
Journey Through Fictional Realities.

In the realm of ordinary mortals, an unassuming man met a tragic end. Little did he know that his fate would take an unexpected turn. He was reincarnated in a different world, a new world that looked ordinary at first. Initially, our protagonist led an unremarkable existence, simply trying to adapt to his newfound surroundings. He grew accustomed to the customs, the people, and the era. Days turned into months, and months turned into years as he embraced the simplicity of his ordinary life. But as fate would have it, tragedy struck once again. An event unfolded, uncovering a hidden power within the depths of his being. As his world crumbled around him, he stood amidst the chaos, transformed by a force he never knew existed. Join the mc on his journey through varies fictional realities to grow in strength, make friends, find love and discover the secrets that surround him and his mysterious clan. A/N: Will update 3 chapters per week. Feel free to check out my pat3on to read up to 15 chapters ahead and donate. Hungrymushroom. View the tags before reading. First world is a Mix between Oda Nobuna no Yabou, Samurai X and Demon slayer for those wondering.

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56 Chs

Chapter 26

While seated in the luxurious room provided to him as a guest of the esteemed Ubuyashiki family, Ginryu found himself gazing out of the window, lost in thought.

Despite the ongoing arguments that permeated his enhanced senses, he managed to tune them out, focusing instead on his own contemplations.

'Now that I have established contact with the Ubuyashiki family, hunting demons will undoubtedly become much easier,' Ginryu mused, his eyes fixed on the moon that hung high in the night sky.

His thoughts shifted to the matter of recruiting individuals who could benefit from his blood and power.

However, he had no intention of sharing his blessings freely. He would carefully select or convince only those whom he deemed worthy and compatible with his ideals.

Ginryu had come to the conclusion that forcibly bringing anyone along against their will would not make the journey through different dimensions enjoyable.

Another concern weighed upon him – the potential consequences his blood could have on those he turned.

Unsure of how his blood might corrupt their inner selves, he couldn't in good conscience subject innocents to such a fate.

Thus, Ginryu made a personal vow to only grant his gifts to individuals who were fully aware of the consequences and maybe willingly chose to join him.

Only if the situation was a special one would be forcefully turn someone.

There was another reason why Ginryu felt compelled to exercise caution in his recruitment process.

Lucia, his trusted AI companion, had informed him of the necessity to negotiate with the will of each new world or dimension he encountered.

To avoid being forcefully expelled from these realms, he needed to abide by certain terms and conditions dictated by their respective metaphysical entities for a peaceful entry and exit. This only applied in some cases.

This rule applied not only to him, but also to any individuals he brought along. As such, it was imperative for him to surround himself with only a few reliable and trustworthy people who would at least try to adhere to these rules.

Perhaps a situation might arise where he had to leave someone he turned in a world and they broke the rules.

A peaceful entry into the world wasn't an option anymore. He could then only enter through the foceful way which might include fighting beings beyond his power.

Ginryu acknowledged that should he be forcibly ejected from a world, it would not pose a serious threat to him, thanks to his dimensional home skill.

However, the same could not be said for his minions. Upon expulsion, they would be cast into the vast emptiness of the void, a fate he wanted to spare them from.

Although Ginryu was aware of a multitude of other intricate details and complexities that came with his newfound destiny, he chose not to dwell on them at present.

After all, his current world, his birthplace, seemed exempt from any binding conditions. However, he speculated that upon leaving this world, his freedom may be curtailed to some extent.

Breaking free from his thoughts, Ginryu softly muttered to himself, 'Hmm, have they finished their discussion?' Straining his ears, he noticed that the cacophony of arguments had now ceased.

Deciding it was time to retire for the night, Ginryu prepare to sleep. Sleep was not a necessity for him to function, but rather a means to conserve energy.

This realization had brought him to another burning desire – the need for wealth.

While devouring demons easily replenished his calorie count, he understood that this was not a sustainable or reliable source of nourishment.

Humans, while an option, were not particularly appetizing or high in caloric content. He possessed the knowledge of their taste, having consumed demons with human remnants within them in the past.

