
Jason the shifter king

Blackwolfrose01 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Part 9

I look at her when she tells me I'm gonna be a father . I jumped up and hugged her and we both started crying of joy , I soon texted my mom and told her the news and she was happy for us . I finally could have A heir to the throne once it got old enough. After we calmed down we went to sleep I curled up to her and she snuggled in .

      The next morning I woke up to find Natalie gone , she was no where in the room so I got dressed and started to search the castle for her . I soon find her outside in her angel form floating in the air in one of her protective bubbles. It looked like she was trying to reach out to someone by her mind or find someone or something. I soon tapped on the bubble and it's like I scared her , she turns around and looks at me . Floating back down to where I was she told me she was talking to her mother and father about the kid . I hadn't realize when I found her she probably didn't have time to tell them she was leaving because my sister attacked us , I apologized to her for that then she told me her mother and father was in heaven they died protecting the white wolf/angel clan 19 years ago . Then it hit me I had an white crystal egg in my room because father got it for me when I was just born . I run up to my room with Natalie behind me pulled it out of the chest and showed her . She started crying did this egg or whatever mean so much to her ? Then she told me what this egg actually was it was her pet dragon in her clan suppose to hatch when she was born to protect her ,but was taken before it hatched . "Can we still save the egg I asked " she nods but we just gotta go to the ice dragon for her to make it hatch . When we got outside taking a horse would take 2-3 days it would be faster in wolf form but I'm not mad or anything . Natalie grabbed my face and said " if you wanna shift without getting mad just think about the happy things and it should work the same way " I nod and move away from her and the egg , I then felt my bones shift and fur and claws come out and then feeling my bones click in place and my teeth all the way through and standing on all fours . That was actually faster than when I'm mad , I lowered myself to the ground so she could get on let her grab my fur and I took off.

   We got to the frozen lake forest in 6 hours with no stops I let her off and I just stayed in wolf form just in case something tried to hurt her . Natalies POV. I walk towards the place Jason found me and I yell out to the ice dragon " oh holy ice dragon I wish for you to appear I need your help " at first I didn't hear anything and then I heard the wings and then the dragon came in view , she landed with grace and lowers her head " I hear you summon me child but who are you and how do you know how to summon me ." I then say " you looked after my clan for over 300 years I was the lil girl who didn't get an ice dragon and half the clan was killed " she gasped " so that makes you my granddaughter and why summon me now child ?" I tell her how I have the egg and ask if she can still save it " has it been in a cold place for this time it was gone ? I then see Jason shift and tell her it has ."so your the son of that old king who destroyed are home and took this egg , my eggs have a life source on them and I can feel when they still alive . This egg awoken when she touched it meaning it can be saved , but without my mate here I need 2 dragons fire to make it hatch ." I look at her "we can still hatch it Jason can shift into a dragon or wait you said I'm your granddaughter does that mean I have a dragon inside me ?" She nods "your parents was gonna tell you when you got 18 but they didn't make it that far only if they was here to see the day this egg hatched " I know who can help with all of that "who?" I turn to Jason uncle Hades they both gasps " he will take your life for saying that " actually he won't I meet him some time ago and he told me if he could ever help with anything to just say his summoning spell and he would come just like I used on you grandmother" they let out a breath and said very well .

   I walk away from them before I did I gave the egg to Jason to keep safe I walk near the frozen lake and take a deep breath 'forgive me mother and father' "I summon thy master but not for his power for his presence and his help " I hear the ice on the lake crack and then stands is uncle hades " you called for me dear child what is there I can help you with today " I sigh and then say " you know the ice dragon who Protect my clan for so long she needs help hatching the egg is there any way u can give me the soul of her mate ?" I asked and then he sighed " very well I know it was gonna come to this and I'm the only one who can turn him back into his normal form and if he dies this time he won't be able to come back to live do you understand this " I nod and then I see the dragons other soul and then I see him come back to his normal self I see both ice dragons cry and then a miracle happened.