
Jeremy Nobody

"So your the CEO of Si tech, I've heard so much about you. A lot of people speak highly of you. I'm Gregory Adams owner and founder of the Adams association. Care to Introduce yourself??" "I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Nobody." "Hmm, that's an interesting name is it a family name??" "No. It's my name. I have no family." ------------ What happens to a child who was abandoned by his birth parents, A child who had to face the struggles of growing up in an orphanage, A child who was later adopted only to face even more struggles and hardships that led him into committing murder, A child who could only survive by living amongst thugs and thiefs. Well I'll tell you what happens he becomes a hollow shell, A dead Man who still lived, A person who just exists because he had to. Even after gaining wealth and power nothing changed his heart was dark and filled with misery Until he encountered the overly optimistic, cheerful and funny Melissa Williams. Will she change his life?? or maybe turn his world upside down?? Find out

Queensis123 · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 36: Torture 2

Chapter 36: Torture 2

"Dear?" The man in black called out to his partner. The lady in black.

"Yes dear."

"Can you please define torture?"

"It is the action or practice of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone as punishment or in order to force them to do or say something." The lady in black replied with a smirk. She was holding some sort of device in her hand and when she noticed Mr Woods eyes were on her she smiled and said "Don't look at me it's him you should be worried about." Slowly Mr Woods lifted his gaze to the man.

"You hear that Mr Woods. This isn't torture, the torture part hasn't began yet. Starving you and tieing you up is just pre-torture. So tell me Mr Woods what is your greatest fear?" The man in black asked but Mr Woods said nothing. Why on earth would he reveal such a thing.

"Are you afraid of dieing? Well if you think about it everyone is afraid of death. How about.." The man in black stopped to think. "Oh, watching everything you've been building all your life crumble and fall apart or holding the dead body of someone so close to your heart. Painful and very scary isn't it." The man in black said his beady black eyes gleaming.

" Your a deranged psychopath." Mr Woods spat.

"And your the Saint amongst us?" The man asked and the woman laughed. "Good old Saint Mr Woods." She mocked.

"Now before l start I'm gonna ask you one last time. What was the motive behind Mr Macklin's accident?"

Mr Woods didn't say a word he just stared into space.

"Talk!!" The man in black shouted. All warmth drained from his voice.

"I know nothing about Steve Macklin's accident." Mr Woods replied. His voice low, his throat dry, and his body weak due to lack of food and water.

The man in black licked his thin lower lip and sighed.

"Then don't blame me for this." The man in black said as he began to wear a pair of black gloves. He took out a glass case from his black bag. The case contained black spiders.

Mr Woods watched with dread as he wondered what he would do with them.

"I heard some people have Arachnophobia. Dear, Can you remind please remind me what that is again?" The man in black asked his partner. "Fear of spiders." She replied.

"Ah-yes. That's right fear of spiders." The man said with a dreadful smile that would probably hunt one's dreams. " This one is called latrodectus mactans or commonly known as black widow." The man said referring to the spiders. Then he carefully placed one on Mr Woods bare chest; earlier then had taken off his shirt.

Mr Woods panicked. He tried to shake it off; moving both arms and legs. But it was no use. He was properly tied to the chair and the ropes were only hurting him the more he struggled. He watched helplessly as the spider began to crawl up his body.

The man in black chuckled and picked up another spider and gently placed it on Mr Woods face. Then another on his arm and another right on his shoulder.

"If l were you Mr Woods, I would stay still. Cause the moment these spiders realise that they aren't in their glass case any more then, well let's just say it won't be very pleasant. We'll come back to check on you. Hopefully then you'll be ready to talk."

The man in black and his partner the lady in black left Mr Woods despite all the begging and pleading. What followed the begging and pleading were screams muffled with pain and agony as the spiders dug their fangs into his flesh.