
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 14

Juugo arrived at the academy, just on time as he slipped through the closing door.


He turned to Mizuki, smiling apologetically. "Sorry Sensei, our breakfast was delayed this morning."

It was a complete lie, as he felt the others look at him pityingly. "Oh. I see, try to…" Mizuki shook his head. "Never mind, take your seat."

Juugo thanked him, heading up towards his chair on the middle row.

He slipped into his seat, noticing someone different sat beside him as Mizuki wrote on the board.

"Now," he began, finishing with a tap. "Let's talk about chakra."

Juugo perked, sitting up as Mizuki approached the front rows, opening a box as he went.


A leaf?

The girl at the front took it, thinking the same as she twiddled it between her fingers.

"Don't play with them, just wait," he instructed, walking along the rows as he handed the leaves out.

Juugo took his, recognition playing across his face.

Mizuki smirked, continuing on before arriving back at the front.

"Today, we'll be practicing chakra control. Using the leaves provided," he plucked one of his own, holding it in his palm for them all to see.


He raised his palm, keeping the leaf in-place as it clung to it. "By sending chakra through my hand, I can use it to keep the leaf from falling."

The class watched in awe, a few already eyeing their leaves as Mizuki's fell.

He caught it.

"Try on your own first, then I will assist. It's better this way."

It began, as students swiped their leaves from the table, eagerly ramming them against their hands.

Mizuki chuckled, shaking his head before a boy tore his leaf, upset as a piece flaked away.

Then, a girl with a pony tail did the same. Then another as Juugo felt them fall like dominos.

They'd need more leaves, which Mizuki knew as he headed round, assigning spares in the same fashion.

Juugo looked at his own leaf, having left it be during Mizuki's… detailed instruction. He picked it up, feeling how dry it was. It was no wonder the others had broken as his palm held it.

It was better to avoid letting it fall, seeing still as others continued to let them. So instead, Juugo just held the leaf comfortably, wanting to know it could stick before testing it out.

Mizuki's chakra had been subtle, yet clear as Juugo closed his eyes, letting his Chakra seep from his hand.

It touched the leaf.

Too much, and it would push away. Too little, and it would fall.

Juugo added a little more, recognising the strain he was under as memories of boiling water rose.

It was like… painting, just enough to cover the paper as he waited, steadying the flow before tilting his hand.


It fell, swooping down with a click as it landed near his neighbour.

He'd lost focus.


The girl beside him shuffled, edging towards him. "How'd you do that? You got it to stay a bit!"

Juugo looked at her, seeing her smile as the tips of her hair edged towards her mouth. "Don't use too much, just touch it."

He watched her eyes light as she swiped the biggest bit left from her lead, scrunching her face with focus.

It fell.

"Too little."

She opened her eyes, seeing as Juugo's leaf remained stuck to his palm. "Can you move your hand?" she asked, forgetting her failure for the moment. "Wave your hand."

Juugo did, slowly as he considered her motives. She didn't seem malicious, just curious as the leaf stayed, clinging firmly as Juugo's hand circled.


He smiled, turning his hand back up as Mizuki approached them.

"Sensei!" called the girl. "Juugo did it!"

Mizuki looked at him, having seen from afar as Juugo lowered his eyes.

"Show us Juugo," she prompted, feeling bold as Mizuki raised his hand

"Wait a moment Juugo," he said, wanting the others to see. Juugo was talented, that was for sure as he turned to the class. "Pay attention! Juugo will demonstrate."

They did, looking over at a reluctant Juugo.

"When you're ready."

He did as he'd done before, channelling chakra as the leaf clung to his hand.

It stayed.

"Excellent!" clapped Mizuki, giving way to the rest of the class as they followed suit.

Juugo quickly lowered his hand, looking down at the table.

The girl nudged him, smiling. "Have you done this before?" she asked, glancing towards their Sensei who listened in.

"No, never."

The truth, since he'd never used a leaf before. "I just got lucky."


