
Angry Michael

  "Hey, don't mention your work, it's dinner."

  Helen asked her husband to stop the topic.

  One of their kids said, "Tell us about today, did you catch that Spider-Girl?"

  "No, we haven't caught him yet."

  George wanted to make Spider-Man worse, so The two children will not think about worship and imitation. You must know that what Spider Girl does is too dangerous, and he definitely doesn't want his children to become that kind of person.

  "But we'll catch her. She's a layman who attacked pedestrians late at night and left a lot of clues, but she's still very dangerous."

  George could see that Spider-Girl's abilities are far beyond ordinary people. If one day she accidentally enters Mistakes will be more harmful to society, so it is the best choice to register and limit them.

  But Gwen quit, how could she do this, she was obviously helping other people, but she was said to be attacking passers-by by George.

  "I've seen her video, Dad, she's catching car thieves. I think most people think she's killing people."

  "Most people are wrong."

  George watched seriously Gwen, then said, "Do you know how long we've been staring at the car thief? We're about to figure out the mastermind behind this business, as well as the chain of crime, but after the spider girl got it, there's nothing left now. The chain of evidence was broken, we undercovered the police for six months, and all the work was in vain."

  Gwen realized that he had done something bad with good intentions.

  "Obviously she doesn't know your plans, and she wouldn't if she did."

  "You seem to know her well."

  Gwen, who knew his father's keen sense of smell, closed his mouth to prevent him from saying too much.

  Michael probably knows why George is so obsessed with catching Spider-Man.

  The existence of Spider-Man defied the law to a certain extent, and the masked hero looked cool, but in fact this behavior swayed wildly on the edge of the law.

  In addition, Spider-Man trampled on the dignity of the police, and a little favor and small favor made the city full of storms, as if the police did nothing.

  Third, Spider-Man's actions will somehow hinder the police's plan, like this time, they went undercover for six months in vain.

  "Which side do you support?"

  George continued, wanting to know if his daughter knew anything.

  But Gwen is not stupid, doesn't standing Spider-Man mean that he has something to do with Spider-Man?

  "I don't stand by anyone. I saw her video on the Internet, and I think she's not as bad as you said."

  George smiled and said, "You watched a video, so the case was solved? You still don't realize it. The seriousness of the problem."

  Helen became a little impatient, like a quarrel in front of the guests, what is this?

  "Stop talking about it, okay?" All

  she wanted was a satisfying dinner, delicious enough original dishes, and polite guests, but George and Gwen would spoil it all.

  George also realizes that Michael is still there, but he doesn't intend to end the conversation.

  "Michael, what do you think?"

  Michael wanted to roll his eyes, but I'm not Yuanfang, what do I think.

  "Mr. George doesn't like Spider-Man very much?"

  George took a deep breath and said, "I don't like this kind of masked vigilantes who pretend to be righteous. Any crime should be tried by the law, not violent like them. To suppress violence, if they become role models and everyone is like them, then society will be in chaos."

  "So, they are not just, they are not heroes, they are just some individual heroists.

  " After coming down, Gwen fell silent.

  And George was looking at Michael, waiting for his answer, so he didn't notice anything strange about her.

  Michael wiped his mouth, thought quietly for a moment, and said, "Then Mr. George, why do everyone like Spider-Man instead of the police? Is it really that your efforts have been covered up?"

  George couldn't help but be stunned for a moment . .

  yeah why?

  This country is very strange, their people don't like to protect their police and soldiers, but worship this kind of jumping clown.

  "Mr. George, do you think an ordinary person, in the face of robbery, rape, extortion, longs for someone to come down from the sky to save them, or when everything happens, someone tells them to do justice for them? Even when he has countless I've been asking for justice, but nothing in

  the end?" George fell silent, not all cases were like car theft, but property was lost without the knowledge of others.

  After more cases occur, the parties simply cannot accept it, and there may not be a result after calling the police. The answer seems obvious.

  "Everyone likes Spider-Man and Daredevil. I think the reason is very simple. This is because everyone's safety is not guaranteed. If your police really maintain the law and order, the elderly, women, and children can be without any scruples. Playing at night, then no one likes a weirdo with a mask to carry out private affairs."

  "But you can't do it, you can't even guarantee that criminals who have been in prison can be rehabilitated, and you still put them in this situation. They came out and gave them freedom and human rights, but they forgot to protect everyone's property and life."

  "Mr. George, the social stability you talk about is just an illusion, it's just a guarantee for the rich to enjoy the state's welfare, and even the street where you live. There will be thugs going on here, please open your eyes and take a look."

  "If you cops really did their due diligence, there wouldn't be so many bad guys running around in this world, and we wouldn't need Spider-Man."

  "Mr. George , Whose life is your fairness and justice protecting, and who are you serving? The country, the law, or the rich?"

  "Maybe in the eyes of the rich you are quite competent, but in the eyes of the commoners, you are nothing."

  "Oh, sorry, I forgot that I am actually quite rich."

  "Mr. George, you need me to give it to you . An award?"

  "Mr. George, I wish you showed up a few times alone at night, maybe that way you could feel how bad the law and order here is."

  "A Spider-Man might not be anything, but if one day all Like Spider-Man, with a heart of justice, the world will be a lot better."

  A series of words, like a barrage of cannons, made George stunned.

  Speaking of excitement, Michael even untied his tie and unbuttoned his chest.

  "Sorry, I'm a little rude, where's the balcony?"

  Mrs. Helen pointed to the outside, and Michael got up and walked out.

  "It's okay, George."

  George wiped his cheek and said, "I was a little angry at first, but I think people like Spider-Man, maybe because of us."