
Is It Albinism Or Something Else! (Out Of Place)

A summer camping trip takes a thrilling turn for Yohan and his family when he discovers hidden powers and encounters a mysterious girl named Aisha. As they face a terrifying threat in the wilderness, Yohan must unlock his true potential to protect his loved ones. But with secrets lurking beneath the surface, this adventure is just the beginning of a journey into a world of magic and mystery.

LeoDGreed · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Prologue-Unlikely Reunion

Day 2 Of My Summer Vacation. (12th May, 2023)

Aisha, bathed in the dim light of a secluded room, engaged in a cryptic conversation with an enigmatic figure shrouded in shadows. The room, dimly lit, seemed to echo with whispers of secrets as the mysterious woman's voice filled the space. Aisha, with utmost respect, knelt before her, her left knee supporting her weight. The woman's voice, carrying an air of authority, inquired, "What do you think about this young man named Yohan? Does he have the potential to be a Demon Hunter?" Aisha, her words laced with reverence, responded, "Yes, my lady, he appears to be a powerful one, capable of vanquishing a Kotu with a single punch." A gleam of intrigue danced in the eyes of the mysterious woman. She wore a cryptic smile and murmured, "Isn't that interesting?"

Meanwhile, by the riverside,

The cool breeze rustled through the trees as twilight descended, casting a serene ambiance over the surroundings. Ria, still haunted by her harrowing nightmare, sat by the river, her face etched with worry. The dream that had threatened the lives of her parents and herself lingered in her thoughts, leaving her anxious. Approaching Ria, I sat down beside her, my presence a comforting anchor. Concerned in my eyes, I asked, "Ria, are you still thinking about your dream from last night?" Her response was laden with unease, "Yes, I can't seem to think about anything else. That thing in my dream was trying to kill me, my mum, and my dad. "In an attempt to alleviate her distress, I suggested, "How about we explore the forest a little bit? It might help clear your mind." Ria hesitated briefly, contemplating her fears, before agreeing, "Umm… Okay, I guess so." Our steps led us into the heart of the forest, with Ria clutching my hand tightly, seeking solace in my presence. As we ventured deeper into the lush wilderness, a sense of curiosity and wonder filled the air. Amid the natural splendor, I shared a fascinating tidbit, my voice carrying the warmth of discovery. "Did you know that a tree can sequester up to 150 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year?" Ria's eyes widened with amazement, her anxiety momentarily forgotten. "Really?" My response was filled with genuine enthusiasm, "It's incredible. While we keep cutting down trees for our benefit, trees are helping us by absorbing carbon dioxide. "Ria added her perspective, her voice resonating with determination. "We should appreciate nature more and plant more trees." I playfully petted her head, teasing, "Oh, look who's feeling good now." Ria, her cheeks blushing, retorted, "Stop it, bhaiya." Our shared laughter echoed through the forest as they continued their exploration. As We ventured deeper into the woods, Ria cast her gaze downwards, her thoughts veering back to her earlier worries. She felt compelled to express her gratitude and confided in me, "Thank you, bhaiya, for cheering me up." I, with a sense of protectiveness, embraced her tightly. Ria, taken aback by my gesture, asked in surprise, "What are you doing, bhaiya?" My response was filled with tenderness, "I just want you to be happy. Don't ever be sad. "Aisha, from her vantage point on a branch of a nearby tree, watched the heartwarming scene unfold and seized the moment to capture it in a photo on her phone.


Back in the city

A young boy found himself in a dire situation as he frantically raced through the dimly lit streets. Desperation tinged his voice as he cried out for help, yet the denizens remained oblivious to his distress. The narrow alleyway he turned into became his refuge and trap, a dead-end shrouded in shadows. His heart pounded, and panic welled within as he glanced over his shoulder to discover a mysterious, menacing black figure following his every step. The aura emanating from the figure was eerie, sending shivers down the boy's spine. Summoning his courage, he addressed the shadowy pursuer, "Who are you, and why are you chasing me?" In a deep, menacing voice, the figure replied, "You seem to have a demonic aura around you. Are you human?" Perplexed and fearful, the boy inquired further, "What do you mean by a demonic aura? And what are you?" The figure, unapologetically declaring its identity, answered, "I am a demon. "Startled by the revelation, the boy questioned, "Are you going to kill me?" The demon, its tone now less threatening, disclosed, "No, I am a good demon." Intrigued by the unexpected twist, the boy pressed for more information, asking, "What's a good demon?" The demon elaborated, explaining the existence of a mystical realm called "Ombra," where creatures of various mythologies coexisted, including elves, dragons, dwarfs, pixies, fairies, and demons. Among the demons, there were two factions: the good and the bad. The good demons were peaceful and coexisted harmoniously with other mythological creatures, known as "Iyi." In contrast, the bad demons, known as "Kotu," were a belligerent force that posed a threat to humans and other beings.