"Don't be modest, Juugo," as they watched Mizuki return to the blackboard. "Let me explain something else, now that we've had a good go."

He picked up the chalk, drawing a crude human shape. "A shinobi," he said, glancing back as he tapped the man for attention. "Has 361 tenkestu within their body that can expel chakra, since each of them links through the chakra network."

Dots were drawn, clustering on the hand as he indicated them. "The hands and feet hold the most, which naturally makes it the easiest place to manipulate chakra."

He drew a line to the feet, then another near the head. "Once you've mastered using your hands, we'll move on to the other parts of the body, so your control improves," he set the chalk down, letting it sink in as he retrieved a leaf for himself.

He placed it on his forehead, letting it stick as a few laughed.


The leaf moved, as if with little legs of its own as it headed down his cheek, then his neck and into his shirt. The children laughed, as did Mizuki. "Eventually, once you've reached this level of control, you'll be able to perform even the most complex jutsu."

The laughing dimmed, the mention of jutsu enough as Mizuki formed a seal.

"Clone Jutsu!"

Juugo twitched, seeing an image of Mizuki appear as he felt the chakra echo within. The difference was easy to spot, with the copy a mere haze of the real Mizuki.

"Once you can stick the leaf to your forehead, I'll be able to teach you the Clone Jutsu," the image faded, disappearing with a flick as Mizuki looked at their eager faces. "So, keep practicing. Another hour until lunch."

The class did, trying again as Juugo heard the leaves clatter again.

He raised his hand, seeing the leaf stick before seeing if he could shake it off.

The girl laughed from his side, finding it funny as her spare leaf fell to bits again. "Try it on your head," she said, collecting them with a smile.

Juugo shrugged, giving it a go as he repeated the steps on his head. It was definitely harder, as it slipped a few times, damaging the leaf as his hands caught it.

He tried again, letting the hour pass with only a little progress.

"Let's break for lunch," called Mizuki, already heading for the door himself. "The leaves will be here when you get back."


He smiled, holding the door as the children filed out.

"Juugo?" he said, glancing back as a leaf fell. "Lunch. It's Fish Pie today."

Juugo stopped, looking up at the empty class. "Sorry Sensei," he said, setting his leaf down as he headed over.

Mizuki waited, holding the door with an unreadable expression as the pair stepped out.

The door clicked behind them.


Mizuki glanced at him as he locked the door. "What is it Juugo?"

"How do I access the library?"

Juugo knew already, still carrying the form as the two walked towards the noisy cafeteria. He didn't want Mizuki to think he'd already tried to enter. "Oh, well that's not usually till your second year," he said, casting him a quick glance.

Juugo frowned, feeling Mizuki's eyes on him. "I see."

Mizuki could see the boy's disappointment as his body tensed, his eyes thinning.

Perhaps he could help him, it wasn't against his orders. "Is there something you wished to know?" he offered, as they turned a corner. "I can arrange it for you."

The cafeteria was full as busy tables peaked through the open doors.

"You'd do that?" said Juugo, finding the offer odd as they paused at the junction. He'd said it was the rule, wasn't he supposed to enforce them?

Yet still Mizuki nodded, glancing idly towards the noisy room.

"Of course. It's no issue."

The staff room was further along as he turned that way. "How about this. I'll choose a few books I think you'll find useful, then you can request more if needed."

Seemed reasonable as Juugo nodded, thanking him as the man waved, heading off to the staff room.

Strange, thought Juugo. But useful as he headed in, joining the queue with the other late comers.

He'd wondered if the older years arrived before them, as he glanced at them chatting over empty bowls. There were even a few leaving, even older with chakra like the Genin he'd felt within the village.

They weren't difficult to spot, always the few wearing their own clothes as Juugo poured his bowl.

He wondered what he would wear, as he glanced across the room, judging the clothes he saw with a critical eye. Some wore shorts with bandages, whilst others joggers and sweat suits. These were the civilian children, as he switched to the clans.

