
Jujutsu Kaisen : Reincarnated as Asta

You know the drill. An otaku gets transmigrated in Jujutsu Kaisen with powers of Asta. Want to know what happens read on. I don't own black clover or jujutsu Kaisen. The covers not mine so if you have problems I will take it down.

Uday_Prakash_9664 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Jujutsu council

"So how was your meeting with the family.Any impression about the child,Shizune."asked the elder(1).

"Honorable elders, if I speak my mind then honestly,it was well beyond of what I had prepared myself for.The moment I stepped foot inside that barrier the cursed energy I sensed made my legs go weak for a second, I had to calm myself down so I could have a proper conversation and that is when the child is just a newborn and doesn't even have his killing intent mixed within it."

"I can't even imagine what he would be like when he grows up if we add a strong technique to backup that monstrous reserve.Kazuhiko Yagami is definitely a special grade class once he manages to handle cursed energy well."Shizune gave her honestly thoughts on the matter without holding anything back.

"I see... and what about the parents."asked elder(1)

"Why care about them,one is nothing but a 2nd grade and the other is just a non-sorcerer trash?"asked the elder(2).

"The Yagami parents,although Daisuke Yagami was grateful for the consideration you showed to their child , Mrs. Yagami didn't say anything during the entire meeting but didn't seem too enthusiastic about the fact that their child was getting personalized tutoring at this early age."

"Alright, you can take your leave now."said the elder(3) practically shooing her away.

Shizune gave a slight bow before leaving the room.

"Why did you even agree to the request of letting the child stay two more years with his parents.Wouldn't it have been better to just make them obey?"asked the elder(3) specifically to elder(1).

"There is no need to be too pushy about this matter, we will get our hands on the kid anyway and it doesn't matter if it's 7 years old brat or a 9 years old brat.Molding him to our liking wouldn't be a problem and in the off chance if it does heh, we can just kill the parents and break the kid to only be a mindless puppet for us to use."said the elder(1) with an evil smirk on his face.

Itadori residence:

(Unknown's pov)

'Hmm... how odd, first the six eyes and now this,I suppose the world is trying to maintain the balance for what is about to befall on it. Although, regardless of the sorcerer or era there's none who can prevail against the king of curses.

But you can never be too certain about anything as that is the height of arrogance and stupidity.The boy has reserves surpassing Sukuna. Making use of the jujutsu council to take the kid under the disguise of tutoring should be enough to get me easier access to his body if need arises.

I suppose letting the kid mature for now to keep him as a failsafe would be better.' thought a woman with stitch marks on her forehead caressing her belly which looked it could go into labour any time.

(Pov end)

It's been a week since the talk between husband and wife. Daisuke right now is talking to the staff member who is responsible for the dorm allocation.

"Mr.Yagami, your application has been accepted.Your dorm will be L-B wing near the garden.Have a good day."said the staff member after handing the approval letter and getting busy in other works leaving Daisuke to his business.

'That was easy.I thought there would be some inconveniences at the very least but my application got accepted fairly smooth.Luck is on my side I guess.I should bring Ayame and Kazuhiko here first,we can reallocate all our things in a week's time.'thought Daisuke while dialling his wife's number to inform her of the good news.


(3 years later)

A boy with grey hair can be seen running around in the garden which is big enough to be considered a mini-field while a lady with jet black hair is chasing after him or more accurately trying to chase after him,since the child who seem to be just a 3 year old toddler is running and maneuvering with the speed and flexibility that can put even the best sprinters and athletes to shame.

"Haha...I would suggest you stop trying to force that shirt on me maa,I am not gonna wear that it's far too girly."yelled the boy from the other end of the garden.

" It's cold and you shouldn't run around shirtless in this weather Kazuhiko *haa..haa...haa*(panting), this is the last warning if you don't come here and stand still to let me put the shirt on you, I will cut off on your pastries for an entire month."Ayame yelled with an equal force in the tone that spoke business.

That got the immediate reaction of the boy as he stopped and started walking towards his mother although the reluctance was pretty apparent on the boy's face.

"Hehehe... good boy now come,it's already lunch time and I have made ginger rice to go with misso solmon and miso soup."said Ayame while holding his hands, walking towards their home.

"Hey mom,you promised that if I wear the shirt you are gonna give me pastries."

"Haa,don't try to twist my words brat I only said I wouldn't give you any if you don't wear it not the vice-versa."

"Tsk,stingy..."muttered Kazuhiko under his breath.

"Huh? What was that?"

"Nothing,anyway it's about time right, dad told me he is gonna start training me in cursed energy if I were to complete the basic physical training he set for me."

And Ayame's mood went down the moment she heard that statement.

"But,Kazuhiko you are only 3 years old,it is the age where you play and make friends, not train to become a sorcerer.You are too young for that."

"Mom,the other kids my age are just straight up stupid.When I go to play they ask me to pretend to drink tea from a cup when there is nothing in it while the other one pretend to be a doctor while not even knowing what the heart even does."

'Not like I can actually play with them anyway.I would die from inner shame.'

"And then there are kids who brags that their father has hunted dinasaurs with nothing but a knife or something like, they have superpowers which they are keeping as a secret while saying the entire thing so loudly that it doesn't remain a secret the moment it comes out of their mouth."

"How can I be friends with them when most don't even know how to tie their own shoelaces properly and those who know acts so smug about it like they are the centre of the world."

"Not to mention, I already know everything upto middle school and have no trouble understanding higher studies."

'Well I could easily solve high school level problems and even most University level but it's already overbearing that I know so much at such young age.There would be no point in that.Just because I was a shut in doesn't mean I wasn't good enough in my studies.Not to mention this child brain of mine pickup on things way too quickly.I have already learned 5 languages.Well, I already knew English and Hindi.The new languages I learned are Japanese,French and Spanish.'


Ayame knew that, how could she not when she saw her own son walking only when he was 3 months old and running at 5 months.Started picking on things taught to him so fast that left her baffled.He was like a sponge who absorbed evrything at an insane rate.Although with that came the fact that he stopped acting like a toddler more and more.He was mature beyond his age and although he did things that were really childish sometimes but she hoped as a mother for him to remain like a toddler for longer.She wanted him to remain like a child and fully enjoy this time.He was shouldering burdens he wasn't even aware of yet and she couldn't bear to tell him that.

"Your mom is not wrong you know, but I guess it's really tough to mingle with those inferior to you when you are a genius like me."

Just when the duo of mother and son were going through there own thoughts, they were interrupted by a white haired kid wearing sunglasses.

" The name's Satoru Gojo.Nice to meet you."