The demon noticed that the boy possessed great demonic powers and offered to guide him in using those powers for good. The boy was taken aback and asked, "Do all demons look like a black figure?" The demon answered, "No, what you're seeing is not my true form. Would you like to see what I look like?" The boy agreed, and the demon transformed into a beautiful young girl with a spade-shaped tail. "My name is Nina, and I am a Lyi. What's your name? " asked the girl. The boy was surprised to discover that the scary creature that had been chasing him only moments ago was a cute girl his age. The boy was so mesmerized by her beauty that he couldn't even utter a word single word. "Umm… Hey, I am asking your name…hey". "Oh, yeah, sorry. My Name Is Rohan, and nice to meet you Ni…Nina". Nina chuckled and said, "Nice to meet you too, Rohan". "And sorry for scaring you before, I just thought that you were a kotu in human form". "Oh, It's ok, I don't mind getting killed by such a cute girl like yourself". he said arrogantly. "Oh, really. you don't say, huh… then how about I kill you now if you are willing to?". Rohan gulped and said, "Oh no, there's no need for that". "Very well," Nina said with a smile, acquiescing to the request.

The individuals are presently situated at a cafe and have taken a seat at a nondescript table. The cafe was a quaint little place, with an atmosphere that could have charmed even the most cynical of patrons. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries wafted through the air, mingling with the soft chatter of other customers. It was an ordinary setting for an extraordinary encounter. Rohan, still trying to process the incredible revelation about demons and his powers, couldn't help but fixate on the most immediate issue at hand—Nina's milkshake. His brow furrowed, and he asked, "So, you're a Lyi..."Nina grinned mischievously, her hand resting gently on her chest, and replied, "Yes, I am a good demon. "Rohan's gaze darted to her milkshake, his eyes widening, "And you are here because I have demonic power?" Nina leaned in, sipping her milkshake with exaggerated enjoyment. She set the glass down with a playful smirk, "That's right. "A nervous expression crossed Rohan's face as he glanced at the milkshake glass and then back at Nina. "And do you have money for that milkshake?" he asked, already anticipating the response. Nina took another slow sip, savoring the moment, before answering with a hint of amusement, "No". Rohan's agitation was palpable. He couldn't believe he was about to be stuck with the bill. "Huh, what? Who is going to pay for that?" he blurted out restlessly. With a wicked glint in her eyes, Nina leaned in closer, her voice conspiratorial. "You, obviously. "Rohan's eyes widened in disbelief, and he began to protest, "No way!" He was not about to let this charming demon swindle him out of his hard-earned money. But Nina wasn't backing down; she had a cheeky grin that seemed to suggest she had something up her sleeve. "If you pay," she teased, "then I will kiss you on the cheek. "Rohan blinked, not expecting this twist. A sly smile crossed his lips. With a swift thumbs-up and a playful glint in his eyes, he said, "It's a deal." "Really? Then here is your reward". Nina stood up, her spade-shaped tail swaying gently, and she delivered a soft peck on his right cheek. Rohan's heart raced, his cheeks now as red as a ripe apple. He found himself looking down shyly, his fingers tracing invisible patterns on the table. "Thanks," he mumbled, still in a state of disbelief. Nina, thoroughly amused by Rohan's adorable embarrassment, couldn't help but chuckle. She settled back into her chair, her demeanor a blend of mystique and charm. "So, let's talk about your powers," Nina said seriously. Rohan Gulfed. "Have you ever felt like anyone looking at you or any kind of presence?" Nina inquired, her voice gentle but serious. Rohan's response was immediate, carrying a hint of vulnerability, "Yeah, I do. Even now I feel like someone is looking at me". With a soft sigh of understanding, Nina explained, "That's your demonic powers, which help you to sense creatures that are not visible to human eyes. It was like a Tsunami hit on Rohan. All this time, he thought that he was crazy but now everything was clear to him. Since his childhood, everyone thought he was crazy because he used to tell everyone that he always thought that someone was looking at him. Now he was used to it, and in his school, no one in his school knew about his problem except me, his best friend. He used to tell everything to me, and I used to listen to him and believe what he said. "Really? So I am not crazy," Rohan said emotionally. Nina placed her hand on his hand and said "I don't know what happened with you, but I can tell one thing you're not crazy". "Thanks," Rohan said with teary eyes. "Now be a man and stop crying" Nina commanded. "Yes Mam," Rohan said while rubbing his eyes. Rohan's mind was buzzing with questions. He needed to know more about his newfound abilities and the world of demons. With a serious expression, he leaned closer to Nina and asked, "So tell me, is there anyone with powers like mine, or am I the only one?" Nina leaned forward, a pensive look on her face. "Well, let's see. There are demon hunters and their assistants with powers like you, or even greater than yours. But when it comes to having demon powers like yours, you might be only the second person to possess such abilities. "The words 'demon hunters' resonated in Rohan's mind, and he couldn't contain his excitement. His voice echoed through the cafe as he exclaimed, "Wait, DEMON HUNTERS!" The sudden outburst caused every patron in the cafe to turn their heads and cast curious glances toward him. Realizing he had drawn unwanted attention, Rohan lowered his voice and apologized, "Oh, sorry." He felt a bit embarrassed for causing a scene. Nina couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Don't worry," she reassured him. "So, you're interested in demon hunters?" Rohan nodded eagerly. "Yes," he admitted. Nina continued, her tone serious and intriguing, "Demon hunters are those people who hunt the bad demons, also known as Kotu. They work with their assistants, who are masters at hand-to-hand combat." Rohan's eyes sparkled with awe, and he couldn't help but express his admiration. "That's so cool," he said, his voice filled with starry-eyed wonder. Curiosity spurred him to ask more questions. "And are they human too?" Nina nodded in response. "Yes, they are human, but they are extremely powerful and can take down demons with ease." Rohan was eager to learn more. "They do? And what about these assistants? Are they good too?" Nina affirmed his inquiry, "Yes, they are. These assistants help the Demon Hunters train and are extremely powerful in their own right. However, the Demon Hunters themselves are even more powerful. "Rohan absorbed all this information, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay before him. But before he could delve deeper into the conversation, something caught Nina's attention, and her demeanor shifted. Abruptly, she stood up from her seat. Confused and concerned, Rohan watched as she abruptly left the table. "Wait up, where are you going?" he called after her. Leaving the money for the milkshake on the table, he hurriedly followed Nina, his heart pounding with a sense of urgency.

