
Jason the shifter king

Blackwolfrose01 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Part 8

After Natalie returned her soul to her body we waited for a few min and her skin turned back to normal and she was breathing again . We all take a slow walk back to the castle , mom rides on Matt's back and me and Natalie walk in front .After we dealt with my sister I think we all need a huge break from magical powers and shifts . Me being king I told them to take a week off so they can relax and rest their minds , all the guards can take off their armor off and go walk around like normal shifters . Mom and Matt took a long vacation to the mountains , Matt said something bout making mom really happy . Me and Natalie well we was relaxing in the castle , we walked down the the stables and got all the horses together and we then lead them all to the waterfalls where they can relax to . The stable horses need to get a rest to after all that running they done the last who knows long since they ran free . I got off my horse and took his bridle off and let him run free ,along with all of the other horses . We sit on the ground and watch all the horses buck and kick they won't go far they know where their home is . We stayed there till it was sunset  ,we then bridled all the horses up and let them back to the castle for a good night rest along with a lot of hay and water . After we took care of the horses we went to lay down and get some rest . After we lay down I feel Natalie's stomach and it was a lil big "hunny what's wrong with your stomach " she gets red in the face and then she tells me ...