
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 5

Juugo leapt to his feet, panicking as the sound screamed against his ears.

"Ah! How do I turn this off!"

His fingers touched, pushed and twisted everything they could find, until finally.


He placed it down, breathing softly as the cool air prickled his skin. Juugo didn't have pyjamas, opting instead to sleep in his shorts.

It made sense, to him at least as he found his clothes. They were arranged as he'd left them, sitting neatly in the bottom draw, of which there were three. The clothes he'd been given only taking up the top two.

Juugo was looking forward to day, having laid awake last night just thinking about the things he'd learn today. The evening before had been spent in study, the notepad empty and discarded as Juugo headed for the door.

He'd made progress, very much so as he felt the others walking past his door, heading off for food.

Juugo opened his door, making a mental note to find more paper as he closed it quickly behind.

This was his room; private, as it clicked shut.

They looked at him, the few nearby as they glanced briefly from their groups. Most chose to ignore him, either used to new faces or simply not caring.

He joined behind them, following ahead of another group behind him. They seemed older, as Juugo felt another group further still; and then again, and again.


Very few were alone as he arrived at the cafeteria, seeing like before as people queued for bowls. It was like a buffet, as Juugo joined the line. Recalling the word from the sign he'd read from the market.

Juugo wanted to visit, as he shuffled along, finally seeing the food he's been smelling. He didn't recognise it, yet didn't slow as he mirrored the rest, taking the ladle as he filled his bowl.

The broth was dark, steaming as the noodles swam like murky fish.

Juugo liked fish, which was enough for him as he added a bit more.

"Hurry up!" someone snapped, stepping close behind.

Juugo put the ladle back.


Juugo heard nothing as he headed off, looking for a table as he passed between groups of eating people. None offered him a glance, filling the space with their friends and lackies.

He knew they couldn't all be friends, as he spotted a table, far to the back. He smiled, heading over as he weaved between the busy tables, almost there before-

He hopped over a leg, the short appendage having jutted out suddenly. Juugo had felt it move, pre-empting the fall by a simple hop.

He looked back, quickly finding the boy who'd try to trip him… he was chatting away, as if nothing had happened.

Fine, thought Juugo as he headed off, wary now as he arrived at the empty table. It was far in the corner, away from the light where the rest seemed to congregate.

He sat with his back to the wall, realised his two mistakes.


He growled, annoyed with himself as he looked across the laughing children.

It was difficult for him.

The Kibo clan had been small, with only a handful of children around at any one time. All of which, to Juugo's quiet shame, were kept away from him.

The bastard child. The burden.

…he blinked, looking down towards his bowl. He didn't have a drink either, so may as well as he sipped from the bowl.

It was good, warm as he drank slowly. Food like this, as Juugo finished easily, was the best he'd ever had. Even more than the fish he'd so skilfully caught. It was good, different from the bad of his life before.

In some ways, as he rose with his things, he was glad the clan was gone. Feeling free as he walked back the way he came, towards Miss Suzi as she ate with the other members staff.

As he'd been shown before, he took his bowl to the sink and washed it with the soap provided, enjoying the hot water as it cleaned his hands.

Speaking of, as he placed the bowl to dry. He really needed the loo, as he looked around.

"There," he whispered to himself, walking towards the doors that linked behind the food trays.

That had been amazing, as he left refreshed, heading straight for Miss Suzi who was chatting with a man he didn't know.

"Miss Suzi," he called, stopping just away from their table. "Good morning."

Miss Suzi looked at his, before smiling as she gestured to the man beside her. "This is him, Dowa," she said, indicating Juugo. "Juugo, this is Dowa. The Caretaker."

Juugo nodded, offering a small bow as Dowa scrutinised him.

Miss Suzi had been right; the boy was different.

"It's nice to meet you, Juugo."

Dowa noticed his eyes, twitching as things moved around them. "How are you finding everything?" he said, seeing Juugo nod quickly.

"It is, thank you."

Dowa was impressed, he was just as Suzi had described him.


It made him wonder what his life was like, far different he suspected, from the rest as they ate around him.

Juugo was aware, and cautious as he spoke politely. "I've never had food like this," he added, looking at Suzi gratefully. "You've all been very kind.

Dowa smiled, nodding. "Excellent," he said, as Suzi leaned forward.

"Did you need something, Juugo?"

Yes, as he inched closer. "When will class start? And where do I go?"

Dowa chuckled, was this boy really 5 years old?

He was so serious.

"Oh!" he heard Suzi say, before looking across at the time. "In about 30 minutes, opposite the play room."

It was a small room, since most of their charges were older, and well past the age of learning the basics.

Juugo was one of seven five-year olds, with an even smaller amount being toddlers. The orphanage was well equipped, but not enough to care for toddlers and below in such numbers.

The Civilian Council wasn't that generous, even if Dowa knew that Konoha had the best of such services.

Kiri was the worst, then Sand.

"Okay, I'll wait till then. Thank you."

Dowa smirked, following with his eyes as Juugo walked away.

He turned to Suzi, who looked on with a pleased smile.

"Fine," he huffed, conceding the point. "You were right, he is different."

She grinned, nudging his side in triumph. "He is," she affirmed, glancing towards the other staff as they listened in. "Did you see his build?"

