
Journey to Excellence

Jason, who has spent his life in bad luck, crashes and dies while saving a girl while crossing the road, but he didn't know that he would become a legend in the multiverse from now on.

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22 Chs


When I arrived in the "Against the Gods" world, something came to my mind, and anger surged within me, causing me to shout:


"I might have gotten a bit too angry, but since I can traverse worlds, I can finally kill Griffin," I said. "HEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEH YOU'RE FINISHED, GRIFFIN."

Then I said to Mia, "Let's go to the Berserk world," and we teleported to the battlefield. Unfortunately, we arrived at the time of the rape incident, and seeing Griffin in his armor ignited my anger even more.

I immediately created a new ability:

[Soul Torture: A separate dimension for torturing souls]

[I pity the souls that enter here]

Mia said, and I quickly engulfed Griffin in flames, leaving only his soul behind. Taking his soul, I placed it in the dimension of soul torture. As he was about to disappear, I heard a voice.

"I don't know who you are, but t-thank you," said Guts.

"No problem, I just don't like Griffin," I said, and then returned to the "Against the Gods" world.

Upon my return, it felt like my mind had relaxed, as if I had escaped from a tight spot.

[Your anger towards Griffin was so intense that your mind made a leap]

"Yes, I can feel it. My IQ skyrocketed, and my mind is much more at ease."

"Ah, there's nothing like killing or torturing someone you dislike, although I just killed him, his soul is undergoing a nice refinement process," I said, smiling and feeling relieved.

(Today, I wasn't planning to post a chapter, but I posted it to kill Griffin 😄.)

(Also, if you could leave a power stone and a comment, I would be happy in the rating section 🥰.)