

Following Juubiko on her journey through the world of Naruto and discover the secret of the ten tails. starting from day one she will make her impact on the world using the knowledge of anime.

Ertenkor · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs



A/N: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.


[Juubiko PoV]

The Journey to the foot of the plateau was a relaxing one. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On days like these I find myself enjoying the sensation nature has to offer while strolling through the lush-green forest. It's been around three months since I ended up in the Naruto-verse. To this day I refuse to think that I died and got reincarnated as a Juubi. Since I can't recall my own death in my old life…Probably I'm just deluding myself at this point. It's a bitter pill to swallow. From using a big bang simulation to launch me on to this planet to pulling of a Doflamingo on a scumbag daimyo, I find my new life isn't short on actions.

As for ruling a city, I used the parasite's wealth to fund the betterment of the city. From how much wealth that self-delusional "Noble Lord" had gathered, I would bestow upon him the title as a "Hoarder". I highly doubt he even knew how to use "his"(my) resources that he collected over the years.

With Nouragi's help and the wealth of the Hoarder, I managed to revitalize the city's economy. Since then, I've been making improvements to the city's infrastructure. Such as supplying stone slabs to pave the roads, having my mobs dig out sewer systems and infuse the fields with nature chakra so the yearly harvest will make sure the people under my rule won't starve.

Thus, my reputation with the population has skyrocketed. Nouragi claimed that I'm a saint comparison to his old boss. I'm flattered, yet I done it all for my own ends. In cannon, the bijus are nothing but oversized wild animals chilling in their natural habitats. Until Hashirama came along and said: Hippeti Hoppeti, you are now my property. In the anime, wood release did restrain the Juubi and I have no plans of being captured like a trophy. I could just biju dama him and Madara into the pure lands, but that would cause a too big of a butterfly effect and Naruto might not even be born. I mean, since I'm in the Naruto world, I should at least see the protagonist of this world. Besides, I don't want to derail the timeline too much from its original course. Perhaps it's already too late, but I would like to stay optimistic.

As for why I'm taking a stroll towards the giant plateau to the west of my city. That's because a month ago, I sensed a concentrated amount of nature chakra close to said plateau I'm heading right now. First, I didn't pay much mind to it due to me being all busy managing the Juubi no city. Now that I finally had some free time, I decided to investigate this phenomenon. If my theories are anything close to accurate, then I would be able to find a senjutsu beast at the base of the plateau.

"Hey, you young girl!..." a thuggish voice ended my good mood. Turning around, I saw several fur coats wearing bandits. I really don't understand, what's the deal with all these bandits and their fur coats. From what I can sense from their chakra, their intentions seem to be Lustful? Not only are they bandits but also horn dogs.

If this is an anime, I would gain a tic mark at their audacity. I blurred out what they were saying and let my killing intent press on their feeble coils. The scene was like a shinigami projecting their raiyatsu on weaker opponents from bleach. I learned, a Bijuu's killing intent was no joke. These average humans slumped to the ground like puppets whose strings are cut. Looking at the downed bodies, I throw them one by one into my kamui space to use for later for various purposes. At my current strength, I have regained three of my tails from the amount of chakra I in took during my time in this chakra rich environment. If the tail ranking of the Bijuu is anything to go by, then my chakra capacity is comparable to the three-tailed turtle Isobu.

Continuing my quest to seek out the nearest senjutsu-animal. I could feel its presence shrouded in the midst of a nature-chakra saturated mist. To the naked eye of humans, this mist is as good as invisible. Traversing through the dense chakra saturated environment, I saw an odd-looking stone in the shape of a grown man. Reminds me of the petrified humans from the anime "doctor stone". There are sprouts and branches growing out of the rifts and crannies of the stone human. Its body is saturated with nature-chakra to the point where the cells turned into stone and earthly minerals. Even if I would have tried, I wouldn't be able to save him. If I had to take an educated guess, then this person had stumbled into this place with abnormal senjutsu-chakra density and its body has soaked in too much nature chakra and died. Since I am a juubi, an entity that absorbs chakra on a planetary scale at my prime. This invasive chakra in the atmosphere is more like a treat then a petrifying mist. I walked on, in the direction where I sensed the senjutsu-beast before I entered its domain.

"Curious, thou are not same to the leeching tree in the east." A towering stag stood in the middle of a clearing that wasn't there a moment ago. Its fur was amber brown with elegant white tribal markings emphasizing its muscular stature. Its horns are literally a pair of branches with leafs and flowers adorning them. 'O DEER' I thought to myself…

"This one is Arashika. What Business thy seek, in audience with I?" The three-meter-tall deer looked to be apprehensive. I took a courteous bow out of respect. Thanks to Nouragi, I now know the basics of noble etiquette.

"Greetings Arashika- dono, you may refer to me as Juubiko. This one wish to learn your kinds way of wielding Nature chakra." I answer truthfully.

"Ho~, thou art a not what this one expects. Thou are more sentient than the leech on tree form in the east. Thou yet have the same sent to that one." There was a calculating intelligent behind its words. 'So, he is aware of the shinju's presence.' I thought to myself. 'Yet, if he is afraid that the shinju will spread it's influence on to these lands, then it would be somewhat understandable. But, Kaguya's goal isn't to destroy this world, but to build an army to fight the other Otsutsuki's. Also from what I know from cannon, Kaguya settled her base of operation not far from the shinju and there is no mention of her leaving her domain in the anime.'

"I would like to ask, how much does Arashika dono know about the tree?" I need to confirm something.