They seemed to enjoy more traditional wear, almost robe like, with ties and straps that held it all together.

Juugo pictured his own clothes as he glanced down, seeing his plain shorts and brown jacket. The t-shirts varied, usually a faded colour like brown or green.

This was Konoha, as Juugo retrieved his fork, glad to avoid the troublesome chopsticks as he walked towards table 6. It was the designated table for his class, along with some from another as he sat at the end of the isle.

They were all busy talking, chatting with loud voices as Juugo took a forkful of pie.

It was good, tasty with plenty of fish as he swirled the mashed potat - he blinked, feeling eyes on him again as he followed them back.

A girl, at a different table as she peered at him between chatting classmates.

Juugo drew his chakra in, working hard to maintain the balance as he felt his aura reduce. How the Byakugan could see it was a mystery, as he glanced her way.

Their eyes met, with hers darting quickly away and towards the table. Another girl beside her asked how she was, getting a quick shake from her head as Juugo watched her a little longer.

They were the same age, he was sure as he felt the others around her. Knowing they were as well as familiar chakra bloomed into view. Fire. Water. Shadow… and a few more that were different, like the blonde girl with flat, green eyes.

Juugo suppressed a scowl, annoyed he'd not been assigned with them. He had a clan, was from two not just one. It should have been him, not her as his eyes glanced at a head of pink hair.

What was she doing there, he thought. Knowing for a fact that her family was as civilian as they came, remembering how her parents coddled her.

They'd been the first to arrive, waiting for her to leave with the other families.


He turned, seeing the girl from class as she sucked a piece of her hair.

"Disgusting," he said, giving her a look to match as her face fell.

She turned away. "S-sorry."

Juugo sniffed, turning back to his food in a foul mood, not caring as the girl frantically tried to remove the hair from her mouth.

It was for the best, at least.

He'd apologise later, after lunch as it passed quickly.


"How's everyone doing?"

Juugo ignored his Sensei, still annoyed as the leaf lingered on his forehead.

It fell, catching it as the class groaned around him. They were tired, the day already at its end as Juugo glanced at the clock.

"Don't feel down, there'll be plenty of time to practice," said Mizuki, dismissing them as his eyes settled on Juugo. The boy was too far ahead, having been put in this class on the assumption he'd be totally ignorant.

He wasn't, a fact that intrigued him to no end.

The other classes, including the few civilian children, had at least some exposure to Shinobi.

A family member. A close friend or even a Great-Grandparent. But these children, as he watched them pack away their things, knew nothing of their world.

Except Juugo.

He'd need re-placing, his talent obvious as Mizuki watched him place the leaf to his forehead. "Juugo," he said, waiting as the remaining students passed through the door. "Stay a moment," as he walked to his desk, opening a draw stacked with books.

Juugo approached, adjusting his bag with a curious eye. "Here," said Mizuki, smiling as the boy received the books.

There weren't many.

"Start with the Taijutsu. And don't skip ahead."

He'd be a fool if he did, as Juugo nodded seriously.

"Then read the others how you will, it's all theory anyway."

They didn't contain much, just the basic principals taught to the years above before actually beginning their training. It covered most of the shinobi skills, even subterfuge as Juugo thanked him, opening his bag as Mizuki stepped near.

"You've done well today, Juugo. I am impressed."

Flattery. Mizuki used it often, knowing the boy would begin to trust him. "I am going to recommend you be moved up a class," he said, pleased as the boy snapped to attention. "It's a waste otherwise, you're clearly beyond this."

Mizuki leant away, perching on the edge of his desk. He was actually glad to do this, since Juugo was talented, as he himself had been during his time at the Academy.

"Thank you, Mizuki-sensei."

"Of course," smiled his benevolent Sensei, indicating he go. "It might take a few weeks, so come here until told otherwise."

Juugo nodded curtly, heading out with a grin before closing the door behind him.


Phew! This one was a little tricky to right, not sure why but oh well.

Stay tuned!

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