
Jormungandr in One Piece

Joseph, an average One Piece fan finds himself in the same world that he loves dearly, but as a freaking Jormungandr. Read how he adjusts to this lifestyle as a humongous sea king and embarks on his adventure. The timeline is 100 years before Canon. MC is a sea king, Jörmungandr, The World Serpent. He is very overpowered. He is pretty chill and kinda lazy. Tags- In one piece as Sea king, Jormungandr, overpowered, chill MC, adventure, transmigration, One piece, Sea king, the world serpent Jörmungandr

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Waking Up

[Waking Up]

Sun was radiating brightly over the sea, and many of the sea creatures were enjoying this sunny day. Few were basking on the sea surface; some were eating their fare, and some were just roaming around. Everything seemed to be moving at its own pace.

At the bottom of the sea, a large snake-like sea king seemed to be sleeping, its body coiled within itself, and most of its body was covered in moss and algae. Observing its body, it could be seen that the sea-king hasn't moved in a long time.

Few whales and sharks could be seen trying to bite their fangs on the sea king, but due to its tough skin, all their attempts had been for nothing.

Suddenly, the sea king opened its eyes and started moving, just due to its sheer size, when it started rising above, the sea was turbulent, as water began to flow rapidly into the empty space left by the sea king when it moved.


Man, that was something. I have never had such wonderful sleep ever in my life. It's what you call a life. The sea horse was so meaty, I would definitely eat one again, who will leave such tasty meat.

Speaking about the meat, for me, I now find raw meat tastier and more enjoyable, even compared to cooked one. Maybe one of the perks of being a sea king.

Haha... Haha... what the hell is trying to tickle me?

Umm... looking around I see these whales around me, but what are they trying to do, eat me. Haha, what stupid fuckers, biting off more than you can chew.

I laugh as I open my mouth and swallow all the whales and sharks surrounding me. This is what you fucktards get, well I can at least praise you for punching above your weight, but against me, I guess bad luck for you.

These small fishes can't even satisfy me, guess I should look for some big sea-kings. As I started to rise above the sea floor I noticed these algae, moss, and God knows what shit covering my body. Yuck, this is disguising.

How to remove this junk from my body? Aargh!! I wish there were somebody to clean me.

As I was thinking about ways to remove all this stuff from my body, an idea came to my mind, can't snake just shed their skins? If they can do it surely, I can also, do it but how maybe I should let my body figure it out.

After what seemed like an eternity my skin began shedding from my head and slowly started moving towards my tail, it may be an easy task but sure takes a lot of time.

By the end of maybe a few hours, the skin over my body completely got shed away leaving behind a new and shiny me, looking at my body I felt really happy. Ho-ho, look how handsome I am.

After getting my makeover done, I started to wonder how much time had gone by since I slept because no matter what I feel I have slept much longer than anticipated.


As I said it, a digital clock appeared in my mind space, let's see how much time has gone by,

Holy shit...

1402, what the heck, have I been sleeping for nearly 2 years after eating my fill, no wonder I felt so good, but man come on 2 years wasted, well I won't say wasted as my supernatural regeneration means semi-immortality, that means I can't die from old age nor by getting some disease, so in grand scheme its nothing.

I feel my body works on snake physiology, as I can pretty much survive for a long time just by eating one time. This is actually a plus point as I won't have to go roaming around sea hunting for sea king every few days. I also hibernate or sleep after eating my meal, but I feel I won't need it or can reduce its time as I start to get used to my new body.

Now time to awaken Haki. I feel that I already have Conqueror's Haki due to fear masking ability which I got from Jormungandr, so I guess I can figure out how to awaken it in due time.

But lets for now let's just choose which Haki to awaken first.

The most useful Haki for me as of now apart from Conqueror's is Observation Haki, as Armament Haki is pretty useless to learn first due to my supernatural strength and durability.

To awake Observation Haki, I closed my eyes and started observing everything around me with my sixth sense as I knew Observation Haki is a form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others, as well as allows to see future for a short time. So, to awaken it I need to work on my sixth sense and feel intent from living beings around me.

As I had no teacher like Rayleigh, it took me a while to get used to observing my surrounding. Heck, I don't even know if I could get someone to teach me but my natural talent in Haki more than for it.

It worked as I started sensing some sea turtle swimming, about 10 KM away from me. As soon as, I awakened my Observation Haki, it snowballed and in just about a few seconds I went from being able to sense a few kilometers to more than 100 KM.

Is this God's gift, that increases my Haki, as I grew in size, Sweet.

Such a super op cheat, God gave me, and I truly thank him for that.

Now Observation Haki is done it will just increase as my size so no need to worry about it now.

Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki will have to wait for the time being, let's check out what is One Piece.

Hehe, every one-piece fan would want to know about it, now that I have that chance, don't blame me for using it also, it would be foolish to not use it.

Chuckling, I started to swim towards Laugh Tale.

One-Piece here I come.
