
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 4

Miss Suzi sat within her small office, filling in the form with practiced strokes as the afternoon drifted away. She thought of the boy and his layers of mystery, as she signed her name, scratching the paper: Suzi Akagaru. Before carefully placing it into a large brown envelope.

She sealed it, holding it carefully as she placed it in the drew with all the others: Wards of Konoha.


It closed with a thud, shaking the metal casing as it rattled loudly. She needed to relax, breathing smoothly as her comfy chair cushioned her back.

Juugo, just Juugo. As she recalled their conversation over an hour ago. It had a been a difficult task, as the two had walked to her office after breakfast. The boy reluctant to share his past, feigning ignorance at almost every turn. The thought made her huff, her annoyance rising again at his reticence.

He was 5-years old, nearly 6. An orphan, his parents having died just a few months ago, tragic and so easy to believe.


Suzi had seen it many times, with so many being left after the attack 5 years ago. She shook herself, not wanting to think of it as she stood, moving towards her window and the view outside.

It reminded her of another boy she met long ago. Juugo was like him, the prospect of which made her happy, yet sad.

It was a shame then, as she watched the village gearing up, preparing for the festival as they milled about, looking for places to stay. Suzi could empathise, having once been there herself.

She was from Sand, and had come here many years ago with her family. Civilians, never shinobi.

Something flashed in her mind, seeing Juugo as they'd walked the market this morning. It made her wonder, as she headed for her office door, turning the handle in thought.

Juugo must be from a shinobi family, maybe even a clan. She was sure, as she walked towards the dorms, thinking as she went of all the Clans in Konoha. The Uchiha, with their scary eyes and the Hyuuga, with there – scary eyes.

She thought of Juugo's eyes, which while not scary, weren't exactly familiar. There was more too, in the way Juugo moved, as if he were always prepared. So like the other shinobi she'd seen, like the children she saw at the Academy, being dropped off by their shinobi parents.

There was just something different about them. About shinobi, and about Juugo as the hallway came into view. They weren't a rich Orphanage, far from it actually; yet the premises they had, as she passed the many doors, were certainly ample, a gift from the First Hokage.

Children could share rooms, if they wanted, or not as she knocked on Juugo's door.

Number 37.

She heard him call, prompting her in as she entered slowly.

And there he was, sitting on the bed with a book in hand, one of many that had been left by the previous occupant.

The children here would stay until ready, only leaving once they could fully support themselves. The girl, now woman who'd stayed here, was the receptionist at the local Veterinary Clinic now.

The Inuzuka's, yet another clan as she watched Juugo smile at her, closing the book as he set it softly beside him.

"What are you reading?" she asked, staying by the door. She wasn't here for much else, aside from sating her curious mind.

She glanced at the book, amused as she recalled the story.

"The Bell and the Cricket," she said, thinking of all the times she'd read that book. "It's a favourite, though…" it was a little old for him, by at least a few years.

He was half-way through it, having marked the page before watching her enter. He'd yet to speak, simply smiling as she wittered on.

"How are you finding it?" she added.

Juugo glanced at the book. Then the bookshelf towards the wall.

"It's good," he said, picking it up from his bed again. "I like the bell. The Cricket will never break it."

It was true, he knew it even if the book was only half finished.

Suzi laughed. "Ah, they all say that," she said. "Until it breaks, everything is unbreakable."

It was a line from another book, somewhere there within the shelves. Juugo, would find it soon, at the rate he was going.

He hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose. But how could a cricket break it?"

She shook her head.

"You have to read it, silly," she said, shifting as she leant against the frame. "It's a good ending, so I won't spoil it."

Juugo understood, giving her a look as he began to play with the book's pages. The way he flicked them, softly and with care. Suzi could understand, when one had nothing, everything became precious.

Even old books, long may they rein.

"Juugo," she said, drawing his attention. "You're too young for the Academy, so for the time being, you'll be studying with me."

Juugo perked up, interest in his eyes as he nodded, listening still.

"Class starts tomorrow, set your alarm for 07:00."

She pointed to the clock, an old winder with little bells on the top.

"Oh, actually," she corrected, stepping in as she picked it up. "I'll set it for you, here. Watch what I do."

He did, watching closely as her fingers adjusted dials, twisting and turning as tings clicked inside.

Amazing, thought Juugo. He'd fiddle with it later, as she set it down again. Taking a second to adjust its position, so it was just so.

The room was very tidy, the rest of the building too. And Juugo thought he knew why, as he watched Suzi check the rest of the room.

He'd put his clothes away, having discarded the one's he'd worn before. His new collection stowed neatly as Suzi opened his drawers.


She opened the cupboard next, finding nothing as she nodded happily. "Right then, since we've already had lunch," they'd eaten together, taking the time to fill in the form before doing the necessary administration. "We'll meet for dinner in a few hours, you'll hear the bell."

Before that, she'd briefed Juugo on procedure within the Orphanage. Showed him what to do, where to go, who to ask for help. There were many staff that worked here, some young and some old.

Juugo had simply followed along, nodding and asking questions when he didn't understand. It had only taken an hour or so, with the rest of the time taken up as they chatted within her office.

Well, she had anyway; talking his ear off about her family, the other children and how her date tomorrow was sure to be a success.

The poor boy.

"Feel free to visit the play room too, Yiiya is there in the afternoon to supervise."

She waved, clicking the door shut as she caught his hasty reply.


Juugo lowered his hand, thinking as he felt Suzi walk away. He glanced at the book, wondering if he should read.

No, he thought as he hopped to his feet. The room was great, as he circled it again, touching the wood as he went.

