
Journey to Excellence

Jason, who has spent his life in bad luck, crashes and dies while saving a girl while crossing the road, but he didn't know that he would become a legend in the multiverse from now on.

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22 Chs


After inheriting the legacy of the Dragon God (after converting it into energy), I felt like I had forgotten something, but..."

"Damn it, I forgot Jasmine. I flew to the city immediately and saw a girl lying on the ground. I quickly approached her and pulled her into my inner world. There, I created a special ability to heal her."

This ability was called "Absolute Health." With this skill, the healed individuals gained such vitality that they were almost immortal, and things like poison and disease completely vanished.

As soon as I used the ability, the girl woke up.

"Who are you?" she asked me cautiously.

"Hello, I'm Jason," I said with a smile. Then she looked around and asked curiously:

"Where is this?"

"My inner world," I replied. I could see that she was surprised.

"How can a mortal have something like this?" she pondered to herself.

Only then did I ask for her name. "Who are you?"

She was a bit cautious but still told me, "I'm Jasmine."

"I don't intend to harm you, don't worry," I reassured her. "You needed help, and I provided it."

The girl was still somewhat suspicious, but with gratitude, she said, "Well, thank you for helping this princess."

"It's nothing, I'm always happy to help," I replied. "Anyway, I cleansed the poison from you."

"What?" she exclaimed in astonishment and immediately checked herself. I had truly cleansed her poison. Even the gods couldn't heal that poison. Curiously, she turned to me and asked, "How did you do it?"

This time, I smiled mysteriously and said, "That's a secret."

"Anyway, I'm going out. You can explore here," I told the girl. Just then, Yue'er came to my side and noticed the girl. She looked at me with curiosity and asked, "Who is this, my dear?"

"She's Jasmine. She was poisoned, and I helped her," I replied. Yue'er nodded understandingly. Then, I left the inner world and returned to the outer world.