
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 35

Juugo knocked at the door. "Mizuki-sensei," he said, looking in at the classroom's desk.

"Juugo. Come in."

Mizuki set his pen down, sitting at the desk without his bandana. His hair was scruffy, unwashed as Juugo walked to the desk with a bag full of books. "Good morning Sensei," he said, adding a bow for good measure as Mizuki nodded.

Juugo was a good student, enough for him to exchange pleasantries with the intelligent six-year-old. "So, you've finished them already," commented Mizuki, seeing his bag.

He wasn't surprised that he'd finished them, suspected even that Juugo had delayed in coming to see him.

They'd both been busy, it seemed. "I hear you've skipped a few classes," added Mizuki simply, unbothered by the fact. "One can sympathise."

He inclined his head, smirking as Juugo seemed to laugh for a moment.

Such a talent.

"You're here for more books no doubt."

"Yes sensei," said Juugo, meeting his eye. "If the offer still stands."

Juugo had debated till late last night after his time in the cave, trying to decide if it was worth the risk.

The more Mizuki saw of him, interacted and helped, the more he'd be inclined to include a certain Demon Snake to the mix.

Juugo, no matter how remote it seemed in his head, could not allow that to happen as he watched Mizuki rise. "Follow me," he said, pleased that Juugo had arrived early today.

None of the civilians were ever early, those that were still left that is as they walked the corridors of the Academy.

It wasn't an unusual sight for Sensei and student to walk, the two remaining politely quiet as Mizuki headed outside, veering quickly to the building just beside.

Juugo's pace quickened, glancing at the man who seemed to sense his feelings. "Stay quiet Juugo. The librarian is a strange woman."

"Yes sensei."

They stepped inside, the two being spotted easily. "Good morning," said Mizuki, going for a light and cheerful attitude. "How's the leg."

Juugo glanced, met with the wooden desk as the woman pursed her lips.

"Well enough," she said, giving Mizuki a look. "What do you need."

"A pass. Graduating Year."

Mizuki didn't want to keep having to come here, so in his infinite mind had decided to give Juugo what the boy clearly wanted.


And power.

"You know I can't do that," she denied simply, glancing at Juugo's head. "It needs to be signed by Ushida. Not you."

Mizuki was a slippery man, and she was proven right when he saddled up to her desk. "Ahma," he said. "Have I not been generous with keeping my students away?"

Ahma shuffled. "That would depend," she hedged, indicating Juugo whom she remembered clear as day. "What of him?"

Mizuki looked as well, then back. "An exception. You owe me that at least."

Ahma and Mizuki had known each other for years, even before the Academy as Ahma thought about it, annoyed.

He was always doing this.

"One pass," she allowed, looking sternly at the both of them. "If it should fall into the hands of another, it will be revoked immediately."

Mizuki smirked. "Juugo's a careful hand, he won't misplace it."

"I will keep it safe," said Juugo. "I promise."

He bowed as well, not that she cared as a card was placed on the counter, a formality at this point. "You must check the books out too, and return them on time."

She gave a pointed look to Mizuki, who ignored it as he gestured to Juugo. "Return the books I gave you," he said, flashing a quick grin at Ahma. "Juugo's taken good care of them."

Juugo lifted his bag to the counter, relying on Mizuki to hand them over. "Thanks," said Juugo, waiting as Ahma checked them in.

Mizuki gave him the pass.

"Don't lose it."

Juugo wouldn't, taking it carefully as Mizuki retrieved his bag as well. "Come back later," he said, sending him off as he stayed with Ahma.

"Yes sensei."

They watched Juugo leave, walking quickly as he stowed the pass in his bag.

Ahma spoke quietly.

"Why are you helping him," she said, glancing across Mizuki's dirty hair. "You shouldn't rush you know. He won't thank you for that."

Lord Orochimaru was anything but merciful, a fact they both knew as Mizuki stepped away, saying nothing as he left the building.

Ahma sighed.


Juugo had a bounce to his step as he entered the Academy, the door left open on such a glorious day.

Mizuki was an exemplary Sensei, a true credit to the Academy which Juugo now walked, already desperate for the day to be over as he stepped through his classroom door.

It was empty.

Not a soul in sight as Juugo glanced inside, assuming quickly that he was still early as he headed to his seat.

He settled in, wondering for a moment if he'd get the chance to speak to Sakura today, his apology already clear in his mind.

'Please forgive me.'

Yes, he'd start with that. Then see how she responded.

If she was contrite, saying it was her fault then he'd enact phase 2, which involved… which involved.


Juugo looked at the clock, staring at the hands as the sun shone from the windows behind him.

It was almost biblical, how it read just past the hour, which meant only one thing as Juugo rose with his bag.

The perfect excuse, as he smiled winningly. The class was elsewhere today, the details of which he must have missed after leaving early yesterday.

They could be anywhere, how was he to know as he shimmied out the door, sensing ahead for any wondering people. There was no one, not above or below, the other classes busy as Juugo felt their Sensei's write on the boards.

Well, except one of them.




