1 Am I where?

Space that changes everytime, It feels like I'm trap on a endless loop of environment where it's changes is what I should adapt everytime or else the danger of consequences can struck my whole being.

It should have been a great morning with full of life, noticing the chirping of birds and the ambiance of the city. I woke up so early, earlier than my annoying alarm clock and as a commemoration for my sense of superiority to that goddamn thing I whip myself up some pretty darn good breakfast, The aroma of the leftover food that sifting around the room just by opening the hot warm microwave is intoxicating if you ask me plus partnered it with a cold rice, ooooooohhhhhhhh! baby! that's a morning gourmet shit right there. My stomach is aching in front of a good foooooodddd so I better eat it.

After I eat the food of the kings I prepare myself for the day cause I gotta go. somewhere, with that I use my bike ehem! 'fixie bike' it's the same thing butttttttt I'm bragging.

Strolling around the city can be worrying, but it's as much worrying when your doing it with a no brake bike it always feels like there's a grim reaper hanging around with you. Upon biking for almost an hour, I am know at the front of an abandoned mansion, I don't know why i'm here but i have a feeling that my thoughts are guiding me thru this area, But nevermind that cause I'm pretty much tired so I'm just gonna sit on the sidewalk across the abandoned mansion.

Minutes have passed and anxiousness grew upon me, seeing that people and vehicles haven't go around the road I:m currently in, the silence of the once bustling road made my scalp turn cold and abruptly knowing that I don't know where I am grew inside my thoughts.

With that horrific feeling environment I'm in I decided to get the hell outta here, along with my bike I speed up my pedaling but even though my speed can be considered fast in an amateur competition it's still useless because I don't know where to go and where am I.

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