Dowa had, noticing the strength in his legs and the posture of his walk. Solid and strong.

He'd seen that before, yet not here.

"He may be," he said, cautious in assuming such things. "But was would it matter? Even if he is, or had such an upbringing. It makes little difference now."

Honestly, he thought. Suzi could get excited about the most irrelevant things.

What did it matter if the boy had shinobi training? Or if his family had once been shinobi?

A clan?

He shook his head, very unlikely. There just weren't that many clans in the Land of Fire, nor either in the world.

Less than a hundred, probably more like 50 with what Kiri was up to.

And Suzi thought the boy might be one of them, as he glanced towards her.

She looked at him pointedly.

"It is relevant, Dowa," she chastised, amazed that he'd forgotten so quickly. "Remember Kioso?"


He soured.

"That was over 10 years ago, Suzi. And it wasn't a happy ending."

She didn't give up, ruffling her feathers.

"Kioso was a Shinobi, he became a Chunin. Remember?"

He nodded, knowing where this was going. "Yes, and he died. Horribly."

Suzi looked away, worrying her lip.

Dowa grunted, knowing what she thought. It wouldn't make things any easier for them, even if Juugo did succeed. "It's a long shot, Suzi. So don't put pressure on the boy," he stated, emphasising the last point.

Kioso had worked himself to the bone, day in and day out.

And what had that brought him?

An early death.

Suzi was forgetting that, even if the support Kioso offered helped them greatly, even at the time being ated the best Orphanage in Konoha.

Dowa still couldn't believe the system actually existed.

Competitive Improvement, they'd said.

"Don't be so pessimistic, Dowa," he heard her say, as he recalled the benefits they'd received. "Juugo will be brilliant, just you wait."

Suzi seemed so sure, bopping her head as if to agree with herself. "There's something about him, more than Kioso. I can feel it."

Dowa tutted, resuming his meal. This wouldn't end well, it never did as Suzi huffed again, turning away to chat with the woman across from them.

They were all so excited, already counting the benefits that would be bestowed on them.

Dowa shook his head.

Juugo was a boy, not a tool for this place.

He grumbled quietly.



Juugo arrived early at the classroom, deciding to wait outside as the door denied him. It was a busy section of the building, as he glanced along the hallway. With doors opposite and along, shut with signs outside.

He assumed they were also classrooms, perhaps for the older years.

Juugo wouldn't see them, knowing he'd be attending the Academy by then.

It was his most ardent wish, had been for his entire life.

The Kibo Clan had once been worriers, but had fallen on hard times of late. Juugo hardly saw them fight, opting to run instead.

They were fearful, even with their Kekkei Genkai. The few who had it being the least so, yet still they ran as Juugo recalled his father.

He feared the Mizukage, more than any other. The Bloodline Purges, they'd been running for years, long before even Juugo had been born.

They caught up with them eventually, as Juugo leaned against the wall. He was all that was left now, a half-breed not worthy of carrying the clans limit.

He snorted, vowing to prove them wrong. He'd achieve what they'd never even dreamed of.

He'd kill the Mizukage, revenge and pride all in one… and maybe, as his fingers touched the cool stone behind him. Maybe, he'd could become the Mizukage afterwards, fix it all so he could go home.

Juugo had dreamed of it last night, of the water and the old man who'd called him friend. How it had been, while difficult and hard, brutal and sad. It was still his home… he longed for it, even now as he waited on his own.

Konoha was great, a place of dreams and a prosperous future. But it wasn't his home, not yet as he felt someone approach from his side. They were still near the dorms, heading his way after leaving their room with a stilted walk.

Odd, as Juugo pictured the tremors he felt, seeing now as the girl limped weakly along.

It took a few minutes, before she finally rounded the corner.

She froze, clutching her books as she looked to him warily.

"Hello," he said, smiling as he pushed away from the wall. "Are you alright?"

Juugo shouldn't have asked, as he saw all manner of reactions from the nervous girl.





Juugo wondered which she'd act on, watching as she chose to edge towards him.

He was right, she did have a limp.

"Fine, thank you," she said curtly, passing him by without a glance… Juugo didn't respond, getting the hint as she arrived at a door further down.

The light shined on her legs, reaching her from the windows at the end of the corridor. Shorts were popular here. Yet her legs were still pale.

The door opened as she pushed it open, glancing quickly his way before snapping it shut behind her.


Juugo had offended her, it seemed. Which wasn't his intention, he was just concerned as he watched her still, feeling as she leant again the door.

She seemed tired, almost resting on the door before moving arduously towards a desk at the front.

The classroom was large, at least 30 seats as Juugo frowned, wondering what she was doing.

He felt her stop, sitting or perhaps crouching as her body moved differently. He closed his eyes, getting a better look as things began to make sense.

She was in pain, her chakra weak and wobbling. Pain could do that, as he recalled the shinobi he'd saved. Wondering if he'd been alright, if he'd survived being wedged between the roots of a tree all night.

It must have been odd, thought Juugo. Waking to find oneself like that, knowing too that someone had saved you.

Juugo hoped he never found him, knowing the truth would come out he did.

He sighed as he opened his eyes, knowing he'd find out one day, when he was forced to transform.

It was quite unforgettable, as people approached, then more as Suzi followed within.

Time for class, he was eager to start.


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