
Isolated people

A place where lucky and unlucky people stumbled upon that will make it's victim change themselves.

Euxivia · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


I've been stuck in this cycle for 5 hours. No matter where corner of the streets I've gone to I still can't perceive any signs of life nor it's bustling sounds.

'HAHAHA... what is this? am I still sleeping with my head facing the door? HahaHAhA... this is terrifying, I'm scared, please help me...'

Fatigue has kicked in. My legs give out through hours of pedaling. The night is approaching but what's weird is that the lights across the road I'm in is active to the point you may think that people have been accumulating or gathering but the world around me is still dead silent. The environment gives me a creepy feeling that a simple gust of wind made my body hair stand up, All of the establishment are open but none of the people are present.

As I oversee the surroundings the cycle of hunger and thirst approach me, with that i'm beginning to ponder whether I will enter that god forsaken convenience store with no employees.

After a not so thoroughly pondering I've decided to enter the store. I entered the store and I straight away get my shit like: food, water, drinks, coffee, and snacks but guess what I still go to the counter and willing to pay for it, I put the money on the cashier counter that is enough for the necessities that I bought and I head straight to the exit but before I reach to the handle of the door i heard a sound that instantly made my heart stop a beat.

The receipt machine at the cashier counter that I've passed made a sound resembling the noise of it printing a receipt.

I slowly look at the counter with a grim look at my face but what stoods at the counter was nothing there's none, this is the moment where I ran out of the convenience store with all my power, I ran until I reach the alley where my bike is parked. I fall my butt onto the floor my body drenched in sweat and my hands unconsciously shaking.

After I calmed myself down I reach to the paper bag where all the stuff that I buy in that 'convenience store' are present and put them in the bag that I brought. After a while when almost all of the stuff in the paper bag are decreasing I stumble and grabbed at a object or 'thing' that made my hair stood and my body shaking, there present across my hand is a receipt that represent a nightmare.

I got inspired by the 107 readers that read my shit so i'm very thankful.

*Borger kayo sakin*

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