

Following Juubiko on her journey through the world of Naruto and discover the secret of the ten tails. starting from day one she will make her impact on the world using the knowledge of anime.

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17 Chs

Dream now, but future plans


A/N: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.


[Juuko PoV]

Almost two months has passed since I arrived on the "Naruto"-planet. In these two month I have saved a village from bandits, dethroned a corrupted Daimyo and became hokage of the city not hidden away. The last one was a joke. I am currently in the well house. The city had a well inside a house. Very clever if anyone asks me. Locking up the well-house at night can prevent people with ill intent from poisoning the water supplies. And I came here tonight for rather different reasons.

Lifting up my sleeve, I spawned a fish shaped mob out of my forearm and let it drop into the well. This spawn has 0.03% of my current chakra reserves. And it can infuse the well water with my chakra and prevent it from melting into the ambient nature chakra. By feeding the average people my chakra in very small doses, has the result of strengthening their body's. it will only be a matter of two or three generations for the average human under my rule to be able to use chakra. Turns out, all life produces excess chakra. The larger the reserve of said individual, the more excess chakra they produce. If the excess chakra was left alone for too long, it will simply return to the current of nature-chakra.

My plan is for the civilians in the city to enlarge their chakra pool and produce more excess chakra. With time, they will become strong enough to defend themselves. This is a long term project, and it will be only a matter of time until this investment manage's to bear fruit.

At the moment, the lands military forces are comprised of myself, my shadow-clones, a few rookie samurais and a hand full of retired samurais. Take away my interference, against an invasion force such as the bandits would leave this city in critical condition.

At the moment my shadow clones are patrolling the city 24/7. The humans living under my rule all drink the water from the local wells and therefore subconsciously intake the chakra saturated water. With time, an average human would gain an increase in its base stats of a few percent. In the grand scheme of things this isn't a lot, but in a few decades their descendants will all have the potential close to a shinobi from cannon. This in my opinion is a speed of advancement far greater than that of the elemental nations. From this city as a start, I will build the first civilization that will wield chakra and achieve modernization.... I grinned to myself. For all that to happen, it will take time. "sigh~"

It's been two months and I already missed the delicate touch of my mouse and keyboard. There are still so many animes I haven't finished and so many light novels which I was eagerly anticipating the next chapter of~. Life is so cruel.

[line break]

Inside the five-story tall palace, I stood close to one of the open windows on the third floor. Looking to the east, in the general direction where the shinju-tree is located. I couldn't help but to feel a sense of foreboding brewing in that direction. I don't know when Haguromo is going to rebel against Kaguya, only that it will happen eventually. At my current strength, facing her would be suicide.

Technically speaking, I could use my space-bending technique to take a peek at Kaguya. It will be a bad idea. There is a chance that she would find me. I don't want to imagine what might happen.I have absolutely no confidence in coming out of that confrontation alive.

At the time I am waiting for Haguromo and Hamura to seal her into the moon and then for them to die of old age. Due to my subconscious prejudice against Otsutsukis in general, I find them to be more of a threat than potential allies. If they ever come to this city, I would have to retreat and hide in my kamui-dimension.

Mine is different from Obito's. while the bitter Uchiha's is a world of stone blocks with a black sky, mine is an endless plain of smooth grey desert with white petrified tree branches dotting the landscape, the sky is made up of a vast cerulean ocean with no end in sight, giving anyone who stands in the realm a feeling of oppression raining down on them. Unlike Obito, who makes himself intangible by going into his kamui-dimension on a surface level. I am unable to do the same. Instead, all I manage is to open portals that lead in & out of my dimension. if I'm in my Kamui-space, I can see everything that happens in the real world like watching a hologram. To interact, I needed to open a portal to do so. This ability reminds me of Boruto's fight against Urashiki during the Shukaku rescue arc. That smug fishing pole swinging bastard hid himself in a subdimension and attacked through opening portals.

