victor in war. Felix would also tasked the military to only use it for military installations and the frontline, lest they want to rule atop a bed of ruins.

Since missiles will be deployed, Felix knew that a proper defense must be researched first, before fully deploying such missiles. 

A missile defense system would be greatly appreciated, since Felix knew that the major powers will start to copy such technologies. He needed to be one step ahead of them....

Another design schematic that is in Felix's table is the design for a jet engine. Yes, jet engine. It was designed by this world's Hans von Ohain. Just as the rockets, the jet engine also has different internal schematics... Though he does not know much about jet engines, he knew the basic component of the turbojet.

At the core of the turbojet engine is a gas turbine with a nozzle for propulsion. The gas turbine starts with an air inlet that has guide vanes to direct the airflow. This air is then compressed by a compressor and sent into a combustion chamber, where fuel is burned to heat the air. The hot, high-pressure air then rushes through a turbine, which drives the compressor and keeps the cycle going.

The jet engine will be used for numerous aircrafts and in the future, missiles. 

The most notable German aircraft that uses turbojets that played a role in the WW2 is the Me 262, or the Messerschmitt Me 262. The Me 262 is world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft and "the only jet fighter to see air-to-air combat in World War Two". 

There are recordings of B-17 pilots back then who said "What was that? What the hell was that? It went by like we were standing still." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q91MC8PBBtk)

This denotes how technologically advanced the Me 262 was back then. However, the Me 262 has also its own disadvantages, mainly it's engines were rapidly designed, and the allied nations back then, mainly targeted airstrips with Me 262 since it has a long startup. 

Since the current times are just at the start of the Great War, the jet engine can be readily developed properly. Felix can also input some opinions on the discussion such as veering the design towards the well-known turbojet engines. 

He estimated that 2 years will be needed in order to make the jet aircrafts functional. This is in time with the timeline of when the Russy Federation invades... The Empire can then use these new technology in order to send the communists to hell.

Thinking of this, another aircraft that comes into Felix's mind is the Ho 229 V3, or the stingray of the skies (because it looks like one). Though haven't flown during the WW2, it was intended to be a fighter aircraft back then. This time, Felix wanted it to be a strategic bomber. 

This is based on his idea of the B2 - Spirit. Yes, the B2 spirit that is commonly known as the Stealth Bomber. 

If Felix and his team can produce the proper technology, the Stealth Bomber will be unstoppable in the current times.

Speaking of current times, a turbojet engine will definitely be a game changer. Think about it, F-15s swooshing in the sky, dominating the nearby vicinity. A-10s with its brrrrrt gun, the GAU-8 avenger, with its close air superiority, and many other aircrafts planned. Just thinking of the firepower of these toys sends tingles into Felix's spine. Imagine this scenario.

Hey, Carl, I see enemies in that direction.

Roger, your highness, clearing that direction...

Going back to the current time, Felix is now chilling at his office, drinking tea and reading the newspaper. 

The newspaper entails about the Empire's fight against the former Dacian Grand Duchy. The Imperial 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion were not explicitly stated since they are technically a secret unit, for now.

The matter with regards to the Ottoman mages were also absolved since the Ottomans were trying to enter a war zone, which they have no right to. They were immediately seen as 'foreign entities' once they arrived at the battle.

Currently, Felix is reading these news, when suddenly the door opened. A messenger from the newly repaired and renovated palace arrived.

"Your highness! His Majesty is looking for you."

"Father? Why is he looking for me?"

"His Majesty said that your presence is needed at his office... His Majesty didn't told me why, your highness."

"I understand, I would proceed immediately."

"Thank you, your highness!"

The messenger saluted and left the room.

Felix then tidied his desk and locked the design schematics in a secret compartment in his mini-library. The design schematics are important for the Empire in order to win against all fronts. 

Making sure that the compartment was tightly locked and hidden, Felix then went on towards the palace. 

At the Grand Door of the Palace, he unexpectedly met Zettour, who was also walking towards the Emperor's room.

Thinking about this, Felix thought that it must be something important, since the presence of a member of the General Staff is needed.

The atmosphere between the two was silent and awkward, so while enroute to the Emperor's room, Felix stroke a conversation with Zettour.

