
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

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32 Chs

Kidnapped (Revised)

Karol kindly suggested eating something at a cozy restaurant nearby.

However, Yennefer bluntly refused, feeling exhausted by their company, which was beginning to interfere with her day.

Today was a day dedicated to the duo having fun, with plans to shop for Kakashi's wardrobe.

She hurriedly said goodbye and quickly led Kakashi away from the unwanted individuals by the hand.

Her urgency to leave the city as quickly as possible grew stronger, and a persistent feeling of discomfort tormented her inside.

Feeling a sense of displeasure, Yennefer was not happy with the situation. And what bothered her most was the young woman who hugged him in her presence.

Even though Yennefer didn't want to acknowledge it, she couldn't help but feel jealous when she witnessed Julia's behavior towards Kakashi.

It was clear to Yennefer that the young woman aroused some romantic emotions towards Kakashi.

Yennefer had already experienced jealousy when it came to Kakashi.

Whenever she witnessed beautiful women flirting with Kakashi. She felt the same way.

However, back then it was different as he had never reciprocated her advances.

But now, seeing him hug another girl and actually show affection in return, caused a pang of jealousy in Yennefer, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

This unfamiliar feeling made her heart ache, making her realize for the first time how strong the jealousy she felt was.

The way to the shopkeeper was short and quick, they arrived at a small, tidy and elegant boutique.

They entered and were helped with the doors closed by the owner, who displayed his complete collection of items for Yennefer and Kakashi.

Kakashi prioritized the functionality and durability of his clothing over aesthetics and intricate details.

His main concern was to ensure that his clothing did not limit his movements or hinder his ability to defend himself effectively.

He avoided clothing that attracted unnecessary attention and interfered with his fighting capabilities.

Highlighting the importance of efficiency and durability in your suit.

Unlike Yennefer, who always wished that Kakashi would wear a more stylish and beautiful outfit, as he believed that proper clothing would further increase his attractiveness.

So, whenever they had to choose clothes for Kakashi, they often had small differences.

Yennefer could understand his perspective, but she couldn't shake the feeling that his current style was too simple and lacking in appeal.

After some discussion they came to a consensus, Yennefer was responsible for selecting Kakashi's clothes for social events and important meetings.

In exchange for him taking control of her daily attire. This agreement successfully reduced their minor disputes.

As she continued to search and select new clothes for Kakashi.

These small purchases significantly lifted Yennefer's spirits, which had been shaken by the recent meeting with Júlia's family.

Yennefer bought a generous amount of clothes for Kakashi. She chose clothes that were a little big.

Mentioning that they could be easily adjusted with magic whenever necessary.

She assured him that these clothes would still serve him well for the next eight to nine years, so there was no need for him to worry about the expenses.

Kakashi didn't agree with her reasoning, as he was sure she wouldn't allow him to wear that outfit for a long period of time.

However, he accepted defeat and chose to remain silent.

He understood that it was impossible to win an argument against a woman he believed to be righteous, so he simply sighed and embraced his fate.

Carrying countless bags of clothes to her home, Yennefer summoned a portal.

Upon arriving at Yennefer's quarters, Kakashi saw an opportunity when she came downstairs to instruct the servant to prepare a meal.

He quickly created a clone to keep Yennefer company in the room while he went out to investigate the guards.

Kakashi sneaked out the window and headed towards the central market, jumping across the rooftops.

He carefully observed the passersby below, looking for the guard who had followed him earlier.

After a long period of searching, the guard was finally located talking to another fellow guard.

However, this guard wore distinctive attire and seemed to have a higher position. Kakashi stealthily approached and heard the argument.

"Great work, we successfully diverted the focus from ourselves to the beings and the sorceress."

"This will allow us more time to gather all the necessary children, and finally, we will be able to escape this terrible place and reside luxuriously in the capital."

"Leader Renan, while observing the central market this morning, I came across some valuable information, the sorceress was with a child."

"Although their relationship is unclear, judging by her behavior, I believe she would spare no expense to ensure his safety."

"This could be a lucrative opportunity for us."

Renan's expression changed between concern and greed as he processed the news.

He was aware of the sorceress's immense wealth based on her extravagant lifestyle, but he was also aware of the potential risks involved in dealing with sorceresses.

He carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of kidnapping the boy, his desire for wealth drowning out his conscience.

"Wait for the right moment and take it as soon as you can, be prepared because as soon as we have it, we must act quickly."

"And start demanding ransom from rich merchants and nobility, I'm sure the sorceress will hunt us down at the first sign of suspicion."

"That's why we must gather as many as we can to escape before any suspicion falls against us."

Kakashi watched their argument for a little longer, he didn't expect to discover those responsible for the kidnapping so quickly, this was a pleasant surprise for him.

But they unfortunately didn't mention anything crucial. They did not provide any clues that could help him locate the other missing children.

He continued following the guard who was keeping an eye on him, looking for other potential allies.

Observing the guard, Kakashi identified three additional individuals who could potentially be involved in the kidnapping plot.