Speaking of Boruto, I might need to find a way to get rid of Ishiki before he could create that Kara organisation. I didn't get that far in the plot, and I really am not looking forward facing any Boruto villains. They are ether third rate or broken on the same level as Madara in his base form. They have Corona Octo-gramps, Cyber-punk female OC, Ninja Heisenberg, Jiraiya 2.0 and the world most dangerous bleached parasite inhabiting an oddly handsome monk. But all that drama is left for the future me to deal with.

Turning my gaze to the place where the Plateau is located, I couldn't help but to feel a concentration of Natural energy gathered into a single spot near the edges of the highlands. That phenomenon is not natural and from my understanding of nature chakra, I have a vague idea of what might cause nature chakra to gather in one area.

'Looks like I need to find my own senjutsu-beast as an ally, I have a strong premonition that Haguromo will come to these lands sooner or later. Maybe, I'll be able to use senjutsu.'

In the time I have discovered nature-chakra, I tried to utilize it in the form of my own sage-mode. I tried inhaling it, stocking it up in my body, and even compressing it into a tangible liquid form and store it under my skin. It all failed. The soon as nature energy entered my system, it started to melt into my chakra reserves. I've been making no progress on that front.

Before I could immerse further into my thoughts the voice of Aki Kuromori cut me out of my musings.

"Juuko-sama, is something the matter. You look troubled..." my attendant asked me with worry evident in her tone. I can understand to a certain extent how Ainz felt, having a beautiful Yandere worrying after him.

"It's nothing, I was just immersed in the thoughts about the future. The world will change and the people will have to adapt." I gave a vague answer. I didn't want to burden her with my worries. Aya and Aki are technically my personal maids. It's at times like these that I find them worrying over me to be honestly adorable. It's like for a mouse worried over a dragon's scratched scales.

"How are the villagers doing?" I asked, trying to change the topic. In the last month, I had relocated the villagers I saved into the city. They now are integrated into the population of the city. From time to time, Aya or Aki will check on them. Some of them restarted their family business as pot makers.

"Kogoro shop's business is doing well, thanks to Juubiko-sama's ideas. The plates are selling well." Aki answered happily. The idea of letting the remnants of the pot village to start a business is both a way to help them financially support themselves and spin the economy in the city of the Juubi. The previous name of this city is Just too weird for me to speak up. I'm sure there is some very "fascinating" lore regarding the name, but I'm too not interested to care.

[Line break]

[Nouragi PoV]

Every since this city has been usurped by Juubiko-sama, this has became better just as she promised. Although I can't fully agree with her methods of earning the citizens trust, I can't argue with the results. Unlike the previous lord, she has no need for luxury nor wealth. Instead she pours all the resources into the betterment of the city. Yet what I find most intriguing is the fact, she issued a "reward system". In her own words, "those that worked hard deserves to be rewarded for there efforts, glory alone won't fill stomachs". The previous lord wouldn't even spare a single bowl of grain. Juubiko on the other hand lowered the once high taxes to a minimum, enough for Her government to sustain itself. She claimed that the "wheels of economy" needed to "spin" for a country to be prosperous. He is met with a bunch of words that made no sense in one sentence.

And with her magic, she turned soil into stone slabs and told the workers to pave the roads with it. She claims that ordinary people can learn to wield such power and even more in the future. I had no idea what to think about that. But then I remember our first encounter....


Inside one of the cells of the dungeon. Nouragi sat in the corner, his hands cuffed together infront of him by a wooden slab that was tied to the back of the suffocating cell. Like a dog on a leash, he was chained there. In the first few days, the lord came with his men and put him through an hour of torture sessions for the lord's amusement and ordered only to feed him once a day.

After some time the lord got borde and stopped visiting. Nouragi would have died long ago if it hadn't been for his son bribing the guards to give him food and water. His son would have like to do more, but was talked out of it by Nouragi. He didn't want his only son to put himself in danger for him and encourage the lord's wrath.

