
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

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Introduction to the world

Hello everyone, Aphis here, I know it took me a while to introduce the world in which I'm writing in text, but better late than never, in this topic I'm going to comment a little on the period in which the story takes place and a little on the physical characteristics and skills of my character, and curiosities about the work.

Keep in mind that I may add more details in the future.

Firstly, the fic takes place in the world of The Witcher and will be a mix of the books and games, there is some conflicting information between them, but I will choose what best fits the narrative of my story.

Kakashi was transported to this world at the physical age of 5 years old, but he still had his jutsus, experience and skills from when he was in his early 30s, he entered this world in 1246, 2 years before Gerald and Dandelion met. , and 6 years before Ciri was born.

Kakashi will not become a Wizard, he will just be a normal human, this fic will have different points of view in its chapters, it will have that of the Author, Kakashi and his surroundings.

I'm still deciding whether there will be romance in this story, but it certainly won't be a harem, I want to make Kakahi interact with the main people from the books and games, I want to create a relationship between them to develop new situations with them together, and with the addition of Kakashi it will open up a new scope of possibilities for means of action for each situation.

I will also create and place restrictions on some jutsus that would leave Kakashi very overpowered, so either they would be a logic error in the story or it would make everything very easy for him to solve the problems.

I will list some of these powers and their restrictions in the future, perhaps I will add more of them.

1st Kawarimi no Jutsu 'Replacement Technique': this jutsu replaces the user's body with nearby objects, thus preventing them from receiving damage, as realizing this jutsu would completely break the difficulty of battles from now on, so I added the restrictions that to use this jutsu he would have to make preparations beforehand, he would have to prepare and mark an object with a jutsu so that it could be used, I also added the penalty that the jutsu uses a lot of chakra and that there would be a weight limit so that the object could be used.

2nd Hege no Jutsu 'Transformation Technique': this jutsu allows the user to transform their body into anything, an animal, object, weapon or anyone they want, the restrictions I added in this were, it really he wouldn't transform into things, it would be like an optical illusion so for most people he would actually transform into the desired one, but for Witchers, Elves, Sorceress and some intelligent magical creatures, they were able to see his real form, so even if he becomes As an adult he will still feel like a child.

3rd Genjutsus in general, even those with the Sharingan, will not work on Witchers, Sorceresses, intelligent dragons and apparitions, but on all others this ability will work, on some it will work better than on others.

4th Kage Bunshun no Jutsu 'Shadow Clone technique': this jutsu has the ability to create dozens or even thousands of clones, the restrictions are on Kakashi himself, he will not be able to use more than two clones until the age of 12, of 12 At 16 you will only be able to use 4 and when you are an adult your limit will be 6, because an army of Kakashi, even if they are clones, nor the wild hunt would have any chance.

For now, these are some of the restrictions I placed on some skills, simple ones that would break battles.

Kakashi's code of conduct, unlike Naruto's, is not that of a hero, Kakashi is more of an anti-hero, he will react and take action in some specific situations, he will not fight for all the injustices in the world.

He will only go after those he thinks cannot be forgiven, and people who threaten those important to him.

And unlike Witchers who don't take sides in wars, he can come to interfere depending on which side he thinks is fair, so it won't be a story where the protagonists follow the plot without doing anything, they just observe it, here he will participate in major milestones of the history

Some will have major changes because of your intervention, others the interference will not change the final result, but it will change how some steps and ways it will happen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Aphiscreators' thoughts