
Chapter 1

I noticed it as I walked down the street, a new café that had just opened. My curiosity got the best of me as I wandered inside. I was immediately met with the sweet aroma of coffee and vanilla. A display case at the front of the shop was filled with homemade pastries that looked too delicious to be real. I walked to the register and noticed the barista. He had soft brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was cleaning one of the coffee cups when he noticed me at the counter. When he smiled at me it was as if the sun was radiating from him. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he looked at me. He was definitely handsome there was no denying that.

"Can I take your order?" He asked, his voice soft and rich.

"Yeah, can I get a caramel macchiato?"

"Perfect, I will have that right out for you," he said writing down your order. You looked down and the name tag on his shirt. Johnny, even his name seemed warm. You sat down and waited for your coffee, the store was quiet due to the fact that it was too late for the morning coffee rush and too early for the rush of people needing coffee after work. Johnny brings out your coffee and to your surprise he sits down at the table with you.

"You don't mind do you?" he says, referring to him sitting with you

"Not at all. It is kind of lonely here after all," you quickly reply

He smiles at you and hold out his hand, " Lets start with introductions, you probably already know my name but I'm Johnny,"

You take his hand and shake it " I'm Y/N,"

"Well Y/N, it is a pleasure to meet you," he says and you both laugh.

You finish your coffee and look at your watch, it is already pretty late.

"I should get going," you tell Johnny. He gives you a slight frown but quickly changes it to a smile.

"Alright, just make sure to comeback tomorrow," he says with a wink. You feel yourself blush as you quickly leave the café.