
Jeremy Nobody

"So your the CEO of Si tech, I've heard so much about you. A lot of people speak highly of you. I'm Gregory Adams owner and founder of the Adams association. Care to Introduce yourself??" "I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Nobody." "Hmm, that's an interesting name is it a family name??" "No. It's my name. I have no family." ------------ What happens to a child who was abandoned by his birth parents, A child who had to face the struggles of growing up in an orphanage, A child who was later adopted only to face even more struggles and hardships that led him into committing murder, A child who could only survive by living amongst thugs and thiefs. Well I'll tell you what happens he becomes a hollow shell, A dead Man who still lived, A person who just exists because he had to. Even after gaining wealth and power nothing changed his heart was dark and filled with misery Until he encountered the overly optimistic, cheerful and funny Melissa Williams. Will she change his life?? or maybe turn his world upside down?? Find out

Queensis123 · perkotaan
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34 Chs

Chapter 37: The Blacks

Ever since Steve's accident Lucas had noticed how absent-minded his boss has been. "Are you alright boss." He asked the man lost in thought. Jeremy thought randomly, for any possible way to find Drake Lockman. "Any information about Drake Lockman's whereabouts." Jeremy asked. "Nothing. No traces what so ever. It's like he disappeared into thin air." Lucas replied. Never in all the years he had been working for Jeremy had he ever been unable to find a man.

"Keep looking. What about the Blacks? Any news from them?" Jeremy asked; The Blacks are the people Jeremy sent to tortue Mr Woods. "No. Mr Woods still refuses to say anything." Lucas replied.

"Seems like the Blacks have lost their touch. Tell them If l don't get any news soon they'll be the once in Mr Woods current state." Jeremy said angrily. His voice crisp and cool.

"Yes sir." Lucas said with a nod and left.

Jeremy sighed and reclined on his chair. He wondered why it was so difficult for his men to locate Drake Lockman. Where could the man be? And what was his motive for Steve's accident?. Jeremy thought. Speaking of Steve. He had to go over to the hospital to see him. News came that he was alright and conscious yesterday. He had been so busy and he didn't get a chance to go see him.

He grabbed his jacket and off he went to Medstar hospital center to see Steve.


"What the heck are you doing?" The man in black asked his partner after he saw her on the phone.

"Is was my mum." The lady in black replied casually as she proceeded to walk away. But was grabbed harshly by the hand and pulled backwards. "What? Where you telling your mum you were torturing an old man?." The man in black asked sarcastic tone. "Yes l was." The woman replied in the same sarcastic tone and the man smirked and let go of her hand.

"You know the rules. No phone calls." The man in black said sternly.

"Won't happen again." The lady in black replied.

"Good. Now, let's go back inside to check on our old friend. The boss isn't happy about our current lack of progress. And l don't know about you but l don't wanna be tie down to a chair and bitten by spiders." The man in black said comically referring to the threat Lucas had told him about.

"I told you your approach wouldn't work. Old people are stubborn and stronger than they look. Let me have a go." The lady in black said her eyes gleaming.

The man in black looked at her and chuckled.

"Our orders were to tortue not to kill."

"I won't kill him. I'll just kill some of his body parts." The lady in black replied with a smile.

"I think Mr Nobody wants him back in one piece." The man in black said as they walked inside. "Where's the fun in that." The lady in black grumbled. They arrived at a metal door and opened it to reveal Mr Woods.

Mr Woods was till tie to the chair. His head lowered; cause he didn't have the energy to lift it up. And he didn't bother to. There were nasty red painfull swelling all over his body and face due to the spider bites. He was sick to the stomach and his entire body ached. And he was terribly thirsty and felt like he was taking his last breaths and could die at any moment.

"Hi Mr Woods. You don't look so good. Do you still wanna pay us triple." The lady in black mocked. Mr Woods said nothing he didn't even bother to raise his head.

"Poor old thing. I brought you some water, but it seems like you don't need it." The man in black said.

Hearing this Mr Woods raised his head slowly and looked at the man. His throat was so dry that it hurt terribly when he tried to talk. "Wa...ter ..ple..ase." He begged.

"Sure." The man in black said and opened the cap of the bottle filled with water. "Just answer the question."

"I..don't.. know. I.. didn't ..know the motive. It wasn't.. my idea. I was.. just ... caught up in everything please believe me." Mr Woods said weakly.

"Fine. We believe you. Just one more question then." The man in black replied. "Where is Drake Lockman."

Mr Woods sighed. He needed to get out of here. He couldn't just die here. And what about his daughter, Diana. He had to get back to her. She isn't safe any more. Not after what he was about to do. He had to go home and protect her.

Weakly Drake Lockman looked into the eyes of the man in black " I'll answer every question you ask me. But not to you, only to your employer. So tell him to come meet me himself if he wants to get any information about Drake Lockman. Because he's not going to find it elsewhere."

The man in black looked at his partner. she looked and him and they walked out of the room.

"Should we?" The man in black whispered the moment they walked out.

"Are you mad? Mr Nobody will be never agree to that. Plus he's gonna say we failed to do our job."

"The old man is stubborn. But he is ready to talk. I say we let Mr Nobody know."

"Fine. Do as you like."

"I'll call Lucas right away. He'll decide if we should tell Mr Nobody or not."