His interactions seemed suspicious, however, he was unable to gather enough evidence to definitively prove his participation in the criminal group.

As a result, they were considered only as potential accomplices.

Uncertain about the number of missing children, he intended to minimize uncertainty by gathering information.

Based on his observations, Kakashi estimated the involvement of at least five guards, but was unsure if there was a prominent figure in the city orchestrating everything.

Trust was a rare commodity for him in this city, as he only trusted Júlia and Yennefer's family. Everyone else was considered potential traitors.

Isolated and in need of help, he couldn't count on anyone.

Yennefer would never consent to his proposal to put herself at risk to save the other children, that could seem egocentric on her part.

However, she would rather see all those children die than have him in danger, so Kakashi couldn't warn her about it.

As a newcomer, his baseless accusation would hold no weight against the guards, without proof, they would face no consequences and their conspiracy would persist.

The only viable strategy was to defeat them and save the children, in order to gather the essential evidence to exonerate Yennefer and definitively dismantle this conspiracy of the guards.

So he put his plan into practice and went to visit Julia and her family, Kakashi allowed everyone to see him.

He wanted to get the attention of the guards, and his objective was successfully completed, he spotted the guard who was watching him earlier.

Internally, the guards were full of enthusiasm.

Little did the guards know that this happiness would be short-lived.

As the next day they would have to face the repercussions of their decisions and the consequences that accompanied them.

Kakashi noticed that the guard was observing him closely, eagerly anticipating a moment of hesitation to seize the opportunity to apprehend him.

Therefore, he proceeded with his strategy and decided to depart from Júlia's residence at twilight, after the hustle and bustle had subsided, in order to be abducted.

Upon reaching Karol's residence, he tapped politely on the door, loudly calling out for Júlia.

The noise of rapid little footsteps echoed throughout the house, until it suddenly ceased right in front of the door.

Antes de abrir a porta, Kakashi conseguia ouvir a garota se preparando.

At that moment, with a wide smile on her face, Júlia welcomed him and led him to where her relatives were.

Kakashi could catch bits of their talks as he approached them, managing to figure out what was happening.

Upon reaching the location where everyone had gathered, he observed the youngsters amusing themselves indoors, while being kept under the watchful eyes of the supervising adults.

The family of Júlia arrived in the city very recently and they are unsure about their future.

They were discussing and realizing that without Daniel, they would need to stick together more than ever to ensure a decent quality of life.

Therefore, they were brainstorming ideas on what to do next, as they couldn't rely solely on the income from their small farm and the game caught by Daniel.

It was clear that each member would have to contribute in some way to financially support the family.

Antoni was eager to go back to his previous job as a butcher, but since he was a newcomer in the town, he faced distrust from the locals and lacked the necessary funds.

Opening his own butcher shop to sell his meat would be a challenging task.

He realized that he would need to work for someone else first to earn credibility and save up enough money before venturing into entrepreneurship.

Anna and Ilona considered possible options besides childcare.

Her skill set was limited to cooking, housekeeping, and sewing.

With no experience in any other area, they counted on Karol's support until they were able to support themselves on their own.

However, they were determined to achieve financial independence as quickly as possible and did not want to exploit Karol's kindness.

Kakashi, recognizing their circumstances, remembered the coins the Witcher had in his possession.

Initially, he intended to hand over the funds to them, assuming they would eventually share a life together.

But with Yennefer's unexpected arrival, his perspective changed and his intentions changed.

The funds he found would allow them to start a new life in this city and acquire a home for themselves.

Brehen accumulated a small fortune, which if managed properly.

It could provide them with a comfortable life for a considerable period.

Taking a scroll from a pouch on his thigh, Kakashi took out a bag full of coins.

He grabbed the bag and handed it to Ilona.

"This is for you."

As they stared in bewilderment at the large bag in front of them. Ilona decided to open it to reveal its contents.

Not knowing what was inside, she even discovered a radiant golden glow.

Júlia's family had never seen such an amount of gold.

They swallowed nervously and looked at Kakashi not knowing how to respond.

Breaking the silence, Kakashi spoke.

"You do not need to worry about me".

"That money was what I found in Brehen's belongings."

"Initially it was intended for our use in Rinde."

"But with the unexpected reunion with my Yen and our imminent separation."

"I think it's best you have this to start over."

The family remained speechless, unsure of what they could say.

Júlia was the first to come out of her torpor.

"Kakashi, are you absolutely sure? It's a large amount of money."

"With this, you could have a peaceful life for a long time."

He simply gave a slight nod.

"After I found Yen, I won't need that money."

"Besides, this money will have a greater impact on your lives than it will on mine."

"This will give them the opportunity to start over."

Ilona got up from her chair and hugged Kakashi tightly, expressing her gratitude.

This young man in front of her provided more for his family than anyone else could have done.

In addition to rescuing them, he also offered financial support when they were in trouble, giving all the money he had so they could start over.

If someone had claimed that this young man was a divine messenger sent to help her family, she would have believed them.