Fear and confusion gripped Rohan as Nina raced toward an empty, open space, coming to an abrupt stop as she scanned the surroundings. Concerned, he followed her, breathless and bewildered. "Hey Nina, what happened? And why did you suddenly run like that?" he inquired urgently. Nina's eyes darted around, and her response was laced with tension. "Can't you sense it?" Confused and still unable to perceive the threat, Rohan replied, "What?" Suddenly, an overwhelming sensation of ominous and malevolent energy washed over him, something he had never experienced before. His heart raced as a figure materialized before them. Nina's voice turned stern as she identified the intruder. "Aireal, what are you doing here in the human world?" she growled. Rohan was bewildered and whispered to Nina, "Who is he?" Nina leaned in and disclosed in a hushed tone, "He is a Kotu, one of the demon lord's generals. "Aireal revealed his ominous intentions, addressing Nina with a sinister calmness. "I am here to take that boy behind you." Why?" Nina protested vehemently. Aireal responded with a hint of mockery, "You know why, you have that much intelligence". "No, I won't let you," Nina said angrily. "If you let me take him then I will ask my lord to marry you, you could be one of his many queens and could rule over all kotu," Aireal said with a calm tone. Nina was resolute, rejecting Aireal's proposition with unwavering determination. "I will not marry him, even if I die." "Rohan runs, he wants you," Nina asked Rohan which was audible only to Rohan. Rohan, defiant and protective, declared his presence. "No, I won't leave a girl alone," he proclaimed. Nina implored Rohan, her concern evident. "Please understand, if you stay here, then I won't be able to concentrate on the fight". Aireal, growing impatient, issued a chilling ultimatum. "If you won't accept, then die. "Without further ado, Nina sprang into action with lightning speed, launching an attack on Aireal. Rohan watched in astonishment as they engaged in high-speed combat, their movements nearly invisible to the human eye. Nina landed the first powerful punch on Aireal, sending him flying a considerable distance. Rohan couldn't contain his excitement and cheered her on, "That was amazing, Nina!" But Aireal retaliated swiftly, appearing right in front of Nina and delivering a powerful punch. To Rohan's relief, Nina managed to block it. Nina, however, was increasingly strained by the fight, and she urged Rohan, "Run. I won't be able to stop him much longer. But if you want to help, then use your powers." Rohan felt a surge of emotions and struggled with the decision before him. He remembered all the difficulties he had faced in his life and the newfound friendship he had forged with Nina. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her. The fierce battle continued, with both Nina and Aireal refusing to back down. The intensity of their clash was palpable, and the cafe's surroundings seemed to blur as they moved with astonishing speed. Then, Nina invoked a powerful energy beam with words spoken in a demon language, causing an explosion of energy that struck Aireal. Smoke filled the area, and Nina, panting heavily, stood her ground. Aireal, however, seized the opportunity to kick her from behind, and Nina fell to the ground in pain. She shouted with urgency, "RUN... NOW." Let me shut your mouth once and for all," Aireal sneered. Meanwhile, Rohan was torn, overwhelmed by a surge of emotions. He couldn't bear the thought of Nina getting hurt while protecting him. But suddenly, a powerful sensation coursed through him, and he couldn't control the fury boiling within. Without hesitation, he delivered a bone-crushing punch to Aireal, sending him hurtling miles away. Rohan's body seemed to transform. Dark, ominous smoke swirled around him, and a small horn protruded from the left side of his forehead. He was consumed by an overwhelming anger that fueled his newfound strength. Nina, recognizing this change, cried out, "Now, kill him!" Aireal, still reeling from Rohan's devastating blow, attempted to strike back with a flurry of punches. However, Rohan's movements became a blur as he effortlessly dodged every attack. He struck with relentless determination, landing a powerful blow to Aireal's gut, causing him to double over in agony." I won't forgive you for hurting her, you monster!" Rohan roared, his voice filled with fury and resolve. Aireal, recognizing that he couldn't beat this newfound force, conjured a portal. With a menacing glance, he uttered, "This doesn't end here. I will be back." In a swift motion, he disappeared into the portal, and it sealed behind him. The battlefield fell silent, and the eerie atmosphere slowly dissipated. Rohan, still seething with anger, took a deep breath as he realized he had saved Nina. Their confrontation with Aireal had reached a temporary resolution, but Rohan couldn't help but feel that their journey was far from over. Rohan reverts to normal. As the smoke from the intense battle cleared, Rohan stood there, his mind clouded with uncertainty and fear. He gazed down at the unconscious Nina, her once-vibrant spirit now dimmed by the fierce struggle they had just endured. The sight of her battered form weighed heavily on his heart. Tears welled up in Rohan's eyes as he thought of the tumultuous life he had lived up until this point. The memories of the countless challenges, the isolation, and the despair that had been his constant companions were like a flood, threatening to overwhelm him. He felt a profound sense of guilt for being unable to protect her in the way she had protected him. The prospect of losing the only person who had shown him kindness and understanding was crushing. "What have I done?" Rohan whispered to himself, his voice trembling with sorrow. The realization that he might lose Nina, the one person who had offered him hope, was devastating. The cafe, once a place of laughter and conversation, now seemed like a distant memory. Gently, he touched Nina's cheek, her skin still warm but marred by bruises and exhaustion. His heart ached as he considered her sacrifice for his safety. The cafe's surroundings were eerily silent as if the world itself mourned their plight. Rohan made a silent promise to himself as he hoisted Nina onto his back, her head resting on his shoulder. With determined steps, he began his journey home, carrying the weight of their shared struggle and the fear of losing the one person who had brought light into his dark world. As he walked away from the cafe, the world continued to turn, oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded within its midst. Rohan could only hope that he would find a way to help Nina heal and uncover the mysteries of his newfound powers, for in that uncertain path lay their only chance at redemption and a brighter future.

