
Just Tonight : Chapter 3

(Reginas POV)

"Hey sweety, hey you're ok, shhh don't try to talk, just stay calm I'm here" Mary said as she tried to sooth Regina leaning over her looking down at her brushing her hand against the side of her head, Regina felt a soreness in her throat she couldn't breath properly she started to panic eyes blew wide trying to pull whatever this thing was in her mouth out put her arms wouldn't move "hey hey hey come on, now now don't panic ok you have been through a lot your body just needs time to heal love, this is in your mouth to help you breath" Mary said calmly again rubbing the side of Reginas head "we need you to calm down hun, I know you can't talk right now but I need you to blink once for yes and twice for no let me know you understand me ok then il go get your doctor and he can explain everything to you" Mary just smiled at her "do you understand me?" She asked Regina gently, blinking once Regina let her know she knew what she was saying, still breathing heavy trying to get air into her lungs "ok I'm gonna go the the doctor now, do you feel any pain?" Regina laid there for a couple of seconds she couldn't feel anything blinking twice and watching Mary smile but it didn't quit sooth her like it normally would she could see fear in her eyes they were glossed over with un-shed tears and she left the room. Regina just lay there looking at the ceiling and around to the machines near her bed still she tried moving her arms but nothing "oh god am I paralysed!!" She screamed inside her head "no no no, how will I live I need to be able to move and walk and how will I look after .....HENRY!!!!!" She though in her head her eyes even wider now where was trying to remember where Henry was and what happened to her she remembered Emma was at her house and this crazy woman but still no Henry her mind was foggy, where was Emma had something happened to her son and her... her ?? She couldn't think what Emma was but she was hers where were they!!........................

(Emma's POV)

She woke up groggy "when did I fall asleep?" She thought to herself as she rubbed her eyes looking around "hello!!" She couldn't see or hear anyone then she looked at the clock "7.am?!what the hell?" Then she heard someone come into the station "oh I see you're awake" the officer says as he walks into the room noticing her standing there "when can I get out of here I need to go I need to do some stuff" she pleaded "look pipe down, you need to wait and see what your lawyer says about that" he said "look I didn't do anything I wouldn't hurt anyone especially a kid" she tries to say so sweetly he started laughing "tell that to the guy you knocked out last week Swan, don't worry we've all read your file so don't try that innocent I'm a sweet girl routine with me, now sit down shut up and let me have my breakfast in peace you ain't going anywhere anytime soon" he shouted at her she sat back down she needed to get out of here finally at 8am Mr Humbert decided to show his face "you can let my client out please officer" he said not even looking at the man and handing him some papers "there is no evidence that my client had anything to do with this fire" he said with a smug grin on his face while the officer read the papers quickly then opened the cell "you will be back it's always the pretty ones that are crazy" he smirked at her she just got her stuff and followed Mr Humbert out "now Ms Swan you are free for now you are not to leave the state and you are to stay away from the crime scene let me and the detectives on the case do our jobs you just keep your head down for now and I will contact you when I have some news, until then be a good girl" he said with a cheeky grin and walked to his car Emma just left she needed to go to Ruby and see Katy she's probably worried sick..... a few minutes later Emma is at Ruby's "hello?anyone here?" She called out and then ruby comes out of her room "hey stranger how you holding up?" She cane over hugging her "I don't know rubs it's all so crazy" she says looking lost "ok hold on go get a shower il make food and coffee Katy is still asleep so when your finished we can eat and talk ok?" Emma just nodded and done exactly that after she had finished and checked on Katy she sat and told ruby everything that happened "wow you really do have a thing for crazy bitches em, what the hell are you gonna do now ?" Ruby says looking at Emma "I'm gonna have to try find the kid he's everything to Regina she can't lose him" she said holding her head in her hands "she only has him, she will go crazy without him and after what you have told me she doesn't need all this stress either" they sat there for another while trying to come up with something that will help them find Henry then Ruby looked at Emma "wait if this crazy bitch took Henry to get to you and she waited to hurt Regina make it so you couldn't have her maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she found out Regina was dead?!!" Emma just stood there in shock "Em hear me out ok we could tell ppl she died put it in the papers make sure it gets out there so wherever she is she will come looking for you again and hopefully bring Henry back too and you can get him back" "what about Regina she will never go for this I can hear that annoying Miss Swan tone already, she will think it's insane and plus I can't see her I can't be anywhere near the case rubs I can't" she rubbed her eyes "Emma Swan don't you dare give up on this woman if you love her you will do this and do it well and get the one thing you have always wanted" Ruby said hopeful "Ok what do we have to do?" ...........................