
Journey to Excellence

Jason, who has spent his life in bad luck, crashes and dies while saving a girl while crossing the road, but he didn't know that he would become a legend in the multiverse from now on.

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22 Chs

Exploring the Hidden Cave

When I returned home, I felt Qingyue's presence in my room (with a divine sensation) and entered out of curiosity.

As I walked in, I saw her on the bed wearing black lingerie, and my breath was taken away.

"Wow, how can someone be so beautiful? I wonder how Qiyanye Ying'er would be," I thought to myself.

"Are you thinking about someone else?" she asked angrily.

"N-No," I lied, sweating internally, wondering how she could have such instincts.

"You look gorgeous," I said, approaching her.

"Thank you," she replied blushing slightly, and we locked eyes. Slowly, we moved closer to each other, and...


The moment our lips touched, Qingyue felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

(Skipping the rest.)

When I opened my eyes, I felt a weight on my arm and looked over.

Yue'er (I'll call her Qingyue from now on) was curled up on my arm, sleeping like a cat, and I couldn't help but wish I were dead.

My movement woke her up, and I kissed her on the forehead.

"Good morning," I said, smiling, and she replied the same way.

"Good morning to you too," she said with a sweet smile.

"Wait a minute, I'll make breakfast for you," I said, thinking to myself.

(Open Mia's Shop)

[Alright, here it is]



Qi Guidebook

Aura Enhancing Pill

[And many more items: 999,999,999,999...]

(Wow, there are so many things here)

(Of course, everything that exists in the Multiverse is here)

(Alright, let's get breakfast now) And I prepared the meal and fed it to Qingyue. She rested today, and due to our cultivation together, the Tiran Source Realm reached Level 1.