Juugo chuckled, shaking his head as he walked back through the corridors, arriving quickly at the guest entrance.

It was warm today, warmer than most as Juugo stayed in the doorway, looking out at the worn path. There were cracks all across it, widening still as the heat stole moisture from the air, the breeze like that of his cave as Juugo sniffed through his nose.

He knew what he needed, and it wasn't a lesson in swimming as Juugo stepped out, heading straight for the library while his class paddled at the lake.

They were enjoying themselves, Iruka too as he paddled with Aki sensei, the two watching closely at the few currently swimming.

Juugo hadn't heard of this, adjusting his bag in annoyance as an image of Naruto appeared in his mind. He was splashing Sasuke, the two bickering over who was best.

They hadn't noticed then, or chose not to as Sakura swam with Ino, the two treading water with practiced ease not far away.

Hinata was there too, her hair wet from diving beneath the surface.

Juugo pushed it all from his mind, coming to a stop a careful stop at Ahma's desk.

She peered at him.

"You again," she muttered, leaning back with her book. "Brilliant."

The feeling was mutual, as Juugo retrieved his pass, choosing to step beside the desk instead. "I have my pass," he stated, showing it as Ahma stayed glued to her book. "May I go in?"

She'd definitely heard him, as Juugo glanced at the things in view.

Her leg was missing.

"Go ahead," he heard, looking up from her stump as she adjusted her seat. "Get a good look. See what happens when you play shinobi."

She sniffed, turning a page of her book, a title Juugo didn't recognise. The cover was red, the letters worn with age.

Poor woman, as Juugo turned away, heading in on the polished wooden floor. She dreamed of paradise, read it in her book because reality was too hard to bare.

Juugo should pity her, as he heard not an ounce of protest while he walked between rows of shelves, each steeped with heavy books. They were tall too, the wood practically brushing the ceiling as Juugo tried to contain his excitement.

There was so much here, dozens of rows stacked with knowledge, all of it useful to him as he checked the labels.

He glanced back to Ahma, whom he could see just past the edge of the nearest row.

She raised her hand absently, letting him know an annoying fact.


Of course she was as Juugo resumed his search, sifting from shelf to shelf for anything Earth related.

Water was covered, already having a good grasp of the basic signs, his clan having a natural affinity for it.

Even if the old man for instance, as Juugo plucked a book from the shelf, had mentioned lightening jutsu in his stories: used by him.

Then again, it was just a story. Told to a child whom the man had loved like a son.


He read the title, pondering with a frown.

'The Art of Pottery Repair.'

It was curious, as Juugo put it back, scanning titles as he went for any hint of Earth Style. That instead of finding useful jutsu he could learn and dissect, he actually found a long list of D rank hobbies.

'Brick Building.'

He set it back, reaching for another as he rammed it back. 'Building a Pond: Gardening Time.'

Juugo threw it down, clenching his teeth as he stepped further down.

It couldn't be, his mind connecting the dots as his head tilted up, looking at the books just out of reach.

'Planting Seeds: A Good Crop.'

His eyes flicked to another, skipping the entire section on Flower Arrangement. 'Mountain Trails: A Tour of Konoha.'

That did it.


Juugo kicked the shelf, wobbling the enormous wooden structure as Ahma appeared beside him, hobbling on her crutch.

She poked him with it, then again as Juugo growled.

"Don't damage my library," she said, looking down at him. "And stop whining. Did you think these books would have incredible jutsu in?"

Ahma rolled her eyes, wanting to poke him again as she spoke scathingly. "You're a child. You have to be taught first."

She'd meant what she said, about playing shinobi as her eyes noticed the dent, then the small splinters on the floor. "Look what you've done!" she shouted, hobbling as she tried to swat him again. "You're in big tr-"

Juugo caught the crutch in his hand, gripping the aged wood with an angry grip.

Ahma tried to pull away, her expression changing as she tugged, forced to brace against the bookcase.

Juugo glared.

"I apologise," he said, the words almost threatening as he pushed it back to her. "You are right. I do need a teacher."

But that was the problem, as Juugo watched idly as Ahma almost fell.

He was just an Academy student, one with a fear that struck him still, should he dare to expose his true name.

And Iruka, busy as always: and Fumiko…

Juugo blinked.

Had he actually… asked?

"Excuse me," he said, bowing as was expected. "I am late for class."

Juugo turned, striding quickly out and past reception, leaving Ahma alone as she settled on her crutch.



She looked down, confused.


The wood had splintered at the bottom, pealing in splits and spikes where the boy had gripped it.

She looked back up, forming the Ram as she glimpsed him run through the training grounds, heading with speed towards the large lake.

Incredible, so that was why Mizuki was helping him.

Her Lord would be pleased, if she didn't suspect Mizuki's imminent failure of the task at hand. It was so simple too, not difficult at all as she disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

'Recover the bases. Retrieve the items left behind.'

Not difficult, as Ahma plopped into her chair.

Mizuki was either completely incompetent, or having a change of heart.

Or both.

