
The Revelation and The Deployment

"Our Father... The Sun... has sent us a revelation."

In an instant, all the various people in the room knelt down. They pushed their seats and kneeled with their left foot upright, and their right foot lying. Their left hand is gently placed on their left knee, and their right hand was punched in the ground producing cracks across the floor.

"The revelation consists of an order to 'hunt'."

"We were tasked to send someone to the Norden Front."

The Norden Front? Isn't there a war within that front? I wonder who is this unlucky person that gained the ire of our Father, tsk tsk tsk

"There is only one target, a kid, a girl."

A girl, tsk tsk tsk, moreover it is a kid.

"Our Father has told us that this person was formerly active in the Norden Front, and then the Rhine front. She is a person of the Empire."

"Our task is not to kill her, but just to injure her. Our Father has something planned for her."

"We were tasked by our Father to grace this land with His graces, so we must deal with this task with the utmost focus. Amen."


The whole group then went on to sit on their seats. They then discussed with one another about the identity of this person.

"A girl huh?.."

"Yeah, why does our Father wants to heavily injure this girl?"

"Maybe our Father saw something in her and wants to recruit this particular person to our council."

"Why though? We can just invite her if she is truly great."

"I think that our Father wants to let us help her when she will be 'heavily injured', in order to gain her trust."

An old person, someone who has a long beard and a wise stature, someone whose gaze and movements are filled with evident experience, immediately stopped the discussion, and diverted it to the main topic, the identity of the girl.

"Alright, stop this discussion. Who are we to speculate on our Father's motive. Our Father's orders are absolute and must be carried at all times. What we must do is think about the identity of this girl."

The whole group went silent. They are thinking of the identity of this girl... when suddenly, one person in the group raised his hand and told his speculations. 

This person is a male with brownish hair and has an identifiable French descent. Going by that logic, this person does belongs to the Francois Republic.

"I got one identity that fits the bill... A girl who was active in the Norden Front, and then the Rhine Front. Someone whose skills are way beyond her age... I think she is the Devil of Rhine, the Empire's Argent."

Almost everyone was surprised. The Devil of Rhine is someone who rains hell in any warfront she belongs to. She is the living incarnate of the soldiers' devil. All mages who lived the tale after their encounter only said this line. 

Never ever face the Devil head on.

"If it is the Devil of Rhine... then she certainly has the capacity to join us..."

"Yeah, I also remembered that she trashed the Ottoman Mages atop the Black Sea. Isn't that right? 7th Pillar?"

Almost everyone looked at the person who is at the rear-end of the table. 

This person is a male and is someone who has a dark skin, and of Arabian descent. He is also wearing a turban which proudly shows his culture. He coughed a little bit because of the attention he is receiving, but still said.

"Ahem... Well... That is correct 4th Pillar... She is definitely unstoppable... One of our wings were almost instantly killed... The Devil of Rhine herself killed at least 2/3rds of the whole wing...."

"Well... She does possess the necessary power and achievements to join u-"


A desk slam was heard across the room, prompting the whole group to turn silent and turned their attention towards the person.

The person who slammed the table is a teenage girl. She looks like a normal girl, with brown hair and blue eyes, but her expression says otherwise. She is currently biting her thumb which led it to be a little bit bloody. She is also whispering curses. (Not Mary Sue)

"This fucker. This fucker. This fucker. This fucker. This fucker. Who is this fucking person to have our Father's, our Sun's attention! THIS FUCKING BITCH DESERVES TO DIE! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die!"

She then turned her attention towards the room, she scanned the people in the room and stared at them with her deranged eyes for a few seconds. The people who were looked upon by the deranged eyes quickly turned their attention away. She then looked at the person in front of them all. 

"Prophet! This mission! This order! Let me handle it! I WILL DEFINITELY 'HEAVILY INJURE' THIS PERSON!"

She will definitely kill her.

Their leader, the so called Prophet just smiled softly at the teenage girl and replied.

"2nd Pillar, we all know how capable you are, but are you really sure that you can do what our Father orders us to do? It looks like you are heavily inclined in killing this person."

"Kuh.. But Prophet! She needs to di-"

The Prophet looked straight at the 2nd Pillar and just smiled. This simple gesture greatly unnerved the teenage girl. The Prophet was called the Prophet for a reason, because he is the person who leads all of the Pillars. He knew everything and anything about them. No one here can fathom the strength and wisdom of this person.

"Well, it's not like we cannot send you, but we need to also send someone to keep you in check."

The Prophet then went on to scan the room. His gaze landed the 8 people within the room. Some people stared straight at the Prophet, while some turned away... The Prophet then went on to stare at the person in front of the Second Pillar.

