
Jeremy Nobody

"So your the CEO of Si tech, I've heard so much about you. A lot of people speak highly of you. I'm Gregory Adams owner and founder of the Adams association. Care to Introduce yourself??" "I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Nobody." "Hmm, that's an interesting name is it a family name??" "No. It's my name. I have no family." ------------ What happens to a child who was abandoned by his birth parents, A child who had to face the struggles of growing up in an orphanage, A child who was later adopted only to face even more struggles and hardships that led him into committing murder, A child who could only survive by living amongst thugs and thiefs. Well I'll tell you what happens he becomes a hollow shell, A dead Man who still lived, A person who just exists because he had to. Even after gaining wealth and power nothing changed his heart was dark and filled with misery Until he encountered the overly optimistic, cheerful and funny Melissa Williams. Will she change his life?? or maybe turn his world upside down?? Find out

Queensis123 · perkotaan
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34 Chs

Chapter 30: Private meeting .

Jeremy sat in his office looking at some files

on his system. But zero concentration, zero understanding. Basically his head was blank. All he could do was think about her. The really annoying little lady. Her beautiful face, sweet smell and the softness of her body. Clearly he was losing it.

"Lincoln!." Jeremy called out. And immediately Jeremy's assistant came running through the doors. His last assistant was fired because he wasn't quick enough. His new assistant was very serious about keeping his job.


"Get the car ready. I'm going out for lunch."

"Yes sir. Do you want me to come with you?."

"You don't need to. I'll be with Lucas. Stay here and make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Yes sir."

Lincoln Jeremy's new assistant got everything ready for Jeremy's lunch break. The car and the escorts were all ready. Waiting for him outside.

"Sir, everything is ready."

Jeremy grabbed his jacket and left his office. Outside Lucas his right hand man was waiting for him. Together they went downstairs. And they were off to were Jeremy usually eats his lunch.


Unfortunately for Melissa. She was minutes late and had missed Jeremy. Unknown to her she walked over to the receptionist who gave her a standard smile.

"Hello, What can l do for you?"

"I came to see Jeremy Nobody."

As she said these words the smile on the receptionist face froze. During the three years since she had been working here, she was the first one who dared to say their CEO's name directly. Taking a casual look at Melissa she acknowledge that she was gorgeous.

But she had never seen the CEO with a woman before. He would never bring his affairs to his work place. Therefore she assumed that she wasn't his fiancé or girlfriend. And judging from her dress and behaviour, she didn't look like a high-class girl.

"Do you mind telling me your name?"

"Melissa Williams."

Melissa Williams. The receptionist had never heard that name before. Apparently, she never booked a meeting before.

"Private meeting or representing your cooperation?"

"Private meeting."

The receptionist facial expression changed slightly after hearing her answer. She was a just a wild woman who didn't know anything. She assumed Melissa was one of Jeremy's admirers. Did she even have any idea who he was. She dared say his name and asked to meet him.

"I'm sorry the CEO'S schedule is full. He's a very busy man and wouldn't have time to meet with women like you. If you want to meet with him summit your reason to the CEO'S secretary team. After they finish the audit, they'll summit it to the secretary director. Then maybe you'll be put in the meeting list of our CEO."

Melissa didn't listen to any other thing the receptionist had to say after she had said he wouldn't have time to meet with women like her. Women like her? What did that mean.

"Listen. Please it's really important. If you could send someone up there to inform him I'm here then.."

"I'm sorry miss. But please if you don't have any other thing to say then it would be best if you leave. Before l call security." The receptionist interuted rudely.

"Security? I really don't see any reason for that." Melissa replied a little surprised by the receptionist sudden rudeness.

"Last warning Miss. Please leave."

Melissa looked at the receptionist who was now glaring at her. Seems like the smile earlier was only a facade. She decided to leave. The last thing she wanted was to create a scene.

But as she turned around to leave she heard someone call her last name. "Miss Williams."

Turning to the direction she saw a tall handsome man walking towards her. He looked like a male model. With his lush gold hair that was properly groomed and he wore a really nice fitted suit, he walked gracefully to were She was. She didn't think she had met him before.

"Hi. I'm Tony Grey. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard a lot." Tony said his eyes dazzled with wonder over a friendly smile.

"I can't say we've met before."

"No. Not officially. You see I'm Jeremy and Steve friend. So they've mentioned you one or two times."

"I see." Melissa said her cheeks flushed.

"Are you here to see Jeremy?"

"Yes l am. But the receptionist wouldn't let me." Melissa said turning to the direction of the receptionist.

The receptionist who had been watching them with dread now knowing that the lady she had been rude to might have known the CEO, Because she was talking so closely to one of his closest and most important friend.

Tony looked towards her direction. And she immediately walked out to meet him. She was absolutely frightened.

"Sir please. I didn't know if she knew the CEO personally or not. lots of women come here almost every day claiming they know him and asking for a private meeting. I simply thought that she was one of them. I'm really sorry, l was only doing my job."

Tony felt a little sympathy towards the woman. She wasn't wrong about questioning Melissa's visit. But she was wrong to be rude to her. And that was unacceptable.

"Your fired. No futher arguments. Leave."

" Yes sir." The receptionist did as he instructed without question like she was a robot or something. Melissa was so shocked.

"Please come with me Miss Williams. I'll take you to meet Jeremy. That is if your still interested."

Melissa nodded.