After an unknown amount of time, a young woman came to his cell. She had lush hair black as the night. two crimson eyes red as the dawning sun.

"So, what brought you down here?" She asked. Her voice devoided of any trace of mockery, only plain curiosity. Nouragi only stared in disbelief at the person infront of him. 'Who is she? How could she be here? Is she the lord's new concubine? What about the guards?' these thoughts went through Nouragi's head. An the guards came, equally confused as him. One guard tried to apprehend the woman, but with one glance from the woman, the three guards recoiled back in fear. "It's rather rude to interrupt a civil conversation." She stated it as a matter of factly. Like scolding childrens.

Nouragi could feel the oppressive malice the woman was emitting. 'She is not human.' He thought. Nouragi was no stranger to the tales of Youkais and demons. This woman's very present emitted an almost tangible aura of malice. She was like a demon in human skin, playing with her prey like a cat with a mouse.

"He, he he..." Nouragi let out a self deprecating chuckle. "Demon, have you come to finally whisk this old man away?" Nouragi expected the demon in human skin to confirm his question or out right kill him on the spot, but the next moment the suffocating aura vanished as if it was never there.

"How mean, to call this delicate maiden a demon! people here are just so rude." The woman pouted. Nouragi didn't know what to say infront of such drastic shift in atmosphere. "Apologize." The woman childishly demanded.

"Sorry?" Nouragi had no idea how the serious situation a moment ago turned into him apologising. He just doesn't understand this "person" infront of him.

"Anyways, how did you end up in this cell? You haven't answered my question." She returned the topic.

After God knows how long he's been sitting in this dim cell and suffer under the wip and malnourishment, he didn't cared much anymore. "I was an adviser to the lord and I protested against the tax policies, people are going to starve to death if he keeps demanding so much tax from the population....." Nouragi confesses. He didn't really cared if he lived or died at this point. In his own mind, he felt responsible for the suffering of the people.

"Would you like to change that?" The woman asked. Nouragi lifted his head and looked at her if she just said something ridiculous. Then a determined glint reappeared in his eyes. "As long as the people won't need to starve. I, Nouragi would give my life for it." Nouragi might've not cared for his own life, but if his life could be exchanged for the people that were with him through his ups and downs, he would do so with little hesitation. If the Demon infront of him wants his soul, then he gladly give it to her. If she can end the suffering of the people. Then Nouragi will not hesitate.

"To sacrifice one's self for others, there's no greater love." She said those words. Than a grey appendage resembling a tendrils sprouted out of her lower back. The prison guards crawled back in horror, witnessing something so alien.

The large tail-like appendage wrapped itself horizontally round the wooden prison bars and tore them in one casually scoop out of the walls like plucking weeds.

"Very well, I Juubiko the usurper lord shall grant you your wish. In exchange, serve the people of this city. So this city will be the beginning were humanity took its first step towards greatness. Nouragi, you are now hired."

To be continued…


A/N: Next chapter will most likely take as long as this one. Since I would need to write a few parts.

Reviews are the fuel for this story to continue.


Juuko's appearance:

Height: 1,60 meters

Physic: on the slim side with a little bit of fat around her torso and thighs.

Three sizes: 90, 72, 105.

Hair: straight black hair in a Hime-cut.

Skin: pale milky skin without any blemishes.

Face: eye shape resembles Ryuuzetsu from kusagakure. General face shape resembles Sara from Loran city.

Eyes: red Rinne-Sharingan in the right and tomoeless Sharingan in the left.

Attire: plane grey long sleeved kimono down to her knees. Sleeves are diagonally opened up to her upper arms. Red Long silky leggings reaching up to her thighs. A pair of black gothic boots made from mobs.

A black overcoat hanging loosely down her left shoulder with spider lilies designed on the lower half.

Weapon: Condensed Pebbles and iron marbles stored in the forearms.

An average katana tied to the hip and a pair of butcher knifes hidden in her nape area.

Ertenkorcreators' thoughts