The person he was staring at is a clearly Apathetic person. He is someone of Asian descent and with black eyes and black hair. His mind seems to wander far and wide into the cosmos. 

"1st Pillar."

The Prophet called him yet the person still has no reaction.

"1st Pillar."

Still no reaction.

"1st Pillar..."

Finally, there's a reaction.

"Hmmm. You're calling for me Propheeeet?"

"Have you listened to the happenings so far?"

"Umm yeaaaah. Revelation, hunt, injury right?"

The Prophet, still smiling yet with a visible nerve in his forehead, just repeated the happenings to the 1st Pillar.

Having heard the discussions that happened in the room, still apathetic, the 1st pillar then said.

"Why don't you just send someone heeere? It looks like they are more willing thoooough?"

"Haven't you forgotten our Father's grace?"

The 1st Pillar's expression suddenly turned a little bit serious.

"I haven't forgotten, and I will never forget our Father's grace upon my family."

"That's great. then you'll go with the 2nd pillar right?"

The 1st Pillar stared at the Prophet for a good 30 seconds and returned to his former apathetic self. He slouched on his seat and said this towards the Prophet.

"Alriiiiiiight, do what you want to dooooo."

The Prophet, without paying anymore attention towards the 1st pillar, gazed around the room, his eyes locking with each member of the council, ensuring their undivided attention. His voice, steady and commanding, filled the room with a sense of purpose.

"Brothers and sisters, our Father, the Sun, has bestowed upon us a sacred mission. It is not just a task, but a divine directive, a testament to our faith and commitment. We are His chosen, His pillars, the very foundation of His will on this earth."

"The revelation we have received is not merely a call to action; it is a testament to our Father's trust in us. We are to hunt, not to destroy, but to prepare the way for His grand design. The target is a girl, a formidable child of the Empire, known as the Devil of Rhine."

"Our Father sees something in her, and we are in no right to speculate. By injuring her, we create an opportunity for salvation, a chance for her to join our ranks and embrace the true path illuminated by our Sun."

"Remember, we are instruments of our Father's will. Our actions must be precise, guided by faith and the wisdom bestowed upon us. We do not question His motives, for they are beyond our understanding. Instead, we act with unwavering loyalty and dedication."

"2nd Pillar, you are eager, passionate, and driven. Your energy will be vital for this mission. However, you must temper your desire for vengeance with the wisdom of our cause. You will be accompanied by the 1st Pillar, whose 'calm' demeanor will balance your 'tendencies'. Together, you will ensure that our Father's will is carried out flawlessly."

"We are not just executing a mission; we are shaping the future. Our actions today will ripple through time, influencing events in ways we cannot yet comprehend. Let us move forward with faith, strength, and unity."

"May our Father's light guide you and may His will be done. Amen."


The Prophet's words had not only conveyed the mission but had also instilled a deeper understanding of their divine purpose, solidifying their resolve to carry out the task with unwavering devotion.


October 22, 1924.

It is currently Autumn in the Great German Empire.

Felix is in the firing range of his factory in Berun testing the modifications to the Hohenzollern-ScharfschützenGewehr (SVD Dragunov in real life, HSG). It undergone numerous modifications since the Imperial 203rd Aerial Mages' skirmish in Dacia and the Black Sea. 

Incorporating the suggestions and opinions of the wing, Felix, together with Hans and his gunsmith, Jarvin, tried their best to modify the existing guns.

First modification is regarding to the wooden parts of the gun. 

Instead of wood, it was now turned into a synthetic-stock, or most commonly known as plastic. 

Yes, it is a little bit shitty-looking, but you see, wood is also shit when it comes to functionality. It absorbs moisture which oftentimes lead to potential issues and damages. 

Plastic, or let's call it in its fancy term, synthetic stock, does not absorb plastic. It is a little bit lightweight, though it needs to be replaced every now and then.

With regards to mages, they always live and fight in or above the clouds, which.... have moisture unfortunately. Having wooden parts in a gun is detrimental to them. Who knows, maybe the mages' equipment will be destroyed in the middle of a fight... That's bad.

That's why there will be a dedicated assembly line to make these stocks and hand guards.

Second modification is regarding to the scope of the HSG. 

Don't get the mages wrong, but they were definitely amazed by the scope. The scope body is sealed and filled with nitrogen, which prevents fogging of optics and was designed to function within a -50°C to 50°C temperature range. Which is definitely a game changer in this current times.

It can also zero-in unto someone from 2kms away (The scope was enhanced, the real life scope, PSO-1, has chevrons or marks in the scope intended to be up to 1.3kms).

The issue here is that when it comes to dogfighting, or close-quarter mage combat, the scope becomes useless.

