
It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

' A Tooth for a Tooth , An Eye for an Eye , you wish I never come back alive , if I do then I promise , I'm going to pay you back , all the pain I received. The burning fire and my dripping hot blood as the witness , I promise , I'll make you suffer more than I did . If I get a second chance , if I get a second life , I'm surely going to take my revenge ' Saying her last words , she closed her eyes , her skin felt hot by the burning fire , her breath started to slow down , her heart stopped to work , she remembered , her mother , her grandparents , who were the only one , who loved her truly ,yet they were no more alive . her heart beat stopped , her breathing put on a long break , she lost her consciousness, lost her soul , lost her life . ' Boom' Suzy , a twenty four years old girl , gets tricked , schemed and betrayed by her own people , whom she trusted and loved the most. She gets betrayed by her own biological father , her step mother and step sister whom she treated as her own blood sister , her own bestfriend , and her fiance . She was tricked and was taken advantage , when she finally found their true face it was already too late , she was already in the bed of death . She gets a new life , to seek her revenge , to pay back for their evil schemes , and finally she meets a man who truly loves her , supporting her in every aspect , becoming a wife slave , her childhood darling , Kim Tan . Their are lots of schemes , lots of revenge , lots of romance and lots of thrilling scenes in the story , catch up the female leads Revenge in her new life .

Samikshasam · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
388 Chs

Going to do Things Which you Like !!

WARNING:- readers with soft and weak hearts , please dont read this chapter as it contains cruel scenes and especially my dear innocent girls , hope you'll not get flustered and scared 😊.

" you wish.....tsk tsk , Qin yue , do you still think I'm a fool....well I know everything about you ....EVERYTHING " she said as she smiled wickedly .

" su...suzy " she called out in fear , she was still in disbelief as she thought ' how can she know about me ...what does she know about me ?'

Suzy , who was observing her every reaction knew what she was actually thinking , with her lips curved upwards into a sinister smile, she said " oh...I forgot , I have one more identity "

" one more identity ?


" haha.....let me introduce my other identity , I am...Shadow "