

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs



[ISSUE] ID's Rookie male idol group DASE members revealed

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The idol powerhouse ID is releasing a boy group after approximately 8 years since AIM (4 years after girl group Rose Day)

Their debut is confirmed to be in December and the group's name is DASE. It seems to be a compound word since it doesn't appear in the dictionary.

The concept photos definitely look high-class.

(Photos are posted in order of publication)

1. Yu-Yeon

2. Chung

3. Yul-Mu

4. Baek-Ya

5. Ji-Han

6. Min-Sung

You can definitely see that all of their faces look insane. Moreover, they're already causing a sensation even before their debut.

They're dominating real-time search rankings and are trending on social media with each member's reveal.

It may be because ID revealed them out of the blue, but when the first member was unveiled, more than half of the popular posts were about DASE's Yu-Yeon.

With Min-Sung being the last member to have his individual photos released today, it seems likely that the music video teaser will be coming soon.


- I just came here randomly, but I think I just found my bias. I'm a Baek-Ya bias.

- Wow, I'm seriously shocked right now; all these faces in one group? ID seriously went all out.

- Seems like Yu-Yeon is the center ㅋㅋㅋ

└ How do you know?

└ ID usually reveals the center first!

└ AIM's Si-Yun, Glassy's Ju-Kyung, and Rose Day's Ha-Sil were also revealed first in the debut teaser.

- (Jihan.jpg) What is this?! Who is this? Are there no more photos? ㅠㅠ

└ AIM's Yeon-Ha!!

└ No! That's DASE's Ji-Han.

- (Yulmu.jpg) This is my mom's son-in-law. Say hello.

- They were just revealed out of the blue? Super abruptㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└ Ikr? Suddenly, they were just posted on ID's official website this morning.

└ What if an employee uploaded it by mistake? ㅋㅋㅋ

└ They were even posted on the official account with the blue check as soon as midnight hit, so it doesn't seem like a mistake.

└ Do they already have an official account?

└ They've had it even before debut…

- I guess it's true that all handsome guys are kept in ID's basement.

- Chung is so damn handsome ㅜㅜ

- (Baekya.jpg) Ah, he's seriously insane. I actually cursed out loud. His face is so f*cking cute.

└ Huh? His face doesn't match the usual ID visuals.

- Are these the guys from the eyewitness accounts that were posted before?

└ Seems likely

└ Yu-Yeon – Dimples, Chung – Gray wolf, Yul-Mu – Puppy, Ji-Han – Mono-eyelid Cat, Baek-Ya – Peach, Min-Sung – Rabbit. That's my guess.

- They're really good-looking

└ You call that good-looking? Tsk, tsk. They all look like anchovies.

└ Yeah~ And your face looks like anchovy poop

- Is Baek-Ya the youngest? He's like a soft poodle puppy and looks the youngest.

- If it's in December, will they perform together with AIM at the year-end stage?

- They're really good at fitting in newcomers.

- Must be great to have a large-scale debut~ They can use the end-of-the-year awards as their debut stage

* * *


The scribbled D-Day was written on the glass with a magic marker.

"Aaah~ It's hot!"

Despite the cold weather advisory, the air conditioning was running at full capacity instead of the heater. Yul-Mu, lying on the practice room floor, looked around while fanning himself with the handkerchief.

"You're not human, are you? How can you not shed a drop of sweat?"

"If it's that hot, go take a lap outside and come back."

Ji-Han, who was sitting nearby, nodded toward the door.

"Will you go with me?"


The answer came out without the slightest hesitation. Yul-Mu shuddered and got up to the response that was colder than ice.

"Wow. It's cold. It's freezing. Am I in Siberia?"

Ji-Han smirked as Yul-Mu pretended to shiver and stroke his arms.

With their debut stage just around the corner, DASE was almost living in the practice room these days.

The choreography, which had to be almost completely recreated, was now perfectly ingrained in their bodies. Even Baek-Ya, who initially struggled to keep up, was now performing well.

"Tan. Tan. Tan! You should go in at this tempo."

"Hyung, before the part 'No games' starts."

"Aah! I got it now."

