
Visit Osborne Enterprises

  The next day was relatively simple and boring. Michael went to school in the morning and went to Osborne Industries in the afternoon.

  The reason why he is so relaxed is that Norman is not only a scientist, but also a capitalist, and he also needs time to deal with the affairs of Osborne's enterprise.

  There were times when the Normans weren't even seen all day, and the Super Serum ended up as if Michael was in charge all by himself.

  Middle East, inside a cave.

  In the dark cave, Tony Stark's chest faintly revealed a blue light, and I don't know if he thought he was a giant of light.

  Playboy Tony, is hammering something at the moment.

  When he felt it was almost the same, he picked it up and saw that it was a steel mask.

  Elsewhere, other parts are scattered.

  Finally, the last place is finished, Tony and Ethan smile at each other.

  At this time, the stupid little leader of the Ten Rings Gang finally realized something was wrong. Tony seemed to have disappeared from sight, leaving only what Johnson was doing, and whether he was looking outside.

  "Where's Tony?"

  "I don't know."

  "Go and have a look." The

  bald head vaguely realized that something was wrong, but he didn't know what the problem was, but it was certain that this damn Tony Stark must be Playing tricks.

  A little brother ran in, only to find that the innermost door was locked from the inside by them.

  "Ethan, Ethan, Stark?"

  Tony and Ethan, who were assembling the Mark 1, were extremely nervous when they heard the shouts from outside.

  "Hurry up and talk to him,"

  Ethan said nervously. "He speaks Portuguese, I don't."

  "Then just say a few words."

  What did you say at this time? Ethan's whole body is not well, he is so nervous that he can't remember.


  Soon the Ten Rings Gang was about to break in, and Ethan and Tony also came to the last moment.

  Seeing that the data transmission still takes time, Ethan rushed out with a rifle to buy time for Tony.

  "According to the plan, coming according to the plan."

  Ethan didn't listen to Tony, because he knew that if the plan was followed, the enemy might rush in before the data was transmitted, and no one would be able to leave by then.

  Ethan is different from Tony. Tony is still a little naive now, but Ethan knows that sometimes, necessary sacrifices are needed.

  His wife and children are dead, he has long been unwilling to live, and now it is worthwhile to be able to die, and it is enough to wake up Tony's kindness.

  The data transmission was finally completed, and the big iron shell got the driver program and could finally be active.

  But listening to the footsteps outside, Tony knew that Ethan had died.

  There was no time to grieve and anger, Tony began to act, the cumbersome armor resisted the bullets of the Ten Rings Gang, and Tony broke out of the siege by himself.

  As the leader of the Ten Rings Gang said, whoever masters advanced weapons can own the world.

  Obviously, the rough Mark 1 is still much more advanced than the weapons of the Ten Rings Gang.

  Under the thrusters on the legs of Mark 1, Tony successfully flew into the sky and left here.

  I don't know how long it was in the desert, when Tony was confused, he saw a gunship landed in front of him.


  today is the day to visit Osborne Enterprises.

  Osborne Industries is a large industrial company in New York City that is as famous as Stark Industries.

  Unlike Stark Industries, which focuses on the development of the military industry, Osborn Industries pays more attention to making breakthroughs in life sciences. Among them, Osborn Industries is most famous for its technology of cultivating mutant animals and extracting corresponding mutants from them. Gene.

  In order to treat human diseases and improve human life expectancy.

  The people who came to visit this time are the elites from various colleges and universities. The best of them will stay and become the staff here, but not everyone has the opportunity.

  Apparently Peter, who only had a high school degree, was not on the list.

  The reason why so many students visit Osborne Enterprises is to promote the corporate culture to the schools where these outstanding students work and prepare for the recruitment of talents in the future.

  At the same time, Osborne can also use this to promote himself, value students, and national education.

  But here comes Peter, he's here for Connors.

  In the attic, he found a briefcase that mentioned his father's old colleague, Dr. Connors.

  In order to understand his father and feel his father's love, Peter couldn't wait to come to Connors.

  Coincidentally, today's visit is also run by Connors, and if these students are successfully admitted, they will enter the business as Connors students.

  When he came to Osborn Enterprise, Peter couldn't wait to go inside, but was stopped by Osborn's front desk.

  "What are you here for? Do you have an appointment?"

  "I'm here to find Dr. Connors."

  "You are also a student of Dr. Connors, have you come to visit?"

  Peter suddenly understood that he could not enter without an appointment. , so he bite the bullet and admit it.

  The front desk lady did not doubt, but said, "Please find your name tag."

  Seeing that Peter hesitated, the front desk lady said again, "Is there not your name?"

  Peter no longer hesitated. If he couldn't get in here, what would he do I didn't know Connors, so I picked up a brand name.

  "This is mine." The

  front desk lady was already suspicious, but seeing that he was good looking and knew Dr. Connors, she let him go.

  In this way, Peter entered Osborne Enterprises with someone else's brand name.

  He didn't know Connors was there, but it was right to go up.

  As soon as he reached the second floor, he saw Gwen and a group of young people.

  Although I don't know what you're doing? But seeing Gwen in a white lab coat, Peter stopped unconsciously.

  Through some of his father's relationships, Gwen successfully joined the Osborne Enterprises as an experimental assistant.

  In fact, there is nothing important. Usually, it is to help the mentor Connors to fight, and to raise mice by the way.

  Relying on his own extraordinary wisdom, Gwen, who has not yet gone to college, still became Dr. Connors' favorite student.

  Although this job is not high, it has a special meaning for Gwen. After all, this is her first job in her life, and she still works in a large company, so it is still very precious.

  But today's Gwen was a little absent-minded. She accidentally found that Michael was working here, but the two were not in the same department, so they didn't see each other often.

  According to Dr. Connors, Michael appears to be conducting a secret experiment, and he does not know where Michael's laboratory is.

  And just like that, the hard work of working in a big company is over.

  Everyone is a classmate. When I started, you already had an independent laboratory.

  Peter naturally didn't know what Gwen was thinking at this time. His eyes were on Gwen, the blonde goddess in front of him, and his brain was in a still state, completely forgetting his purpose.