
Journey to Excellence

Jason, who has spent his life in bad luck, crashes and dies while saving a girl while crossing the road, but he didn't know that he would become a legend in the multiverse from now on.

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22 Chs

Chaos Energy

It has been two weeks since I arrived in this world, and during these two weeks, my relationship with Qingyue has improved. I have also helped her with xiulian (cultivation practice).

In these two weeks, Qingyue's True Essence has reached Level 2 in the Spiritual Essence Realm (I don't really know which level it was at that time).

Even Xia Qingue, whose heart is as cold as ice and not accustomed to such rapid progress, was visibly moved and became even more grateful to our main character.

(Pov Jason)

I was sitting in the lotus position while cultivating my source art.

["Congratulations, Jason, for creating the Art of True Ultimate Perfection."]

"Hehe, thank you." Jason expressed his happiness for creating this art and thanked Mia.

(Mia is the name of the system)

"Hmm, the energy here is quite low. What should I do?" I pondered, and then an idea came to my mind, which I decided to try.

[Energy Reactor Created]

"Okay, this should be useful," I said. By the way, Mia, is there a stronger energy than source energy?

[Yes, Jason, there is.]

"Alright, how can I change my energy with it using my creation ability?" I asked Mia.

[Think of a new energy with your creation skill, something chaotic, wild, or unrestrained.]

"Okay," I said, focusing on the energy within my source veins and imagined chaotic energy.

And with my creation ability, it was easy to bring it into existence.

[Source Energy Transformed into Chaos Energy]

When I opened my eyes, I felt more powerful. More precisely, if a pinch of source energy could destroy a house, a pinch of chaos energy could destroy a city. I was amazed when I realized the difference between them.

[No need to be surprised. Chaos energy is the primal energy, and source energy, chakra, qi are just its branches.]

"That makes sense," I said, checking the status of the system before heading outside.

Please let me know if there are any missing parts or any sections that need to be corrected.