There was a small bed, tucked below a high window, which overlooked a sqaure of neat gardens. Juugo could see similar rooms, circling in a 'u' shape all around them. He could even feel the other children, sitting or playing together in their rooms.

Juugo looked behind, to his tall cupboard and bedside drawers, each made of wood and of simple make. He'd assume, as he approached the clock, that there were similar pieces in all the other rooms.


He smiled, finding the bells that rang fascinating as he dinged it again, spotting how the ringer could swing from side to side.

Juugo spent the next 10 minutes turning and shaking it, trying to understand how it worked without breaking it. It had something to do with the clicking, the sound rhythmic and consistent.

He let it go, placing it back where it belonged. Juugo felt his clothes next, trying to see himself through the window's poor reflection. It was very similar to what he had before, shorts and a t-shirt.

Yet this time he had a jacket, soft and pale brown. Worn from use, like tanned leather.

It wasn't leather, the material far too expensive as his fingers probed a corner. Juugo thought it might be a man-made fibre, woven together to be warm and tough.

Juugo liked it, and the rest as he wiggled his toes. He grinned, having always wondered what sandals were like.

They looked great as his raised a foot, trying to see the pale black from a new angle. The open toes were his favourite bit, even if they'd been worn before.

All in all, as Juugo hopped atop his bed, he felt pleased. Happy, as he flopped against his sheets.

Something poked his back, reminding him of his precious cargo as he rolled onto his side. He pushed the scroll out, feeling the skin as it writhed around it.

It didn't bother him; never had as he retrieved his scroll.

Annoyingly, as he leaned up, looking about for the best place to read. His room didn't have a desk, nor even a table as he twisted around, trying to use his bed instead.

His hands flattened the sheets, wanting to study a little before dinner. The scroll he'd made was crude, his best effort with the supplies of a travelling boy.

Now though, as he rolled it out, placing his palm against the inky sealing array.


He'd have much better luck, as he smiled; the Barrier Seal was his next mission, even if the original scroll had aged terribly. It was really old, from the time of the First Hokage.

His mother had inherited it, yet from who he didn't know as he unrolled it too, setting aside the others.

The problem he'd had before, as he read the scroll's complicated steps and hand signs. Was that he didn't have what the seal said it needed to work, which as he read the steps again, was apparently unavoidable.

He wanted to scoff, reading the line that said he needed 16 anchor tags, placed in a ring around the asset.


Juugo didn't think it needed that many, wanting to lesson and simplify the whole thing. It was just a barrier, like the one that covered Konoha. It was simpler, yes. But no less different than people were to each other.

All that it changed was the intent of the barrier. Did it watch or repel? Or both, or neither?

Juugo likened barriers, and to some extent seals as whole to the intent with which they were made.

He'd need anchors, knowing that much as he re-read the steps again, along with the hand seals needed to activate the array.

Interesting. The signs that were depicted, listed in order from Ram, Snake all the way through to Ox. There was 32 in total, two for each tag as Juugo hummed. Maybe he could change that, along with the seal's design.

Which, as Juugo saw it drawn further down the scroll, was also very complicated. It seemed overdone, layered as if the design had been altered throughout its creation.

Whoever made this, didn't seem to be an expert; or, as Juugo made a mental list, it was just him that couldn't appreciate it.

He shrugged, casting a final glance before packing it all away again, heading for the door just after.

Juugo needed supplies, ink and paper to begin his work. It filled him with a giddy excitement as he inched his door open, sensing no-one as he edged out.

The corridor was bare, clean with a touch of disinfectant, which wrinkled his nose. Juugo pulled the door shut, walking off as it latched quietly behind. Suzi had said the playroom was open, which meant most would be there, by his reckoning as he headed towards the main reception.

That woman, the one he'd met on the way in. She could help him.

Miiya, he remembered as he left the dorms, following past the cafeteria and towards reception.

He knocked at the door, hearing a hmm before a curt response.

"Come in."

Juugo pulled the door open, stepping through as he spied Miiya.

"Hello," he said, moving swiftly towards her desk. She didn't look best pleased, giving him a stunted look.

"What is it?"

Juugo smiled, wanting to make a good impression. "Do you know where I could find ink and paper?" he said, before adding at her disinterested look. "For study, Suzi said I'd need to catch up."

She hadn't, but Miiya didn't know that as Juugo watched her stew, looking at him as if he were troublesome pain.

"Here," she said, as Juugo heard her rustling below her desk. "You can ask Miss Suzi for the rest tomorrow."

She made two trips, dropping first a small notebook. Then as the hand returned, a stick.

"What's that?" he asked, reaching curiously towards it. "A brush?"

He rolled it between his fingers, hearing its hollow song.

Miya scoffed.

"It's a pen, you write with it," she plucked it away, huffing as she was forced to stand.


She scribbled something, having opened the notebook to a middle page. "Now stop bothering me," as she flicked it closed, pushing the lot towards him in a 'off with you' gesture.

Juugo took them, holding each within his hands. "Thank you!"

He headed for the door, missing as the woman scowled his way. Juugo didn't care, feeling pleased and amazed as he clutched the pen between his fingers.

Konoha was amazing, he thought. If even the receptionist had things like these.

He arrived back at his room, having jogged most of the way back. The door closed loudly behind, plenty of time as Juugo resumed his work.

He'd find a way to create that seal, and with far less than 16 tags.

It should be easy, and quick to erect such a barrier. Since Juugo could think of only a few scenarios that would permit such a slow implementation.

16 tags, 32 hand seals.

He got to work.


Hope you're enjoying it! Check out my profile for my other story, HP!


Hope you’re enjoying it! Check out my profile for my other story, HP!

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