So this is the part where the modification comes. The modification to the scope is simple. It now includes a mounted small scope by the left of the original scope. 

This new small scope has a maximum distance to zero-in of 500m. It is also adjustable from 100m to 500m, in which most of the mages' close-quarter combat occurs. 

With this new scope attached to the left side of the original scope, this will definitely change the game. Most mage units of the major powers are still struggling by just using iron sights of their gun, while the Empire technology just leaps. 

Imagine, being shot at by at least a kilometer away.... No iron sights can do that trick, unless you are a super talented person like Tanya.

Going back, to our MC. 

Our MC is currently watching Visha fire her newly modified gun at pucks that were thrown in the air by Tanya. 

The pucks go as high as a kilometer and as low as a hundred meters.

Currently, Visha is hitting all her targets by switching through both scopes. Whenever Tanya launched a puck for at least a kilometer away, Visha quickly switched her scope to the original scope. Whenever Tanya launched a low puck for at least a hundred meters, Visha quickly switched her scope to the small scope.

Looking at the rapidly alternating scope position of Visha, the gunsmiths, Hans and Jarvin, was very elated. 

They are looking towards the direction of Visha, but they were not specifically looking straight at Visha.... They are looking at the gun they had made... 

Their looks resembles a proud Father looking at his son scoring a home run in baseball.

I am proud of you son.

Looking at the deluded duo, Tanya was definitely disgusted. She then bumped Felix's elbow and pointed towards the two with her chin.

"Are they really that... you know... creepy..."

"Come on, just let them be proud of their achievements, hahaha. They truly deserve it. Imagine, they worked hard for 2 weeks, to the point that their sleep is only 1 hour a day, in order to make the necessary modifications for your guns."

"Well... I guess they do deserve it. But if I heard that someone tries to take a dig at my adjutant... They will definitely receive a punch."

"Come on, Tanya, she is at the age, in order to make relationships, cut her some slack come on." 

"Not at this time, Felix. We are currently at war... Maybe after the war, right?"

"Does that applies to you too?"

"You want a punch? Take this."

Tanya punched Felix's left arm with her normal strength, not mana enhanced. 

"Ouch, that hurts."

"You wimp. Exercise more."

"Yes, yes milady."

"Shut it."

Felix then remembered something.

"Hey, Tanya, I just remembered, is it true that your wing will be deployed towards the Norden Front?"

Tanya then suddenly went a little bit sullen.

"Yeah. Can't you do anything about it and keep me at the rear? Pwetty pwease?"

Felix closed his eyes. The sudden cuteness attack was a little bit overwhelming...... After a few seconds, he steeled his self and opened his eyes. The scenery that unfolded in his eyes is still Tanya's cuteness attack.



"You know, I can't do anything about that you know? Even if I can convince my Father to let you stay here at the capital, there will always be a time you would need to be ordered again... Also... your wing is a little bit experimental in order for a Rapid Forces Division to be created sooner in the future. Who knows, maybe you would lead this division and stay at the rear?"

Tanya thought about it... 

Yeah... what Felix said is true. So... in order to be able to lead a whole division, what's important is to rack up some achievements eh? Then I need to blow off those visa-less bastards' heads, who are aiming to deprive me of my peaceful life!

Looking at the relieved Tanya, Felix softly smiled. These are the times where Felix greatly admires Tanya. Her determination and will to have a peaceful life is literally off the charts, however.... there's still a little bit psychotic tendencies towards those who opposes her peaceful life....

Felix then suddenly remembered something.

"Ah! Wait here for a bit Tanya! I'll grab something in my office."

"Something? What is it?"

In response, Felix just smiled and motioned his hand in the silence gesture,


Tanya just raised her right hand in order to punch Felix, but Felix quickly dodged and started to run towards his office in the factory,

"Huh? How dare you dodge my punch?"

Felix just smiled towards her and run to his office. Once he arrived at his office, he saw two boxes atop his desk. 

He grabbed one of the boxes and quickly went to where Tanya is at, the firing range.

When Felix arrived at the firing range, Tanya saw that he was carrying a box. The box was wooden and she can barely saw Felix's company's logo in the middle of the box. 

It does not have any additional decorations since Felix knew that Tanya is a simple girl. Hell, she does not even dress up and just always wears her military uniform...

Once Felix arrived near Tanya, he presented it towards her.

"Hey, your birthday on paper was on September 24, right? 2 weeks had passed and I still haven't given you a gift... So here. My gift. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag ('All the good things for your birthday' or just simply 'Happy Birthday!')."

Tanya stared at Felix for a good 10 seconds and simply said.