To sustain himself adequately, Ginryu knew that he needed the means to purchase food and provisions. Moreover, indulging in regular human food was a necessity in blending into society when it was necessary.

With the peace of mind that he could react swiftly to any disturbances while asleep, Ginryu decided it was time to rest for the night, leaving the moonlit window behind.

Early in the morning, before the sun had even risen, Ginryu awakened from his peaceful slumber.

Stepping out into what appeared to be a mini garden, he found the cubs already awake and full of energy.

With a watchful eye, Ginryu allowed them to roam freely in the garden, ensuring they didn't cause any problems.

Seeking tranquility, Ginryu settled into a meditative posture under a tree, closing his eyes in anticipation of the upcoming sunrise.

This daily ritual had become a habit for him, a way to clear his mind and start the day refreshed.

Today, however, held a more significant purpose. He would soon hear the decision of the Ubuyashiki clan.

As the sun began to make its ascent, casting its warm rays upon the land, a gentle breeze swept through the air, carrying with it the invigorating scent of fresh earth and lavender.

Amidst this serene moment, the cubs gathered around Ginryu, yearning for his attention.

"Ginryu-sama, where has he gone?" a servant's voice called out from the mansion, adding an element of commotion to the peaceful morning.

The clan's staff seemed to be searching for him, and it was evident that one was getting closer.

"Ginryu-sama, there you are. The lord requests your presence," a servant finally found him and called out respectfully, bowing elegantly.

"I see. Lead the way," Ginryu acknowledged the servant's presence before adding, "And please prepare some clean water and a cloth for me to freshen up after the meeting."

He then emphasized, "Also, ensure that no one touches those cubs."

"Yes, Ginryu-sama," the servant replied promptly, adhering to his requests. Ginryu couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he observed the level of respect he was being given.

'She probably thinks I am some important lord or something,' Ginryu thought to himself, slightly amused.

Trusting that the cubs would remain safe in the garden, he followed the servant to the meeting location.

Upon arrival, Ginryu noticed Lord Yasuo seated at the head of the gathering, surrounded by others who were already in discussion.

Breakfast was being served, and it seemed they had prepared a set meal for him.

"Please, have a seat and eat. We can discuss matters afterward," Lord Yasuo graciously offered, gesturing towards an empty chair.

"Thank you for the meal," Ginryu replied politely, taking his seat promptly. Then he delved into the delectable spread before him.

The meal consisted of fragrant rice, savory soup, grilled fish, and a dish featuring radishes as a side.

While he ate, Ginryu couldn't help but sense the curious gazes of the others, their interest fixated upon him. Annoyed with the stares on him, he spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Aren't you all going to eat? As I stated last night, I don't particularly find humans tasty. I can consume normal food as well," Ginryu remarked, his irritation hidden beneath his calm demeanor.

"Ahem, please, feel free to eat more," Lord Yasuo responded, clearing the tension in the room. Following their leader's cue, the others finally began to enjoy their meals.

After everyone had satisfied their hunger and the dishes were cleared away, it was time to address the pivotal matter at hand.

"We have come to a decision," Lord Yasuo spoke with utmost importance, capturing everyone's attention.

"I see," Ginryu replied, his tone equally composed.

"We have decided to form an alliance with you, but we will be closely monitoring your actions until we can fully trust you," Lord Yasuo declared, laying out the terms.

"I have no objections. However, I also have conditions of my own," Ginryu countered, revealing his intentions.

He proceeded to express his desires for the Ubuyashiki clan, explaining how he planned to utilize their resources to establish various businesses that would increase his wealth.

In return, he promised to assist them in hunting down Muzan and any other overwhelmingly strong demons that may arise.

Ginryu was well aware that weak demons wouldn't contribute much to his power, only adding calories to his count. So he planned to only hunt the strong ones and leave the weaker ones to the demon slayer corps.

As the room fell into contemplative silence, Ginryu's meticulous plan began to take shape.

He understood the path he had set his sights on, one that would intertwine both his and the Ubuyashiki clan's fates.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

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