Baek-Ya's reflection appeared through the glass. The choreographer had stepped out for a while, but Baek-Ya didn't stop practicing. And due to this, Yu-Yeon and even Chung, who were nearby, had to involuntarily carry out the rigorous practice.

"But doesn't Baek-Ya seem to be getting better at dancing?"

Min-Sung, who had been silently observing the three people, asked.

"Compared to when we first practiced the choreography, he's definitely improved."

Ji-Han, resting his chin on his hand while his elbow rested on his thigh, looked at Baek-Ya. It was more than just an improvement; it was a huge development.

The debut song represented the group's identity. Therefore, for boy groups, the choreography was usually complex and intense. The same applied to DASE.

With a strong hip-hop-based pop dance song, not only the choreography but also the dance formations constantly changed.

Although he didn't say it out loud, Ji-Han was a little taken aback when he first saw Baek-Ya's dance. Of course, he himself wasn't perfect either, but he couldn't help but worry, 'Will our team really be okay like this?'

"It would be weirder for him not to improve when he has been working so hard like that. I need to work hard, too."

Yul-Mu lightly patted Min-Sung on the shoulder and stood up.

"Hey, Baek-Ya~ At this rate, wouldn't you become the main dancer?"

Yul-Mu approached Baek-Ya, Yu-Yeon, and Chung and playfully spoke to them. Then a crack appeared on Baek-Ya's face, who has been concentrating. It definitely sounded like he was being teased.

"…You're making fun of me, aren't you?"

Baek-Ya frowned and glared at Yul-Mu. Yul-Mu, putting his hand on his chest, immediately shook his head and continued speaking.

"No? I'm completely sincere. You don't even make mistakes these days. And it's like I'm getting drawn in when I watch you?"

Then, agreeing with Yul-Mu's words, Chung chimed in.

"That's right! Like a black hole! Hyung, you have a suspicious charm."

//TN: "Like a black hole" was initially in English.

Everyone in the practice room burst into laughter at Chung's clumsy Korean. Yul-Mu thought the metaphor was perfect and even went for a high-five.


Nevertheless, the reactions after he changed the skill were definitely favorable. Although, seeing that no one corrected Chung's words, it does seem like he still has a long way to go.

* * *

Late at night.

A college student, lying on her bed in the dorm room with her eyes closed, thought.

'Why can't I fall asleep? I think I've had my eyes closed for over an hour now.'

As the dilemma of whether to open her eyes or not faded away in the darkness, her sleepy eyes flashed open.

[23:58 Sunday]

Looking at the clock, she realized it was nearing midnight. Before she knew it, two hours had already passed.

'Wait, does that mean I've only been closing my eyes for two hours?'

What a waste. She felt like the biggest fool in the world.

'At this point, I might as well consider that I've had my sleep tonight.'

The college student glanced sideways. Her roommate unnie was sprawled out in an unconscious state.

'Right, unnie has a class in the first period on Monday.'

However, she didn't have many classes tomorrow. Even if she dozed off during lectures, the college student had made up her mind to enjoy the early morning hours and picked up her cell phone.

[00:00 Monday]

The day of the week changed.

She hadn't done anything, and it was already Monday. Although she felt a little upset, the college student turned on YouTube.

Lately, she had been hooked on Korean-Japanese couple vlogs.

At first, she clicked on the video since the Japanese boyfriend of the YouTuber she didn't know was very handsome, but now she was indulging in watching the YouTuber's content. In fact, she didn't even realize she had become obsessed with the YouTuber.

Anyway, while getting vicarious satisfaction from someone else's relationship, the college student learned a new fact. That the Japanese boyfriend was a K-pop fan.

In particular, he was a fan of Rose Day's Ha-Sil.

She had wondered, 'Why when you have your beautiful girlfriend next to you?' but decided to respect his taste since she herself was having a proxy date through someone else's relationship.

In fact, Rose Day was a group that even the college student was familiar with. They were the epitome of a pure and innocent girl group.

She wasn't particularly interested in idols, but she had searched for them a few times because the YouTuber's boyfriend and other people around her were raving about them.

And perhaps because of that, a fancy thumbnail was floating at the top of the home screen.

[DASE 데이즈 '놀이(No Games)' Teaser #1]