
Just Tonight : Chapter 4

(Reginas POV )

"Regina please come on you need to stay calm" Mary said to her friend "I don't think you get it he is my son" she said slowly it's been 2 days since she woke up in the hospital she can't sleep or eat all she thinks about is Henry she and she is staying with Mary when she gets out of here "Of course I understand sweety look come on please eat something you need to get your strength up or they won't let you leave and you won't like to be withered and near dead when Henry comes back will you?" she said holding a fork of food up to Regina, Regina just rolled her eyes and took a small bite "U are so annoying" her friend just smiled "so how are your legs feeling?" Mary asked quietly "oh I can feel them getting stronger I really did think I was never gonna walk again" she had tears in her eyes "oh come on now you know the doctor said after all the trauma and how hurt you got that your body can do that but you will get your strength back in time and for now you have your crutch just for now to help with balance" "yes I know I just want him back and I need to know where Emma is too I know you said Ruby told you she was fine and that she can't come near me because she is a suspect but I know this wasn't Emma why would they think it?!! It doesn't make sense to me" Regina started sobbing Mary got up pulling her to a hug and held on to her tight "ok that's it ladies visiting time is over I need to check Regina over and give you your medication and you really should get some sleep and please Ms Mills swallow them this time" the nurse said with a strict tone "It's Mayor Mills to you as I have told you over and over if you address me like that again you will be looking for another job" Regina spoke harsher this time and then her breathing was harder she needed to calm down "Im sorry Mayor Mills I'm coming off a double shift I am exhausted please take your tablets the sooner you get better the sooner you can get out of here" the nurse said quieter this time holding the tablets and water for the Mayor who now felt slightly bad for her outburst "Thank you" she said and took them then laid down and tried to get some rest all she could see was her little boy scared and alone not knowing when he would see his mother again.................

(A few hours later)

"Hey" she hears and feels something poking her "hey Regina!" A little louder this time she opens her eyes and she can't believe what she's seeing "Emma?!! What are you doing here?you can't be here" she said looking around for any staff "I know I know but I had to come see you" Emma said as she moved closer holding Reginas face in her hands "what happened to you? Where did you go?" Regina asks in worry "I was arrested they think because I was the only one there with you that I had something to do with this, but baby no way would I ever do anything like that I don't want to hurt you ever, and I would never hurt a child please you have to believe me" Emma says laying her forehead on Regina's keeping her hands where they were on her face tears streaming down she can't stop them "shhhhh shhhhh Em I know you would never do something like this of course I do and we both know what happened and I've given my statement to the police earlier so they should drop the charges against you darling, but you can't be here right now if they catch you, you will be in serious trouble so please go and come back tomorrow when they drop the charges please" Regina begs "I will I promise I just I need to fill you in on what Ruby's plan is to get Lily to come back with Henry I know she has him with her but I know you won't like it" she says looking away from Regina but she is brought back to looking at Regina when she puts her fingers under Emma's chin and guides her to look her in the eyes "I will do anything I can to get my son back so just tell me the plan and il do it" she smiled so Emma would continue with telling the plan, so she does she goes into every detail she can to get Reginas help and get her to understand "there's something you're not telling me isn't there?" Regina said anger and worry in her tone "I'm sorry Regina but I have to do my part to keep you safe for now you are better off not knowing please just trust me on this" Emma said not wanting to scare Regina she can't know that part of the plan or Regina wouldn't want her to do it "ok my love I trust you just please don't do anything stupid" Regina said with tears in her eyes "you called me your love" Emma states tears in her eyes again too "Emma you must know I love you everything has been so hard I just want my son back and then we can focus on our future together with our children that's all I want" she says as she leans in and kisses Emma softly on the lips Emma holding on so tightly not wanting the moment to end she didn't know if this would be the last one she will ever get, but she knew she had to do this for her she had to for Henry she would get him back for Regina no matter the cost ............