At 8:00 p.m., Nina woke up, her eyes fluttering open. She was disoriented, and her voice trembled as she inquired, "Where is Aireal, and where am I?" Bandages adorned her hands and forehead, a testament to the battle they had endured. Relief washed over her when she saw Rohan by her side. Rohan gently helped her sit up and said softly, "Nina, you're in my room. I live alone here. My Mum and Dad live abroad. "Nina, her cheeks blushing, hid her face inside her blanket and asked, "You mean we are here alone?" Rohan reassured her, "No...no, I am not going to try anything with you, I promise. "With a coy and alluring tone, Nina whispered from behind her blanket, "Umm, I won't mind if you do anything. "Rohan's face turned beet red, and he stammered, "Really... Why?" "Because I am in love with you," Nina confessed, her voice trembling with shyness. Rohan was taken aback and asked, "Really? When did that happen?" Nina lowered her blanket, revealing her earnest gaze. "I lied that I came here to help you with your powers. The truth is that I have always known you. I know you from your childhood. You helped me once when we were kids; I was crying as my doll was flowing down the river and you retrieved it for me, and from that day on, I fell in love with you. I am in the same school as you, in Class 9, while you are in Class 10. But you never noticed me. You always seemed to be in your own world, always with that famous boy named Yohan." Rohan tried to process this revelation and inquired, "From childhood, but didn't you say that you lived in Ombra like the other good demons?" Nina explained, "I am a half-demon. My mother fell in love with Demon, and after that, they had me. So my mother and I live in the human realm now. Sorry for lying." With that, Nina kissed Rohan's lips. They both fell into a passionate kiss, which felt like an eternity but only a moment had passed. After the passionate kiss, Nina and Rohan found themselves lost in the moment, their hearts racing with newfound emotions. The world around them seemed to fade into the background as they held each other, savoring the warmth of their connection. It was a moment they had both been waiting for, even if they hadn't fully realized it. Nina, her cheeks flushed, looked deep into Rohan's eyes and whispered, "I've been waiting for this moment for so long, Rohan." Her voice quivered with a mix of excitement and vulnerability. Rohan, equally moved, stroked a strand of hair away from Nina's face. "Me too, Nina. I just didn't know it until now. "They shared another tender kiss, sealing their newfound connection. That night Rohan finally got laid and became a man.

