
Kamen Rider Through the Multiverse

Sougo Tokiwa, a high school student born in the year 1998, has always dreamed of becoming a king when he encounters a mysterious girl, She presents Sougo with an ominous warning "You will become the worse thing ever, a demonic king destined to rule the world.”. But, in this timeline he’s just a young NEET tired of his mundane life, the only thing he finds interesting is anime, manga, and photography. He ends up stumbling upon an abandoned photo studio, inside he finds an old camera standing on a tripod. Sougo Tokiwa picks it up and peeks through the viewfinder. Through the viewfinder, Sougo Tokiwa sees a completely different world. Urahara Keisuke: I understand the truth, but why do you have sound effects every time you transform? Sougo: Don’t worry about such details. Batman: I understand the truth, but can you explain why you can beat Krypton without changing form? Sougo: This is a secret~ note: In the first volume, some other things are messed up, but there is no more in the back or the main Kamen Rider

RedIsPowerfullHire · Komik
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37 Chs

With great power, comes great responsibility! Part2

Stark's mecha flew away, leaving Peter in a decadent and lost state. He didn't understand why everyone was against him as if he was a bad guy. Peter was more sorrowful than ever after he had superpowers.

He earned money but didn't dare to give it to Aunt May. Because he wandered around at night, his academic performance declined. He also ignored M.J's feelings during the excitement period when he had just acquired the ability. He was in a cold war with M.J now. He wanted to beat up his nemesis Thompson, but he didn't dare to fight in the school, so he could only swallow it. This superpower didn't bring him any benefits. It didn't let him turn around overnight and live the victorious life he wanted. Peter didn't understand what the problem was.

Suddenly, Peter's extraordinary hearing made him hear a whisper from the alley behind the building. It was the back door of a nightclub. There were two tall and muscular bodyguards standing there. From this angle, Peter could see them, but they couldn't. A bald man in a bomber jacket talking to his subordinates.

"...As long as we step on the accelerator to the max before he reacts… Andre has a modified car, and the speed is much faster than a normal car."

"We'll hit him the moment he turns a corner. He will be dead."

"A junction at the end of Mary Street is very suitable. There is some construction waste piled up there. ..."

The bald head showed an evil smile and said, "We have to kill him before that woman. Boss Kimping will understand who is his most powerful subordinate..."

Peter was listening. They were planning to kill a person with a car. But, he thought very rebelliously.

'It's just a fight between gangsters. A gang member wants to kill another gang member. Anyway, there are no good people in hell's kitchen.

Peter thought about it and walked back slowly. He told Aunt May that he would not go back tonight. Peter guessed that he was not quite right. There is a good person in this Hell's Kitchen, this friend in front of him.

Peter looked at the wound on his calf, there was still some blood oozing, and the bruise because of dropped by Iron Man was completely healed. Peter suddenly felt a little silly. Daredevil was an ordinary person, not like him at all.

Peter was meddling with his own business. Peter wanted to learn Daredevil's martial arts, not his behavior. When he heard the group of gangsters talking just now, If he rushed down angrily to seek justice, then he would not stop tonight. There must be at least a dozen bodyguards in the nightclub.

And the result is probably to prevent a gang riot. But what is this good deed? There are no innocent people in Hell's Kitchen. Why should he stop them at risk of getting hurt?

Thinking like this, Peter slowly fell into sleep. In the dream, he used his ability to make a fortune and bought a house on the most prosperous street in Queens. Aunt May moved into new colleges and universities. They also hired a private doctor, Aunt May looked ten years younger, and their family lived a very wealthy and happy life.

The first half of this dream was beautiful. Perhaps Peter heard Daredevil's painful moans, and the second half changed sharply. When Peter was out, a gangster broke into his big beautiful house. The gangsters killed his aunt and ransacked everything. Their neighbors saw the gangster, but no one was there. After the police arrived, they failed to catch the murderer immediately. Peter became a ghost, wandering around the city every day, trying to find the murderer who broke his happy life, but there was no clue.

In the end, in his dream, Peter curses Daredevil.

"You fought so many criminals. Why did you only miss those gangsters? The one who kill Aunt May?"

"You have to take full responsibility for this."

Peter woke up in a cold sweat. It was just dawn in New York. The cold air came in from the crack in the window and got into his lungs. The cold made him wanna cry.

Daredevil also woke up. Peter poured some water for him.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to help me get some medicine back from the clinic at the end of Mary Street."

Peter went to the clinic at the end of Mary Street in the afternoon. Matt's leg had been bleeding. Peter didn't have time to eat and was hungry. When he came to the clinic, he smelled a charming fragrance.

-----------Sōugo clinic------------

Sōugo heard the doorbell. He came out and saw a big boy in a sweater standing at the door, sniffing hard, as if he wanted to inhale all the fragrance into his stomach.

Sōugo wiped his hands and said, "Come in."

"Good noon, sir. A friend of mine asked me to come here to get medicine. He said you know."

"Oh, I know." Sōugo said, "But after I finish eating, he shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

"Fortunately, his blood has stopped, but the pain is severe. He needs some painkillers."

"Have you eaten yet?" Sōugo asked.

"..." Peter blushed.