"The leech is guarded by one veiled in white. There used to be two, yet one has vanished five springs ago. After that, the tree slowed down it's devouring of the life blood of the world. " Arashika said. Good, I now know at which point in time I am.

"Does the one veiled in white have any offspring's?" I asked. I wanted to know how long I needed to wait until Kaguya is going to be sealed into the moon.

"This one is unsure, it's been two springs since this one had glanced upon the happening of the leeching tree." Arashika seems to be contemplating about something. "Thou know something of the sort that this one is unaware of?" From his tone I don't know if he is questioning me or accusing me. For now, I'll give him a half truth, since my primary reason to seek him out is to learn senjutsu. "The tree to the east wouldn't pose a problem for this part of the land for now." I said and Arashika blinked.

"Yet, when the time came, where the other white veiled one reappears, I must be ready to defend myself." I gestured to myself. "My coils can be used to spawn that tree, but I refuse to perish in such indignatios way. Therefore, I asked you for the knowledge to strengthen myself and in exchange I shall act to protect these lands. Surely, there is something Arashika dono seek while broadcasting your presence to this one." I said the last part as a matter of factly. Narrowing my eyes, I challenged him to claim otherwise.

"Shrewd one you are." The large stag huffed out through its nostrils. "Very well, I as the head of the Stag tribe am willing to depart the knowledge of our kinds technique to thou, yet I require a task thou must do for us in exchange."

Arashika turned towards the humungous landmass behind him. "There is an anomaly buried deep within the core of this uplifted land. Its nature is akin to that of yours yet different in nature." Outwardly I had my poker face on, yet internally I was panicking. 'Is there now a third Juubi? How come I didn't notice anything? Does that mean there are more Otsutsukis on this planet? ...' my mind raced through several possibilities in a span of seconds. I always knew that I will one day face the Otsutsuki race. Using sheer willpower, I was able to calm myself and reduce the existential crisis I was going through. "Is there more information regarding this 'anomaly'?" I needed to be sure on what I'm possibly dealing with is not a another Juubi with a pair of Otsutsukis guarding it. "For generations this anomaly has been buried with in the earth. It is the source that uplifted the land. A haven it was for a time. " Arashika replied as a matter of fact. "We wish for you to investigate it and destroy it if possible." Arashika stated. "We?" I asked. "Yes, my kins refuse to come near this Anomaly, do to it plaguing the dreams of my kind with unfathomable nightmares. Those that are exposed to the nightmares long enough are filled with grief and rage, they become influenced in mind and spirit." Arashika's voice became less confident than before. I inwardly sighed. I kind of pitied the stag. This sounded more like mass effect then anything kishimoto would have come up with. Just to be sure that I'm not in a crossover universe between Naruto and Mass effect. "Are there any other symptoms that your kins are showing? Like weakening or exhaustion." I asked. This made the deer raise a brow.

"No, not to my knowledge. Those plagued with nightmares will at worst throw a tantrum for a few days then regain their self after some time." Yet I can't be certain just yet. "How does this anomaly compare to the 'leeching tree in the far east?" I asked with anticipation. If what I'm dealing with is another Juubi, then this senjutsu-beast will naturally recognize the similarities. Arashika frowned for a moment, then responded thoughtfully. "They are different. The tree feasts on the lifeforce around it, while the presence of the anomaly is much more dormant and from the nightmares it spreads, it's much more sentience than the mindless tree." It was my turn to raise an eyebrow. From what I knew from the series, senjutsu did allow some sort of sensory ability. "You, are a mush between the two." Arashika stated. "With both 'reason' and the power to feast on life, you are ideal to face the anomaly." He continued.

Translation: This venison wants me to track down and eat a potential underground Cthulhu. 'Is this deer taking me for the very hungry caterpillar from the children's books?' that was my thought. Nevertheless, I don't have many stakes if I help him out. In worst case, I can portal myself out of "Cthulhu's layer" if the need arises. "If that's the case then I wouldn't mind to accept your request…" I left an unspoken 'BUT' hanging in the air. Lucky Arashika isn't as dense as his appearance suggests.

"Isn't the knowledge of our art what thou seek? What else do thy wish from this transaction?" Arashika looked a little puzzled and had an eyebrow twitching.

"Your friendship." I answered. The stag looked visibly caught off guard by my response. "To be precise, in circumstance where I "solved" the anomaly. I wish for you to be an ally of me and those I rule over. I will tell my people to not be hostile to your kind and in times of need I will call upon you for aid."

"An interesting request, the nature of thous request is to be quite novel in this one's opinion. Very well, I shall entertain thou idea, yet thou shall know that this one find itself in doubt in the friendship thou spoke of" Arashika said.

"You can refuse my second request but give it at least some thought." I added. Having the local senjutsu beast vouch for me as a protector of the land and its denizens is something that I can use to further my moral high ground Infront of Haguromo. I will take every advantage I get to not end up as a plot device for anyone. I will carve out my own path, achieve modernization of humanity, reclaim my lifestyle as an otaku and "watch" Naruto live action.

Wrapped up in my visions of my ideal lifestyle, I didn't notice the bewildered strange look Arashika gave me.

"Yet, it is not impossible. Return with news of the Anomaly or it's destruction, and I shall impart thou of the secrets of our kinds senjutsu." Arashika then left while its silhouette blended into the background.

Sorry it took so long. Had a lot of work in RL. Been stuck in this loop of work for two weeks now. No chapters coming out for this month do to my work in RL.(probably)

I wish you beautiful readers a Merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance.

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