
Jujutsu Kaisen : Reincarnated as Asta

You know the drill. An otaku gets transmigrated in Jujutsu Kaisen with powers of Asta. Want to know what happens read on. I don't own black clover or jujutsu Kaisen. The covers not mine so if you have problems I will take it down.

Born_Survivor · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Meeting of the strongest present and future.

(Satoru Gojo's pov)

'Ahh, soda in this summer is definitely a life saver.'

Satoru was walking to the residence of the boy who piqued his curiosity to see if the kid really was what the rumours made him ought to be.

'Hehe, I am pretty excited to meet the kid who has the highest CE reserves ever documented.Although, a better technique can suppress/defeat someone with higher CE reserves but there is still a limit to it.Not every technique out there is as good as mine after all,hahaha.'

'If the rumours are anything remotely true about the kid then he is definitely going to be a special grade with just the sheer volume of his cursed energy.But if that kid also has a nice technique to boot then.Hehehe,its worth the time to go checkup on it.'

While he was in his own world of thoughts the L-B wing came into view and all the answers he needed laid bare before him.

"Hahaha,although I did saw the reports but seeing it with my own eyes is really something.Does this brat has no end to his reserves? This is so fascinating.!!!"

"Tsk, I should have brought Suguru with me as well."

Satoru didn't even arrive anywhere near the building but he was easily able to see the cursed energy that was leaking out of the boy to the point that in his six eyes the boy's cursed energy look liked an abyss with no end.

"Well,let's use lapse,it's annoying to knock on the door."

Just as he thought that, the place he was standing at shifted and he was already above the garden where the boy was,to many it would look like teleportation but in actuality it was just the shrinking of distance between two places.

The moment he arrived above the garden he was able to see the monster of a brat holding the hand of a lady who definitely wasn't a sorcerer.

'Haa,those old geezers actually allowed a non sorcerer inside. That's surprising, I thought those geezers never really showed consideration to anything that is not their own sorry asses.How odd.'

"Hey mom,you promised if I wear the shirt you are gonna give me pastries."


Listening to the conversation between the mother and son,it seems that brat had a good head on his shoulder, a necessary aspect in order to be a good sorcerer.

'Let's go say hii shall we!!'

And just like that he appeared in front of the duo.

"Your mom is not wrong you know, but I guess it's really tough to mingle with those inferior to you when you are a genius like me."

"The name's Satoru Gojo.Nice to meet you"

(pov end)

Both mother and son turned to look at him with mixed expressions.

The mother gave him a hint of wary look which was to be expected but the kid's eyes lit up with what he would call a spark of recognition.

'Does he know me? Well I guess that's to be expected since knowing the awesome me while living inside the Jujutsu tech should be natural.'

"Who are you?!!! And how did you get here?"

The instant his cockiness got to his head it was immediately buried the under the seventh sea.

"Didn't you just hear my name lady? I said I am S...."

"Satoru FREAKING Gojo!!!!"exclaimed the child in a low voice which seems to have escaped subconsciously.

"Hoo,So you do know me huh.But hey that's got a real nice ring to it bud - Satoru FREAKING Gojo - yep it does suit the venerable me quite nicely."

"By the way, if you don't mind mylady can I take your son for a chat. You know, just the two of us."



(Kazuhiko's pov)

I can't believe this, although I had already prepared myself for the fact that I will be meeting with the honoured one but still seeing him in the flesh just hits different.

"By the way, if you don't mind lady, can I take your son for a chat.You know just the two of us."

"W-What...?!" mom seems to still reeling in the fact that a stranger has just barged into our house and is asking her child out for a walk.

"Mom,please let me go.I know who he is.I promise I will be back within an hour and we won't leave outside the garden as well right?!"saying so, I gave Satoru a meaningful glance and fortunately he understood.

"Yeah sure,no worries.We will be done with our talk fairly quick."said Satoru giving a cheeky grin which actually wasn't helping the situation.


"Mom please, this is important for me."

I said with the most serious face I can muster and even Satoru seemed quite confused seeing my behaviour.

"O-Okay..but make it fast okay and I will be watching you both from a distance."

"Alright,thank you."

"Come with me,I want to talk about something."I said to Satoru with an earnest expression which got him even more confused but he also seem amused judging by expression.

(POV end)

"You know,you are one odd kid, hahaha.Not even an introduction and you are being all familiar with me."Satoru said to the kid after they were a bit of a distance away from the house and the lady who was watching them from afar.

"Ah, well I suppose that's true so let's just get that out of the way."

" Hello I am Kazuhiko Yagami.Everybody talks about me as the kid who has enormous reserve or the kid who has endless cursed energy so I want to clarify who I am first."

"I know you don't know me well. So,it may seem weird to you why I am being so trustful towards you but I know you. You are Satoru Gojo from one of the three big clans and you are also a Special Grade sorcerer which means you are really strong right.!!"

" You definitely got that right but where is this coming from, you are a fan or something?"

"Big fan actually but that's not why I mentioned that."


"Please teach me jujutsu."


"Hey there, slow down this is escalating way too quickly.I only came to check on you because you piqued my curiosity as the boy who have endless cursed energy.I was only interested in the fact that wether you have a good techniqueeeee....waiiiiiit.....whaaaaaat.??!!!!!!!!"

"What the actual fucking hell?!!!"exclaimed Satoru in what seemed like shock.

"Hey language."

"Screw that, what's with you?"

'Oh well I knew this was gonna happen I am surprised it took him this much time to react to my technique or just that he didn't notice at first.'

'Anyone who knows about my technique will have a shock of their life.Yeah, be in awe from my technique Mr.strongest. Although acting clueless would be better in this case.'

"What do you mean?"

"I can't get a read on your technique but I can definitely say that you have one.What's with that?"


That statement dropped like a bomb on Kazuhiko's face.

'What did he say?!!!'

'The six eyes can't perceive my technique but how???'

'It shouldn't be possible.It can analyse anything down to the atomic level so why?'

'Could it be that because my technique allows me to destroy cursed energy itself the six eyes can't perceive it like the rest?

or Does this have something to do with with my Stigma of singularity since the eyes is the most broken ability of this universe it can't read an anomaly like me or maybe both.Uhhh,questions to check for later.'

'Time to do an Oscar winning acting.'

"You can see other people's technique.Wowww"

I said the sentence almost fan boying him.

"Yes,but here's the funny thing I can't analyse your's.It's like a blur. No matter how much I try to but I can't look clearly."

"This is golden.The fact that my eyes can't analyse your cursed technique but still able to perceive your cursed energy means your cursed technique is something completely ridiculous as well.So tell me do you know or have even a minor inkling to what your technique is?"

"Depending on your answer I will decide on teaching you."