"If you haven't eaten, just stay and eat, or you can bring back one for Matt. "

Sōugo made Indonesian food. The hungry and panicked Peter stared straight at the dining table, unable to refuse. Since he acquired the spider ability, Peter's appetite has also increased a lot. After eating a whole rice cooker, Peter was embarrassed. He put down the bowl with red ears and said,

"I'm sorry, doctor, I seem to have eaten all your meals. I'll pay..."

"No, no need." Sōugo said, "I was going to make another pot of rice. After all, I have to bring it back to my old friend. There is still some Rendang. Bring it back to Matt."

The little spider ran to the kitchen. Sōugo thinks this version of Spider-Man is still very likable.

"Oh, sir, I can take it out along the way," said Peter.

"Okay, please. There is no garbage disposal fee in Hell's Kitchen. In a corner, throw the garbage there."

Peter took two large bags of kitchen waste in his hand and saw the place Sōugo said at a glance. It was a little distance from the clinic, and there were a lot of broken bricks and waste wood. There was also some **** thrown by others, which was piled high and had a strong aroma.

There are several beggars next to these garbage stacks, eating waste left or not eaten by others to fill their stomachs.

Little Spider didn't see them. Maybe he was full, or the food made by Sōugo was just too good for his taste. He happily carried two bags of garbage and threw them to the top of the trash heap.

"Bingo!" yelled Peter, as he used to do when he and Aunt May went to take out the trash, far away, and then tossed the trash bags hard, hoping they would land right in the rubbish bin. But he didn't have that much strength before, and Aunt May cleaned up the mess for him. Peter thought, next time he goes to throw garbage, he must let his Aunt see his current arm strength.

Unfortunately, Peter heard a roar, followed by a sharp and harsh braking sound. The faint sound of objects being smashed. Peter turned his head and looked at the nearest crossroad in disbelief. He was very familiar with the figure that flew out.

That's Daredevil.

A strong smell of blood made the world in front of Peter's eyes a hazy red. He rushed like a madman, and Matt lay there, his eyes, nose, and mouth were all oozing blood, and his spine was twisted into a weird shape. But he wasn't dead but couldn't move.

Peter was trembling all over. He quickly picked Matt up and rushed in through the back door of Sōugo's clinic.

"Doctor! Doctor! There is someone here who needs treatment!!!"

When Sōugo saw Matt, he knew that Matt might have been attacked by those who assassinated him again.

"The garage is next to him. Put him in the car. We'll take him to the Presbyterian hospital."

-----------Presbyterian hospital------------

Sōugo took Matt to the Presbyterian Hospital as fast as he could. He still had some face in this hospital, and Matt was quickly sent to the emergency room.

But soon, the attending doctor said to them with a serious face:

"This gentleman can't be rescued. Unfortunately, he no longer can write an oral will. If you are his relatives, you may be able to go to the hospital. See him one last time."

Peter was on the verge of collapsing. He didn't expect that what the gangsters wanted to murder that day was the only good person in Hell's Kitchen - Daredevil. He couldn't accept that all of this was caused by him.

If he didn't stay at the clinic. If he wasn't playful and hadn't thrown the two garbage bags so high, maybe he would have had time to throw Matt down the moment the car rushed out. He had many chances to save his friends, but he did nothing.

Sōugo was very calm. He asked the doctor in charge: "Where is his main problem? Cardiopulmonary function? Brain surgery? Or intra-abdominal trauma?"

"None of them. There is a problem with his spine. I'm afraid his nerves will no longer be connected. Even if he can barely save his life, he will not be able to move for the rest of his life."

"I just want to know how to save him."

"Maybe Dr. Strange has a way. He is the best neurosurgeon in our place, and maybe he is the only one who can connect so many nerves."

Sōugo turned around immediately and called out to Peter.

"Peter, I'm going to find someone who can save Matt. You have to stay here. Those who want to kill him will not give up. You must ensure that no one enters the operating room. I will be back as quickly as possible."

After speaking, he left immediately. Peter kept talking all over,

"No one will go in the operating room, no one will go in the operating room, I won't let anyone in..."

After Sōugo left the hospital, he called Pepper directly: "I hope to get the home address of a doctor named Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange."

Pepper didn't ask him why. Soon, he received a string of addresses on his mobile phone. It was not far from the Presbyterian hospital.

Sōugo instantly goes to the apartment building as quickly as possible. He didn't take the elevator or knock on the door. Sōugo use [Zi-O SB-555DK] came out of from strange bedroom, who was having afternoon tea.

Strange heard a movement, and as soon as he turned his head, a Flip Phone pressed straight against Adam's apple.

"Listen, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. A friend of mine was seriously injured and is now being rescued at the Presbyterian Hospital. You are the best neurosurgeon there. Now get your stuff and do the surgery right away."

Strange showed an absurd expression. "Don't you have a pistol? a Flip Phone isn't for robbery."

Sōugo pointing straight at Strange afternoon tea, pressing the Flip Phone power button, and boom. Strange afternoon tea explode. Yah, that is not an ordinary Flip Phont. Strange's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief. He can't believe that cell phone technology has advanced that far, Strange raised his hands and stepped back.

"I think you understand that you have no right to refuse. Just follow me immediately."