"Major General Zettour, I heard that the newly fielded guns were being distributed to selected soldiers, if you may, can I know the current performance of the AVH-9?"

"It was splendid your highness, firing automatic rifles were a bit new to the army these days. We have currently trained a number of soldiers who intends to use such guns, and almost all of them prefers to handle the AVH guns."

"Really? Then that's good to hear."

"The recoil is a bit strong, but it is nothing compared to the Gewehr rifles, your highness."

"I see, then..."

They continued talking to each other while walking, about the performance and functionality of the AVH.

Once the Emperor's room is in sight, Zettour stopped at his tracks and looked towards Felix. This prompted Felix to also stop and look towards Zettour.

"Your highness, if there are still programs which are intended to bolster the formidable strength of the Empire Military, please provide some of it to us. We would also support your projects most of the time."

Felix smiled and answered Zettour.

Maybe I'll give him a hint about a new development towards the Empire's technology.

"Alright, if I needed some test pilots or personnel, then can I trust you to provide us some?"

Zettour was a little bit surprised since the Prince just dropped a hint for his new project.

Pilots? Then aircrafts is it?

Zettour then presented his right hand towards Felix.

"Then, let's call it a deal, your highness."

"A Deal it is."

Felix shook the stretched hand of Zettour and and agreement between two gentlemen were made.

The two then walked towards the door of the Emperor. The guards at the door, seeing two highly important people, quickly saluted and opened the Emperor's door.

Felix and Zettour then walked inside of the room. Inside, they saw the Emperor sitting down at his chair behind his desk. Infront of him, seated on one of the guest chairs, is a man of Asian descent. Looking closely, it looks like those from the East Asian Region. 

Inferring on this, Felix quickly realized that the East Asian Alliance must be asking for help. 

Felix and Zettour then went on to sit on nearby chairs wherein Felix sat beside the Emperor, and Zettour sat in front of the East Asian.

Once everyone was settled in, the Emperor then went on to introduce the guest.

"Good morning, Prince Felix, Major General Zettour, this is the East Asian tèshǐ, or in our terms, special envoy Chen Jianhong."

"Chén Jiànhóng tèshǐ nín hǎo, wǒ shì Felix von Hohenzollern."

Franz, the Emperor and Zettour was surprised by the sudden Chinese of Felix. 

"Do you know Chinese, prince?"

"No, I just know how to greet in Chinese, hehe."

The envoy then introduced himself in the German language (for the author's sake, this will be in english lol).

"Good morning, Prince. Good morning too, Major General Zettour. I am Chen Jianhong. I was sent here by the higherups of my alliance in order to seek your help."

The Emperor then seriously responded to him.

"Help? Help for what?"

"We would like to ask if we can borrow some of your ships, in order immediately finish the war against the South East Asian Alliance."

"You do know that we cannot just let our ships be borrowed. It involves numerous technology that is still secret as of today."

"That's correct, your majesty. But we also ask if you can lend us some of your troops and ships... You see, we are currently at our last legs of supplies... On the other hand, the South East Asian Alliance is being supplied by the commonwealth, from the continent of Australia. We had also seen Ottoman weapons, which made us think that the Ottomans were supplying the alliance..."

"Hmmm I see... Let's say we accepted your offer, what's in it for us?"

"The higher ups want to give you a guarantee..."

"A guarantee? A guarantee for what?"

"Do you know, your Majesty, that the Russy Federation is just sharpening its claws by instigating border clashes against our troops far in the north?"

"Yeah, but what is with that?"

"We all know that the Russy Federation is gathering its forces to instigate a war against the Empire... Even though you signed a non-aggression pact with them... Your Majesty, you'll never know..."

Felix knew that the Russy Federation is aiming to invade the Empire's lands. It would take at least 2 years for the Federation to attack the Empire, so Felix shared his thoughts to his father.

"Your Majesty, I believe that even if we have a non-aggression pact against them, we still need to be ready to defend our borders in case they intend to invade. To add, the likelihood that they would attack is also high, since we know that the... domestic aggressors, are being backed by the Federation."

"I see, that is a good point prince."