That Day...

Ten years ago, on an evening by the river, five-year-old Nina was having a peaceful moment with her beloved doll. The soft breeze rustled through the trees, carrying the gentle scent of blooming wildflowers. The sun painted the surroundings with a golden hue, casting dancing shadows as Nina tenderly brushed the doll's hair. The sunbeams, filtered through the leaves, danced across her golden locks, creating an ethereal aura. Her eyes, twinkling with innocence, conveyed the deep affection she held for the doll, a precious gift from her father in the distant demon realm. This toy was her constant companion, and its soft texture was a symbol of the love that transcended realms. Unbeknownst to Nina, the tranquil setting had attracted the attention of a group of bullies from the neighborhood. These bullies, led by an older boy named Mark, were notorious for their trouble-making ways. Fueled by a mix of jealousy, curiosity, and the general mischief that children sometimes get into, they approach Nina with malicious intent. Mark, a boy with a scar on his cheek and a knack for cruelty, had noticed Nina's attachment to the doll. He harbored deep-seated resentment and anger toward his parents, which he often took out on those around him. The presence of a doll that symbolized love and comfort enraged him. He believed that the world had been unjust to him, and seeing someone else with something precious pushed him over the edge. Determined to ruin Nina's happiness, The other bullies followed Mark, eager to impress the leader of their little gang. With a sinister glint in his eyes and a heart fueled by anger, Mark sneaked up on Nina, ready to snatch the doll from her hands. The other bullies hesitated, but Mark's domineering personality compelled them to join his cruel escapade. Mark snatched the doll from Nina's hands, and with a malicious grin, he held it above the swift current of the river. The doll's silky fabric rippled in the breeze, and for a moment, it seemed to protest its impending fate. Nina's eyes widened with terror, and the tremors of the river seemed to echo the turmoil in her heart. "Give it back, please," she pleaded, tears welling up. Her voice quivered with an overwhelming sense of loss. Mark's laugh was cruel as he tossed the doll into the river. The doll spun and twirled as it was carried away by the unforgiving current. The ripples in the water mirrored the chaos in Nina's heart, and the bullies erupted in laughter, their faces twisted with malice. The sound of their laughter was like a discordant symphony of cruelty, marring the once-peaceful riverside. Nina's sobs reverberated along the riverbank, her heartache almost palpable. She reached out for her doll, but it was already too far away to retrieve. Her small, trembling hands could only grasp at the cold air as if seeking solace amid the heartless act that had unfolded. The bullies reveled in their dark accomplishment, not realizing the significance of the doll or the pain they had inflicted on Nina. To them, it was just another wicked game. Their triumphant faces were etched with a distorted satisfaction, like characters from a sinister storybook. Suddenly, a small, determined voice cut through the chaos. "Hey, that's not nice!" It was six-year-old Rohan, his eyes alight with defiance. His voice was a beacon of hope in this grim scene. The bullies turned to see Rohan marching towards the river with unwavering purpose. The sound of his footsteps on the riverbank seemed to echo with determination. The sun, now lower in the sky, cast long shadows that stretched towards the river as if reaching out to touch the unfolding drama. Rohan didn't think twice. Without hesitation, he plunged into the icy river, his clothes instantly soaked through. The cold water embraced him, and the river's relentless flow seemed to challenge his resolve. His small hand reached out, grasping the doll, and the water's chill seemed to seep into his very bones as he fought against the current to retrieve it. The river's music, once serene, now roared in his ears. Emerging from the river with the doll cradled gently in his arms, Rohan's wet clothes clung to him like a second skin. He returned the doll to Nina with a warm, reassuring smile. Droplets of water clung to his cheeks, and his eyes mirrored the sincerity of his heart. "Here, your doll is safe now," Rohan said kindly. His voice was a soothing melody, countering the dissonance of the bullies' laughter. Nina clutched the doll to her chest, tears glistening in her eyes. The warmth of the doll, once chilled by the river, seemed to resonate with the warmth of her gratitude. "Thank you, you're really brave!" Rohan shrugged it off, but his young chest puffed with pride. The sun's last rays brushed against his wet hair, creating a halo of golden light around him. "It was nothing. "Nina's curiosity got the better of her, and she wiped away her tears with a small, damp hand. "Why did you help me?". "Rohan looked at her seriously, his eyes holding the wisdom of someone much older. The rustling leaves in the surrounding trees whispered their secrets and the distant sound of birds seemed to anticipate his response. "Because it's wrong to hurt someone, and you looked really sad. I couldn't just stand there. With that simple explanation, a profound connection was formed, like a bond forged in the fire of a trying moment. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the memory of Rohan's selfless heroism became a cherished cornerstone of her childhood. Nina often thought about the boy who stood up for her when no one else did, and in the years that followed, she continued to admire Rohan from afar, their paths never crossing again until the present day. This encounter by the river, marked by acts of cruelty and kindness, would set the stage for their unexpected reunion and the blossoming of a deep and genuine connection between them. After Rohan's brave act of retrieving Nina's doll and standing up to the bullies, the group of troublemakers found themselves in a state of shock and disarray. Mark, their leader, was the first to recover from the surprise. His scarred cheek reddened with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. The other bullies, who had eagerly followed Mark's lead in tormenting Nina, were now forced to face their consciences. They exchanged uncertain glances and shuffled their feet, unsure of how to react. As Rohan and Nina continued to talk and bond, the bullies, chastened by their cruelty and the unexpected kindness of Rohan, retreated from the scene, their laughter replaced with awkward silences. It was a moment of moral reckoning that would stay with them, even if they never admitted it.


