
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 22

Juugo stayed by the lake after Fumiko had left, finding the bench and the air he breathed too good to leave.

This place was tranquil, bubbling softly in his ears as nature drew towards him.

He crossed his legs, drawing them up to the bench with a peaceful sigh.

There hadn't been enough time; neither now nor before as Juugo thought of his clan and their pitiful fate.

It didn't matter now, as he gazed across the lake, deciding to ponder Fumiko and her strange summon instead. Since that was surely what it was, the plump bird that seemed a perfect match for the lively Fumiko. It even talked, something he'd not realised was possible as he tilted back, sensing someone near.

They walked with a bouncy step, springing from foot to foot as they headed for the empty training ground. This whole area was effectively one big one, with the land all around the lake dotted with posts and worn grass.

Juugo turned, lifting his arm to rest along the bench's back. He frowned, watching as the boy settled in a worn patch not far from him, before adopting a stance Juugo had not seen before.

Except, for the eyes. Which were pale like moonlight as the unknown boy jabbed with dangerous fingers, attacking unseen enemies in controlled moves.

Should Juugo move? As he felt for other observers, finding none.

He hadn't noticed him, realised Juugo as he looked closely… that was it, as he looked away in thought.

Veins. Only visible when the eye came alive, when it could so much more.

Juugo wondered, as he focused on the chakra, feeling it flare from his finger in a way Juugo doubted was all that effective.

Though, what did he know as an idea struck him.

Why not find out, he thought. Finding no fault with his logic as he rose from the bench with a careful step.

The boy flinched towards him, looking across with a deep scrutiny as Juugo ambled towards him.

He kept his guard up, still unable to dismiss the aura that glimpsed around him. "What do you want?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "This place isn't for first-years."

Juugo kept walking, arriving across from him as he smiled politely. "Hello," he said, wanting to make a good impression. "Sorry to bother you, but I wondered if you might want to train with me?"

"No. It would be a waste of time." He said, dismissive as he adopted his stance once again. "Now go away."

He began anew, thrusting and poking as Juugo remained composed, rightfully annoyed as he watched for a moment.

This boy was very rude, too rude to suffer as Juugo sped towards him, unsurprised when he reacted quickly.

He turned, blocking Juugo's fist with his palm, and then again as another curved towards his gut.

"Fight me," said Juugo, bearing down as his pale eyes widened. He jumped back, feeling the strain on his arms before Juugo was upon him again.

They exchanged blows, striking and blocking in the Academy style while Juugo pressed his advantage, knowing he was stronger as he felt the blocks lose their potency. "Why don't you fight like before?" he posed between strikes, before burying an elbow into his unguarded shoulder.


Juugo watched him jolt away and fall to a knee, disorientated before feeling a foot smash against his temple, tumbling him to the side as the ground shocked his bones.

He rolled a number of times, at least three as Juugo landed softly. "Come on," he called, as if his opponent were joking with him. "You're a Hyuuga. You can beat me."

They were renown, after all.

But perhaps, not all of them as Juugo frowned at his form. "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned. "Can you stand?"

This wasn't good, not good at all he made his way over. "Um, right," he said aloud, seeing the Hyuuga failing to stand.

He crouched towards him.

"What's your name?"


Juugo nudged his shoulder, the very same he'd elbowed before.

That seemed to wake him up.

"N-neji," he uttered, glancing up before feinting from the strain, landing in a heap at Juugo's feet.

"Oh," said Juugo as he looked around, feeling for anyone nearby.

There was no one, deciding to wait and see as he sat beside him.

That had not gone well, as he leaned against his crossed legs, searching the ground for things to pass the time. There were cracks, visible as a finger poked at them.

The earth was dry here, falling to dust as Juugo thought of the moist forests he'd grown up in.

They weren't better, per say since Juugo liked the heat and the warmth it gave.

Yet, as he glanced to his side, hoping Neji would wake soon, he couldn't help but notice how different Konoha was.

Notice how the sky seemed brighter here, how the birds flew higher and more freely than any he'd seen before.

Even the people seemed brighter, happier as Juugo thought of Suzi, the brightest of them all.

Things were good here as Juugo continued to wait. And wait, then some more as the warmth of the day began to wane.

He turned to Neji, unsure.

Juugo knew where he lived, hard to forget as he called it quits. He'd have to take him home, trying now to arrange Neji on his back, who's hair seemed unnecessarily long as they walked awkwardly.

The heavy door soon approached, denying him as Juugo manoeuvred his foot to push it open.

It swung away, banging the wall as it echoed in the empty corridors.

No one heard, leaving Juugo to shrug as he pottered through. Neji wasn't all that heavy, just difficult to hold as his head kept butting Juugo's ear.

Juugo tried to shift him away, succeeding only slightly as they travelled carefully through the Academy, which was all but empty now.

Iruka had gone, not a hair in sight as Juugo avoided the cafeteria, where a few were eating… hm, they were students. That didn't seem fair, not to Juugo as Neji butted his ear again.

