
Journey to Excellence

Jason, who has spent his life in bad luck, crashes and dies while saving a girl while crossing the road, but he didn't know that he would become a legend in the multiverse from now on.

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22 Chs

Primordial Gods

In an unknown place,

In the midst of the cosmos, there is a house enveloped in darkness, and inside that house, a conversation is taking place.

At the center of the house, there is a table with four chairs.

Seated in the first chair is a person whose entire body is filled with galaxies and worlds. Their name is Helios, one of the four ancient gods.

Next to them sits Lilith, with yellow hair and red eyes, a embodiment of beauty and sensuality. She is also one of the four ancient gods.

Beside Lilith, there is a tall and handsome man named Marshall, another one of the four ancient gods.

And finally, there is a ghost-like figure sitting in the last chair. Their name is Dionisos, also one of the four ancient gods.

As they sit and converse, a voice is heard. "Thank you for coming," the voice says. Upon hearing the voice, the ancient gods immediately stand up and in unison say, "Welcome, O exalted one."

"No need for such formality, please be seated," the voice replies.


"I said sit," the voice insists, and the ancient gods relent and take their seats. Then Lilith asks, "My Lord, why have you summoned us?" Dionisos repeats the question, "Yes, my Lord, why have you called for us?"

The voice explains, "The Infernals have returned." Upon hearing this, the gods quickly rise to their feet and exclaim in unison, "How is it possible? Weren't they supposed to be eradicated?"

"No, they have been observed by us. The Infernal God possesses power equal to mine, so I couldn't find them either," the voice reveals. "B-But, my Lord, what are we going to do? If even you couldn't eliminate them, how can we deal with them?" Helios asks anxiously.

"Haha, fear not. There is someone with great potential. Hopefully, they won't be delayed for long," the voice reassures. "Did you say 'my Lord'?" Helios asks in astonishment. And the voice replies, "Yes, that's what you call me." They continue the discussion for a while longer, and then the meeting concludes.

"Well, I wanted to inform you about the Infernals. I am returning now," the voice declares before leaving.