Everyone was filled with deep emotions, realizing the immense gratitude they had for Kakashi.

Instead of trying to find ways to reciprocate, their appreciation for him grew even stronger as he continued to support them unwaveringly.

They didn't know how to express their gratitude to him.

Everyone chatted a little more before Karol, Denis and Kinga returned to their house as dinner time approached.

Anna and Ilona prepared dinner after cleaning the house, it was their way of showing gratitude for everything Karol did for them.

The meal they prepared that night was exceptional, inspired by the positive news they received earlier in the day.

They would continue living with Karol until Antônio's business became profitable, which was a significant milestone for them.

Kakashi talked to the three and they began to get to know each other better, unlike Julia's family.

He was not surprised by Kinga's appearance as he had already met and interacted with many non-humans in the world of illusions, so he was already accustomed to them.

Thus, the conversation continued calmly until the time was right to carry out his plan.

After dinner, Denis offered to take him to the ambassador's house, but he refused.

Kakashi saw an opportunity to be approached by the guard.

He didn't want Denis to show up and ruin his plans. With that, he said goodbye and began to walk slowly.

Keeping an eye out for any guards nearby.

The guards soon followed him, escorting him to an isolating alley, then they lost sight of him and the next thing they felt was the fading of their consciousness.

They were knocked out by Kakashi in less than 3 seconds and without understanding how it happened.

Placing them in a Genjutsu, Kakashi asked them some questions, wanting to find out more about the organization they belonged to.

And wanting to discover its location, unfortunately for Kakashi, the hideout was located very far from the city.

If Kakashi wanted to find the hiding place that would be full of enemies and children, he would have to go with them.

Thinking about it, Kakashi knew that the best way to get closer to the children without putting them at risk was if he was kidnapped too and taken by them to the location.

This way he could be placed in the same place where the captives were, so he could keep everyone safe as best as possible.

So that's what he did, Kakashi made two clones and made them take on the appearance of these two guards, and then took everything they had prepared and headed towards the hideout.

Normally entry and exit would be prohibited at night, but as they were guards their exit was authorized.

About five hours passed until they reached the hideout almost at dawn.

Kakashi finally noticed when the wagon finally stopped, so he was removed from the vehicle and was able to observe the place of captivity.

It was a small cabin next to a cave, Kakashi noticed several adult men scattered around the place.

Soon he was escorted to a wooden hut where he was greeted by the leader of the bandit group.

A man a little older than the others, with slightly gray hair, he was a little taller than a normal man.

Upon spotting Kakashi, the leader instructed him to uncover his face, allowing for a thorough examination to determine his next course of action.

Children were separated based on their chance of being purchased by wealthy individuals with unique preferences.

With the arrival of each new child, they made a distinction between those who would remain in their care in this hut and those who would be placed in the saddle.

The selected children were kept in a cozy place, where they could rest in a comfortable bed and enjoy nutritious meals.

Meanwhile, the remaining children had to sleep on the cold, damp floor of the cave and eat just enough to survive.

Once the man got a glimpse of Kakashi's appearance, he decided he would be sold for a good price.

The boy has one of the most captivating faces he has ever seen.

Boasting physical attributes absent in neighboring lands.

'His origins must be in a distant land, adding to his allure as a truly unique individual, the rich paid a veritable price for him.'

His only flaw was that his face had a large scar, which mars the left side of his face, somewhat diminishing his value.

However, the man was confident that he could get a considerable amount for Kakashi, perhaps as much as 300 gold coins from the aristocracy.

With so much wealth, he could abandon his life of crime and venture into a more respectable trade.

As the thought crossed his mind, the leader of the criminals approached his newly discovered treasure.

Rubbing his chin contemplatively as he admired the boy's face.

Kakashi observed the girl and boy inside the modest residence, receiving humane treatment, they didn't even look like they were captives.

As the man approached him, Kakashi couldn't help but feel something strange about him.

"You can consider yourself lucky."

"If you obey me, you can have a relatively peaceful stay, without having to worry about food or bed."

"But if you disobey me, I will suffer just like other stubborn boys."

Kakashi wasn't interested in staying in that residence.

He needed to locate the rest of the prisoners, so he would have to be arrested with the others.

By challenging the criminal leader by spitting in the face, Kakashi enraged him.

Then he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, bracing himself for the blow that would follow.

The bandit then punched him with all his strength, knocking him down.

Turning to his subordinates while wiping the spit from his face, the leader spoke.

"Take this boy to the others, he needs to learn a lesson and in two days he will be begging to stay here."

They promptly rushed over, caught Kakashi and took him into captivity.

While being escorted by guards, Kakashi carefully observed each adult he passed.

Making mental notes about how many there were and where they were, until he was placed in a cramped cell deep in the mountain.

Kakashi began to assess his physical condition. Some of his wounds had opened up during the trip.

He stitched up the wounds that had opened up, and then treated the rest of the wounds with the mystic palm.

Until you return to an acceptable physical condition, to be able to complete your mission.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The first timeskip is approaching so stay tuned.

Aphiscreators' thoughts