
Just Another Aug

Ever wake up from such a bad hangover, you end up transmigrating? Yeah, me neither. Our MC, is not so lucky. Waking up in a body not his own, but his own? He realizes he's in a far different world, familiar, but not quite.

SyberisLevoca · Derivasi dari game
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2 Chs

Testing a few things

Deciding to take a shower to help him wake up, not needing to worry about his augments as all of them were waterproof.

He took a blazing hot shower to really get his gears running for the day before stepping out and getting dressed.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, he had to admit. Adam had the whole badass style down to fine art, the trench coat from the side and back his any real features worth noting, and it made for an intimidating appearance from the front.

He straightened himself out after brushing his hair, pulling the silenced pistol from his coat he examined it. Along with the laser sight, it had a golden slide, reminding him of the special one you got from purchasing a DLC from the game. The halo sight however wasn't something you could put on a pistol, though it made sense in a 'Real life' situation that he could further customize his own pistol.

In his previous life, he knew quite a bit about guns and how they work, how to clean them. Add on Adam's own knowledge and he was a wiz with them. Noting he had 27 rounds he whistled, the mag wasn't even that large, he was sure there was some science involved, much like his own inventory but for now, he just wouldn't question it.

There were differences between the CA-40 and the Elite variant, but they were small. In the game, it was pick and choose, but now it was very simple. The elite version had better penetration for armor, robots, camera's and the like making it easier to take them down, and its burst fire which if used properly, would be faster than the basic variant's full auto.

After taking a look at the round that was chambered, it was definitely a 10mm, making sure he had one in the chamber and the safety on he slid it into the hidden holster within his trench coat. Stretching a bit he went to his kitchen to get something to eat, using remote hacking to turn on the T.V.

In the game, it was always the news that was on so he wondered what else would be on the T.V, his index finger twitching as he changed the channels. Finding what seemed to be a decent comedy show to watch while he ate.

After finishing a simple breakfast he stood in the living room. Lifting his arms to face his wrist to the ceiling and his elbows down he willed his blades to come out.

They went up first, his wrist suddenly separating as a nanoblade slid out with a quiet hiss, it was out in way less than a second, Adam's many hours' training making it impossible for him to try and stab himself, as well as a hidden feature that made it so if it did have the chance to stab him it wouldn't work. As the blade slid back into his arm then out of his elbows, he noticed that despite his trench coat being in the way, the blades still ejected.

Only to see that his trench coat seemed to part just as fast as his blades ejected. Even his fucking clothes had nanobots? No wonder it took so long to make one of his trench coats.

Then again it made sense, Adam would just walk around and take bullets with it on, there had to have been something special about it.

The blades were cool for sure, and from knowledge of the game, and actual experience he knew they could cut through things like butter, Adam actually used them to cook as well, the blade was great for cutting ingredients, and since it was quite flat, a great spatula to flip stuff. The nanobots cleaned the blade of foreign substances as well, including blood.

Playing around with them for a bit before willing them back into his arm. It was weird, he could feel things like it was a normal arm, but seeing his arm separate to do things while also in a way 'feeling' it and it not being uncomfortable was weird.

Well, apparently Adam's family as a whole had something in them that took 'well' to augments. This also meant he never needed any Neuropozyn, but it was only in Adam himself that made him completely free from what others suffer from daily.

Flexing his hands a bit he walked to a painting by his kitchen, sliding it open there was a small safe without a lock, opening it with his biometrics there were a few credit chips inside, a praxis kit, and a multi-tool.

Multi-tool's much like the game's counterpart was made to hack things much easier, but it was only used to 'Unlock' something, to bypass codes and get into something. Such as computer passwords, codes to doors, or safes. It was weird how something so broken was so readily available in the game, but now that he had Adam's memories he knew why.

In the game, you could just craft these with crafting parts, and you could do so instantly, but in real life. It took months to make one good enough to be considered a 'Multi-tool.' They were much rarer, and many, many times more expensive.

Sending it into his inventory he watched it break down before he send the credits on the chips to his main balance.

Credit chips were like debit cards really but made things much faster. Nowadays all Adam had to do to pay for something was wave his hand near the payment node, or it would simply be automatically taken from his account.

He wondered why in the game there were so many poor people, but it made a lot more sense now that he was actually living it.

It was because finding a decent-paying job was hard enough, but due to the terrorist attacks by augs? It got even worse, especially for Augmented people.

A lot of people didn't resort to crime to get credits, so they ended up struggling to get by instead. It may seem easy in the game to get credits if you try, simply because it is.