Back at the campsite,

Unaware of Rohan's recent experiences, there was a sense of calm as life continued at its usual pace. After my sister and I shared a warm hug, we decided to explore the forest a bit more before returning to our campsite. While I was collecting firewood around 4:00 p.m., I had a rather unexpected encounter with Aisha, who was perched on a tree branch, and wearing a mischievous grin. I called out to her and inquired, "Aisha, what are you doing up there? Are your wounds healing okay?" Without warning, Aisha leaped from the branch and landed in my arms. She giggled as she did so. Surprised, I scolded her, saying, "What on earth are you doing? Have you lost your marbles? You're utterly hopeless!" Aisha, with a mischievous glint in her eye, retorted, "Why should I be scared when I've got you?" I blushed and gently set her down. Aisha, still in high spirits, mischievously revealed a photo she had taken of my sister and me hugging. I let out a startled scream, "What the heck, why would you do that?" Aisha giggled and explained, "It was just such an emotional and heartwarming moment, seeing you care for your little sister. "My embarrassment persisted, and I protested, "Still, you can't just do that." Aisha playfully apologized but made it clear she wouldn't delete the photo. Instead, she decided to kiss me on the cheek, causing my face to turn as red as a tomato. I grumbled, "Hey…" while holding my cheek I said. With that peculiar encounter behind us, we continued with our tasks. Aisha eventually left, and I resumed collecting firewood. Later, at around 10:00 p.m., Ria insisted once again on sleeping with me. She snuggled up tightly to me, and I couldn't help but feel a protective instinct towards my little sister at that moment. As we drifted off to sleep, a sense of tranquility settled over our campsite.

Stay tuned for the next episode as the story continues...