"Thank you, this is my first gift that I have received (Other than the weak military of Dacia)."

Felix knew this but he just played it dumb.

"Really? Then I hope you like your very first gift. Come on, open it."

Tanya stared at the box for 5 seconds and opened it.

Inside the box was a gun. It was a pistol but it was different from the pistols of the current times, in both size and design.

Looking at the gun inside the box, Tanya was greatly surprised because she can recognize the gun.

AK, Dragunov, G36c, and now.... this... Desert Eagle?! How...

She then looked seriously towards Felix and just stared. She stared right at Felix's eyes.

She is now seriously contemplating on whether Felix is someone who was sent by Being-X to mess with her...

Felix scratched his cheeks and played dumb. 

Of course, Felix knew what Tanya is thinking about. However, as said before, he still cannot divulge his identity to Tanya... He also can't give her the apple lest Being-X is lurking nearby...

"Umm.. Do you like it? It was designed by both me and Jarvin over there."

Tanya didn't answer.

"Come on, tell me if you like it. I'll make you more of it, hehe."

Tanya still didn't answer.

Is it just coincidence... or is something is at play here... But.. looking at Felix, he doesn't seem the type to be a person who is controllled... Reincarnator? Possibly, but I knew Being-X told me that he barred this whole world and just controlled it secretly... He also does not preach that Fucker's name like Adelheid von Schugel (Maker of Tanya's Operation Orb) does... 

Maybe it really is just coincidence? Sudden inspirations? But regardless, he is my first and only friend in this life. I'll trust him a bit more... well I'll use him too... hehehe... He'll be my little food cart... hehehe, but let's first test him.

After collection her thoughts, Tanya smiled at Felix. 

"I like it. I really do."

"You do? Well it is a prototype right now but...."

"So am I just a guinea pig to you?"

"Nah, but you are as cute as a guinea pig though."

"Pfft stop it. Come on, I want to try this gun, what do you call it?"

Felix thought about it. He knew that he needed to change the originally intended name for the gun in order to avoid further suspicions. 

"Hmm, I think I'll name it Silberner Falke (Silver Falcon), because it is silver obviously and Falke because it packs a punch, literally."

So it's not Desert Eagle eh, maybe it really is just a coincidence? Technology brought upon the need of war?

Tanya smiled at Felix.

"Silberner Falke eh? What a good name."

"Right?! Come on, Let's test it at the range."

The two then went towards one of the ranges, 2 stations beside Visha, who is now looking towards them.

Once they reached the range, Tanya opened the box again and grabbed the gun. She was also thankful that Felix included 5 magazines/clips inside the box. She grabbed one and inserted it in the butt of the gun. Tanya then removed the safety and aimed towards the target at the furthest side.

"Careful, it's recoil definitely packs a punch."

"I know."



"Nah, don't mind it."

Tanya then returned to aiming her gun towards the target. She aimed and fired it.

In an instant, the bullet hit the temple of the steel target. 


The recoil also definitely punched Tanya, but instead of stopping... Tanya still continued and was intoxicated by the strong recoil and of course, her own adrenaline.

She reinforced and enhanced her own body in order for her to withstand the recoil. She then aimed again and let loose.

In an instant all 8 bullets of the gun was expelled. All 8 bullets hit its intended target. 7 at the head, and 1 at the heart.

Felix then ask Tanya about the feeling of shooting the gun.

"Was it good?"

"Yeah. The recoil is a bit strong, but a mage whose bodies are enhanced with mana can definitely withstand it."

"That's great."

Felix still wanted to talk but Tanya remembered something.

"Oh shit. I forgot. I need to brief my wing about our situation. Also, it's more likely that I will have not time to visit you later. We will head straight to Norden later in the evening... "

"Go. Take care. Remove these visa-less vagrants on our lands."

"Pfft Visa-less vagrants? Well, alright, I'll do it. Thanks again for the gift, Felix."

Tanya then turned around and called Visha.

"Adjutant! Let's go."

"Let's go, Commander!"

Felix lead them towards the door of the factory.

After saying their brief goodbyes, Tanya and Visha left the factory

Looking at Tanya's small back, he wonders how heavy is the burden that small back is carrying. He wonders how hard she will strive for in order to get the freedom she so desired.

Felix reminisced about the things they went through in the day when suddenly.... he felt anxious deep in his heart. He immediately looked at the fading back of Tanya and wondered if this anxiety is related to it...

Hopefully not... Hopefully...


Eyyyy, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Next chapter will be... Hmmm how should I say it... the Rising Action of this part of my novel. Well, I hope it turns out good haha, 

Thank you guys for reading my fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed it and...

Peace out!


The boss music is now playing,