…or neither, as Juugo slipped out of range. She'd keep an eye on both of them, her Lord would demand it, perhaps even more as she resumed her reading.

But, she was only human as she giggled softly.

This was here favourite story.


"Inflate your chest!" instructed Iruka, taking a deep breath himself as the girl began to sink. "Lift your head. KICK!"

It was no use, she was sinking as Iruka stepped up onto the lake's surface, arriving in a few steps to fish her out.

Cough Cough Cough.

Iruka carried her back, comforting the crying girl while Aki continued to watch, offering similar advice to the current group. "You're alright," he said, setting her down on the sandy bank. "Sit with Kika."

Kika was quick to help, shuffling over as she helped move the girl's hair from her face. "Sensei," she said, catching him before he left. "Where's Juugo?"

It was no secret to her friends, as they sat in a row along the sand, why it was she'd asked.

Kika had a crush, one Iruka could see as he looked at the worried girl.

He couldn't tell her the truth.

"Juugo's off sick today," he said, turning away.


Iruka nodded, gone in a flash as he arrived back by the swimming children.

"Use your arms!"

This time the boy actually listened, coming up from the precipice just in time. "Good job," he praised tonelessly, watching the rest with absent eyes.

It hadn't quite gone to plan last night, as he thought of Suzi and her beautiful skin.

He shivered just thinking about it, trying hard to recall the conversation in her office, where she'd agreed to tell Juugo about today.

But that hadn't happened.

All night.


Iruka could guess what Juugo had done today, as the girl avoided hyperventilating. He'd had arrived on-time for class, seen that no-one was there, then skipped. Off to who knew where, like he seemed to do with every moment of his free time.

Suzi had told him about Juugo's bizarre schedule, how some days he would skip dinner, entering late into the evening.

She wasn't sure how he got in, but wasn't surprised he'd found a way.

"Swap around!"

The group in the lake swam towards the bank, quickly finding their feet in the shallow water.

The next group was up, the first that had swum. "Stay focused Naruto," said Iruka, pointing a finger at him and Sasuke as they passed. "Sasuke. You need to put your head under."

Sasuke didn't like getting his hair wet, far too precious according to Naruto who raced ahead, barrelling through the water as Sasuke followed.

They were becoming friends, somehow as Iruka signalled they go.


He jumped.

"Sakura," he breathed, looking down at the girl in her flowery swimsuit. "What's wrong? You're doing great out there."

Sakura beamed, grinning at his praise. "My parents take me swimming at the weekends," she sung, her thoughts derailed as she adjusted her ponytail. "Dad's really good!"


Iruka was sure he was. For a civilian. "Is your chest still hurting?"

Sakura had gone to the Hospital with her parents, who paid for Healing by Medical Shinobi.

It was only free for those in active service.

"No," she said. "It's fine now," as she tapped her chest. "I was wondering about Juugo though. He's not here."

Today was the best day she'd had so far, as she glanced at the lake. No chalkboard, no lectures. Just swimming at the lake with her friends.

It bothered her then, that Juugo was missing from it. She'd been meaning to speak to him too.


Iruka was trying not to grimace. "He's off sick today," he said eventually, giving Sakura a difficult smile. "Nothing serious, he'll be in tomorrow."

Juugo was sick?

"Oh." Sakura nodded softly. "Okay then."

Iruka quickly ushered her away, saying not to worry and to enjoy the water as Sakura re-joined her friends.


Iruka huffed.

"FLOAT-" he shouted. "-yes, that's it!"

Excellent, the class was going well as a body landed in the sand beside him.

He blinked, looking to his side. "… Juugo."

Iruka swallowed, a corned man as Juugo gazed across the water.

"You're well recovered," he added, speaking loudly as those waiting watched. "How are you feeling."

Juugo squinted, looking at his Sensei as if he were deranged. "I am well, Sensei. Thank you for asking."

"Very good. Good."

Juugo began to kick his shoes off.

"Juugo?" asked Iruka in confusion. "What are you…"

Juugo removed his t-shirt.

"Sorry I was late Sensei," he said, with deep meaning as he looked to the man he'd neglected. "I will do my best from now on. I've been a poor student."

He bowed.

"Please forgive me."

Iruka was utterly shocked, unable to answer before Juugo ran to the lake. "Wait. Juugo!"

He watched, along with the others as Juugo leapt at the water's edge, his foot spraying sand as flew, soaring in a flip above the water as he cleared the swimmers.

They stared like gaping fish, following with their eyes as Juugo arced into the water beyond.

A small splash, and he was gone.

The water rippled, waiting for Juugo to resurface.

Iruka was already running.


Juugo appeared, smiling with a wave as he floated far into the lake.

Sakura waved back, laughing happily as their eyes met.

They smiled.


I quite like writing Mizuki, he feels more real. A man with real faults, you know?

Anyway. Hope you liked Juugo's little epiphany, you'll see how that goes for him. Lol.

As ever please check out my Pa – treon dot com / bactum if you'd like to read ahead and say hello.

Till next time!