"Stay still," he muttered, adjusting again as they paused at the guest entrance. He had to pull this one, trying with his hand -

- Neji almost fell, forcing Juugo to rethink as he balanced on one foot, while the other hooked the door open.

It banged the wall, echoing like before as still no one noticed.

Juugo walked through, leaving the door behind as the pair headed off down the path, quickly heading left towards the mountain.

The Hyuuga were that way, on route to the faces he'd seen on his tour. Their clan compound wasn't that far, one of the closest as people walked around them, idle about their business.

If it were possible, as Neji once again butted his ear, Juugo would think people were avoiding them. Like this man, who walked with a casual air straight past them.

He didn't so much as glance, hurrying past as others did the same as Juugo moved through the streets, choosing the quickest route possible.

They past shops selling wares and bars, that buzzed with activity while Juugo kept away, leaving the area as they passed an old apartment block.

Still, no one did anything.

As if, whatever was their plight, was theirs alone to carry.

Juugo didn't mind, could even understand as the buildings began to change and shift into an era from the past while he walked on.

It was just ahead now, the familiar wall in sight as the sun peeked above it.

Almost there.

All Juugo had to do was reach the entrance, which was further along as once again, Neji butted his ear.

He quickened, wanting rid of this burden as he followed the wall, coming quickly to a halt when the entrance appeared.

There were two guards. One standing, the other leaning.


Juugo would improvise from here, hoping to avoid any talk of 'attack' and 'off with his head' from this historic clan.

"What?" said the one standing, looking down at the boy who'd just appeared nowhere. "What do-"

The other moved, arriving by Juugo with frantic eyes. "What happened?" he asked quickly, already tugging Neji from his back as he cradled him to the floor. "Speak!"

Juugo did.

"He hit his head," he said, pressured as the other approached with a stare. "We were training."

Juugo stepped away, looking as the kneeling man lifted Neji's eyes lids, before breathing with relief as the Byakugan appeared undamaged.

They calmed significantly after that, with the one closest to him sighing tiredly. "What's your name?" he asked, ignoring as the other picked Neji up. "You attend the Academy?"

Yes and yes, as Juugo watched Neji be carried away. "It's Juugo."

"Who is your guardian?" probed the guard, hiding a frown that Juugo saw with ease.

"Miss Suzi, at the Black Beam Orphanage," said Juugo, recalling the name as recognition flashed across the guard's face.

"I see," he said, cordial as he turned on his heel. "If you'd like to follow me. Lord Hizashi will need an account of what happened."

He indicated Juugo follow.

Juugo edged away.

"Oh, well. Nothing really happened," he said hastily, unsettled at the prospect of a Lord's interrogation. "Neji will tell you, I should go now."

He turned, about to walk as a different man appeared from the large house within. "Wait a moment!" he called, not unpleasantly as he hurried to the gate.

The guard wasn't looking, the perfect opportunity as Juugo bolted.


Juugo managed a few good yards before being plucked from the ground. "You're a quick one," said the voice, chuckling as he set a thrashing Juugo down. "Sorry, I mean no harm."

He stepped back, allowing Juugo a moment to correct his tousled t-shirt.

Juugo glanced back, finding pale eyes.

"I should get back," he tried, stubborn in his avoidance.

The man smiled, seeing as much. "Please, I have much to thank of you," he said, looking grateful. "You brought Neji back. Kept him safe."


"That's not exactly-" Juugo slumped. "That's not what happened," he admitted.

But, as the man smiled again.

"Indeed," he said, deciding to crouch so the boy could see him. "But no matter. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

Juugo didn't immediately object as the man rose happily

"Perfect. Come along, you can meet my wife too!"


Neji was nowhere to be seen as Juugo stepped through a sliding door, bereft of his sandals and forced to where… these.

They were shoe socks, or something like that as Hizashi entered behind him.

"Please, sit. My wife will be along shortly," he said, sliding the door closed.

Juugo stepped away, not sure which side of the table to take as Hizashi swept past him. "Here. Sit here, this is a good spot," he pointed to the chair on his right, facing the elegant windows. "Miyumi loves the garden."

Juugo nodded, taking his seat with an agreeable hum. "Um…" he glanced at Hizashi, trying to think of something to say as the man waited patiently. "Is Neji alright?" he asked, still nervous over the matter. "He feinted, I couldn't wake him."

"Oh I am sure he'll be fine," said Hizashi, unconcerned. "I am curious though," as he edged forwards. "What happened?"

Neji didn't often spar, only with Lee who he seemed unable to shake. "He's usually quite careful," he added, sensing there was more.

Juugo squirmed.

"It was my fault," he admitted, a little shamefully. "I asked him spar with me. But he wouldn't so…"

Hizashi appeared to understand.

"That sounds like Neji."

"I attacked him-" said Juugo hastily. "-then we fought. I kicked him in the head."

It had all gone by quite quickly as Hizashi listened. "I caught him with an elbow thrust, then a kick to the temple," said Juugo, feeling confused as Hizashi leant in interest.