You steal it from others, hack into things, and take it where it is found. It wasn't as bad in the game, of course, you'd get maybe 50-300 every credit chip you found and hacking never really awarded that much.

But now, if he wanted, Adam could just straight-up pull thousands from people if he took his time hacking. Which was actually the plan.

The apartment he lived in right now was real fancy, a lot of rich people lived here. Making his way down to the lobby he noticed due to it still being quite early in the morning no one was really around.

The only person that was around was the lady behind the front desk, seeming to nod off and on as she seemed to be struggling to stay awake.

Standing off to the side quietly he looked around, noting a few cameras dotted around, giving a good view.

Due to the upgrade for his map, he could see where all of them were looking and the range they covered, finding the door labeled staff only. With a more than easy remote hack, he looped the feed to the camera as he easily passed through the door, only continuing the feed once he was through. Walking through there were a few people wondering what they were more than easy to avoid.

His upgrades to the map were really overpowered.

Soon he found what he was looking for, the server room.

There was no camera on the outside of the door, and none on the inside. Placing a finger against the keypad showed it had the security of one, making sure he was clear he began the process.

With his hacking level, he could just bulldoze right through it, but that may trigger an alarm.

So instead he took the more stealthy route and just took his time to take the keypad over, fortifying it as his one and rewriting the code so no one could sneak up on him while he was hacking the server. Once he finished he entered the server room, making sure to close the door behind him.

It was now harder to hack, and the number to open it had been changed so it gave him time. Noting the vent in the room he opened it with a remote hack that took him barely a second as he approached the computer.

Unlike the game he didn't need to be obvious about it, and could use subtle moves to start the remote hacking, the best thing was is he didn't even need to be looking to do it. Once he locked onto something, he could turn away from it and continue the hack without needing to see.

Sitting down at the mainframe computer, he pulled a cable from his arm. Once it was hooked in, he simply leaned back, watching the vent, door, and his map for anything while the hacking process happened.

It unlike the door was at level 3, just meeting what he was currently at meaning it wouldn't take long, but it wouldn't be as fast as the door.

It took even longer as he used stealth and slow fortifications to make it his own, it could still be used by others, but as long as no one noticed it, he could break in much faster later, like a back door.

Even without hacking into it fully, there were still a few camera's he could look through. Passively going through them without moving by using his connection to the computer, it allowed him to further watch and make sure no one was coming while also letting him see if there was anything hidden.

The public cameras didn't show anything interesting, and after about five minutes. He was inside the main servers.

Allowing him to pull credits and information from the apartment building itself, he rubbed his chin as he looked through the many other systems that were also a part of the apartment. Basically wifi signals, he could see his own labeled AJHOME which was some serious security on it, breaking into weaker ones on the way to basically make himself 'Stronger' in the hacker verse as he continued to sort through things.

Most of the information he could pull was all about who was renting which apartment room, who owed what requests each person made along with some employee messages on a board for the staff. Noting schedule times, who was working and when they should be working, he learned that the woman at the front desk was named Janet, he even learned that she was asking for leave for a weekend in a month so she could spend time with her new boyfriend.

Approving it for her he muttered under his breath as he turned to continue looking at other things. ''You go get that dick Janet, they got you pulling damn near double shifts and barely paying for one shift.''

He added on a small raise and made the weekend a paid leave as he continued to sort through things.

Finding the manager to the building's signal, and with his building strength of the system, he was able to easily get past his flimsy level two security and look into his private affairs.

Only to have to slap a hand over his face as he suppressed a burst of laughter down.

He didn't want to go into detail, but for certain reasons, he felt he should at least note a few things.

The manager was fat, had a large collection of a certain Bad Dragon site, and streamed it under a pseudo name.

The real surprising thing however was the fact that he was actually rolling in some decent credits for it. Man people are into some weird things, deciding to stop looking at the camera feed from his computer he moved to his personal files, finding a lot of... Disturbing messages from people that made even Adam shiver, he did find a few things.

The manager was cutting funds from the building and its staff to fill his own pockets, while also fueling his hobby.

Adam did a mock gasp. ''How dare he take someone else's hard-earned credits and used them for his own gain? ....wait a minute, that sounds familiar...Hm, must've seen it in a movie.'' He shrugged his shoulders as he continued to steal somewhat hard-earned money from people.

Damn, despite it having only had one chapter out, a ton of people have viewed it so far.

Cyborg Shenanigans for the win.

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