The Emperor then looked at the envoy and said

"What guarantee would you gave us?"

"The guarantee that we would like to give the Empire is that, if ever there's a chance that the Russy Federation invades the Empire... Our alliance, the East Asian Alliance would also help you by invading through the South of the Russy Federation."

"So how do we solidify these guarantee? How can we make sure that you will go through with the guarantee?"

"Sadly... We cannot give you a solid guarantee... Though we can entail it on a piece of paper, we know that both of us wants it to be in secrecy, in order to give those communist bastards a surprise beating."

"That's true... but we really need a solid guarantee that you, the East Asian Alliance, would go through with what we discussed..."

The envoy thought about it more. After a minute of thinking, he said this to the Emperor.

"Then I would like to present myself as a solid guarantee... I am a close-relative of the current president of the Chinese Republic. With these, you can use me as a hostage. I would also like to stay here since I would want to watch the gears that turned the Empire into a powerful nation."

All of the people in the room thought about it more.

Felix himself thought that it was a great idea. The relative of someone important in the alliance is a viable and important hostage. This was also done to the former Grand Duke of Dacia. Their lovely daughter was now adopted by the Imperial Family of the Empire.

Also, Felix thought that the current China is different from the China of his past life. The China now haven't yet succumb to the disease called 'Communism'. It is now currently called the 'Chinese Republic'.

After a minute of thinking, the Emperor thought about it and it is really feasible.

"Alright, but you are prohibited from venturing into any area that is confidential. For now, you may now leave, we will discuss about this."

"Thank you, your majesty! Your highness, and Major General!"

The envoy saluted and left the room.

The people left in the room thought about the strategy that they would use. Zettour started the conversation.

"Your Majesty, I know it might be presumptuous for me to say this, but is it really feasible for the Empire to join the fight? What if the international community berates us for joining such war? It may be disastrous for us, your Majesty."

Felix thought about it more, and shared his opinions with the others.

"What if we do not directly join the war, but just support them from the side?"

"What do you mean, your highness?"

"What I mean by support is by firing shells just far in the sea. Our troops would not land in the location, but we would just support them with our ships through firepower."

"The Commonwealth and the Ottomans are explicitly sending 'volunteers' and aids to the South East Asian Alliance, we would just stay at our ships, and let it rain hell against these people."

"If ever our ships will be targeted by torpedoes, cannon fire, and enemy mages, then we have no choice but to 'retaliate'. We would attack them and destroy them, then we would berate these people in the international community for a double kill. There is a chance that they would lose some of the support of their people."

Felix then faced his father.

"Your Majesty, I would like to compel you to send some sleeper agents in the media stations of all major powers in the world. Through them, we can control public perception... If ever these people attacked the Empire's ships and put blame on us, we can counter them by controlling the public's mentality."

The Emperor smiled back at his son.

"Don't worry, I am one step ahead of you, son. I had already planted several sleeping agents into the major powers' media. I was greatly inspired about the use of mass media during your strategy in the Dacia. I contemplated on how important mass media is for the people, however, it is also rather easy to bend the thinking of these people."

Felix was greatly surprised. In the current times, though newspapers and radios are prevalent, most people still does not put much value on these media. They are still obsessed that the media are 'truth tellers' of the time. They didn't know that the power of media is the power to control the truth. If you control the truth, you can even send some angry mobs towards their own governments.

Felix then smiled at his father.

"That's great, father."

"It really is great."

The father and son duo stared at each other before laughing creepily. 


Looking at the laughing duo, Zettour thought about how the two truly resembles each other.

Truly, like father, like son....


Somewhere far.

In a dimly lighted room, with a tall ceiling, and large windows. 

A group of people are gathered around a table. 

"Our Father... The Sun... has sent us a revelation."


Sorry guys..... It is late....... damn, haha I thought that I would finish this by saturday, but due to my busy schedule, I finished it on monday....................................................

Btw, slow chapter for today... and possibly the next chapter, however, fret not, the Norden front is coming. The war against the Legadonia Alliance is culminating. And I have planned events that will happen during the Norden front.

Stay tuned, and peace out!

Shiiiiiiiika~ Shiiiiiiiiika~