He seemed fascinated.

"How did he fight?" he probed. "Did he poke you at all?" he glanced over Juugo, checking his arms for marks where there was none.

"No," denied Juugo. "We both used the Academy style."

"I see," mused Hizashi, leaning back thoughtfully. "Why did you win?" he asked, expecting the boy to have some advantage over Neji.

Which was impressive, given Juugo's… circumstance.

"I overpowered him."

Hizashi felt no lie.

"My attacks dealt damage even against his guard, whereas his did not," explained Juugo, agreeing with his own assessment as he looked to the older man.

"Come in," he called, glancing at the door as it slid open. "Ah, wonderful. Juugo, this is my wife, Miyumi."

She bowed politely, showing her rich kimono of pale white. "It's nice to me you, Juugo. Thank you for bringing Neji home," smiled kindly at him, intrigued at what she saw.

Juugo stood, bowing too. "Of course," he said, looking up again as she found her seat opposite him.

He sat quickly, then glanced at the door as footsteps hurried along.

"Do you like Fish, Juugo?" asked Miyumi from her seat, paying no mind as the servants ambled in, carrying food through the door one by one.

There was 4 of them, the number staggering as they each carried but a single dish.

"Yes," he said, before glancing at the servant. "Thank you."

The man smiled, placing the food down with a small tap. "Do you prefer chopstick, or cutlery?" he asked professionally, revealing a set of both.


He placed them down, bowing before leaving with the rest.

"I must confess," she said Miyumi, catching his attention as she glanced at her husband. "I didn't think Neji had any friends beyond Lee. But I am glad to be proven wrong."

Hizashi rolled his eyes, somehow as Juugo laughed weakly.

She was so delighted, beaming as Juugo unwrapped his chopsticks.

"You attend the Academy, is that right?"

Juugo looked up. "Yes, I just started my first-year," he said, glancing into her pale eyes.

"Who is your Sensei?" she probed, appearing innocent as Juugo realised.

"Iruka," he said quickly, knowing where this was going as Miyumi smiled again.

She… seemed satisfied.

"He's such a good sensei," she stated, before casting a frown at Hizashi who was enjoying his meal. "Hizashi."

He looked up, catching a noodle. "Of course, I've known Iruka for some years now," he parroted, appearing to wait for his wife.

Juugo did too.

"Oh, Juugo. Don't wait on my account," she encouraged, indicating with a delicate hand. "The Fish is from Kiri, it's very good."

He glanced at his place. "Thank you," he said, smiling as he took a piece of the steamed fish.

It was delicious, far better than anything he could do as he noticed Hizashi resume his meal, his wife beginning to eat with a contented smile.

Adults were a strange lot, realised Juugo as dinner passed quietly.


Miyumi was talking to him.

"Sorry, yes?" he asked, shaking the daydream away.

She tilted her head, wondering what he'd been thinking. "Would you like a tour of the house?" she asked, wanting to observe him still.

There was something different about him, almost familiar as she watched him shake his head.

"Thank you, but I best get back. Miss Suzi…"

Miyumi hummed, knowing already as Hizashi rose. "I'll escort you out," he said, stepping past Miyumi as she stood as well.

"Come and visit," she offered, waiting as Juugo pushed his chair back in. "Neji would like that, I think."

He moved to the door, eager to leave. "Of course," he said, not really meaning it as he heard Hizashi chuckle. "Thank you for dinner."

She smiled.

"You are welcome, Juugo. Bye for now."

He stepped out, following Hizashi out the door and through the house.

"Leave them there," said Hizashi, amused by how quickly Juugo wanted them off. "Here."

Juugo slipped his sandals back on. "Thanks."

Hizashi nodded, before leading him out and towards the gate.

They slowed.

"Safe trip home," said Hizashi, keeping it brief. "I'll speak to Neji once he wakes, there won't be any issues."

Juugo thanked him again, glad nothing bad had happened as he said goodbye, heading out into the dim night

Hizashi lingered, peering at the boy as he disappeared from view.

He raised his hand, forming the Ram as his eyes pulsed.

Hizashi let them return to normal, pondering as he walked back to the house.

Miyumi was waiting for him, standing by the door.

"What did you see?" she asked quietly, turning with her husband as he stilled beside her. "I saw it too."

He turned to her. "I am not sure," he said, dismissive as he stepped past her. "There are plenty of Shinobi with strong chakra."

She followed quickly, perturbed by her husband's reaction. "I recognise that chakra," she whispered, knowing he'd heard as he stopped abruptly.

He turned back.


He swept away, leaving his wife to wallow in distant memory.



What a chapter, love the Hyuuga. Neji's a legend, and now Juugo might have made a friend.

If you'd like to support and read ahead too, check out: www. Pa treon com/ bactum (no spaces and a dot before com)

Till next time!



What a chapter, love the Hyuuga. Neji’s a legend, and now Juugo might have made a friend.

If you’d like to support and read ahead too, check out: www. Pa treon com/ bactum (no spaces and a dot before com)

Till next time!

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