
Is It Albinism Or Something Else! (Out Of Place)

A summer camping trip takes a thrilling turn for Yohan and his family when he discovers hidden powers and encounters a mysterious girl named Aisha. As they face a terrifying threat in the wilderness, Yohan must unlock his true potential to protect his loved ones. But with secrets lurking beneath the surface, this adventure is just the beginning of a journey into a world of magic and mystery.

LeoDGreed · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Prologue-Shadows of Deception

Day 3 Of My Summer Vacation. (13th May, 2023

In The Demon World...

Previously, Aireal was engaged in a fight with Rohan and Nina. Following the altercation, Aireal decided to retreat to the Demon world. Once there, Aireal knelt before the Demon Lord and spoke with a voice full of horror. "My Lord," he stuttered, "I have failed to bring the boy." The man trembled as he uttered the words, knowing the punishment for failure was severe. The ruler, sitting on his throne, slowly turned his head towards the man, his eyes filled with an icy fury. The atmosphere grew tense as the silence lingered, broken only by the sound of the man's ragged breaths.

Oh boy, do I have a story for you! So, you want to know what this guy looks like, huh? Well, let me tell you, he looks like a normal human being...if you're comparing him to a vampire, that is! The dude's got an ominous aura that could give any creature the heebie-jeebies. You might even drop dead if you get too close to him! But, hey, on the bright side, he's 6 feet tall, extremely handsome, and has silky white hair and red eyes that'll make you look twice (or run away). He's also got a thing for human clothes, especially jeans, so don't be surprised if you see him wearing a full T-shirt, shirt, hoodie, and jeans. Oh, and did I mention his favorite drink is human blood? Yeah, you heard that right! He's got an eight-pack and well-developed muscles, so he's not exactly your average couch potato. Now, how do I know all this juicy info? Well, let's just say it's a secret...but seriously, who cares! The guy is a walking, talking vampire cliché.

As Aireal said that, the demon lord with a look of disappointment said "If you can't do a single job then you're of no use to mine". As he said that, he put up his hand and cupped his hand as if he was holding something and started pressing it. Aireal started screaming as the demon lord's magic pressed his head. He said in pain "My Lord, forgive me, give me another chance. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Demon Lord "I don't want weaklings like you, General Aireal". The veins on Aireal's head buffed, his eyes started popping out, he screamed in pain, and with a squashed sound, his brain and eyes blasted out and his teeth broke. There was blood everywhere. (Ugh, can we just use the name of the demon lord already? This whole "Ahh, this is getting old" routine is getting on my nerves. His name is Sid De Devoli, can we please stick to that from now on? Good.) Sid "Hey anyone, clean this mess and throw the body in front of a hungry man eating censorious. Sid "Nore, come forth. As he said that, a disgusting-looking kotu appeared out of thin air. He looked like a real demon. The creature kneeled and said, "My Dear Lord, you summoned me". Sid "Nore, I want you to do Aireal's work and if you do I'll fulfill your dream of having a Harem. Nore replied with a hidden grim "You're too kind My Lord, but if you want me to do his work then so be it, everything will go according to your wish.


Back to the Human world...

It was 8:00 A.M. Rohan and Nina were still asleep. As you all know, my friend became a man from a cherry boy last night. He did it with Nina, The demon lord's Daughter. Oh, I didn't tell you all, Nina is the Demon Lord's Daughter. Her full name is Nina De Devoli, And Rohan fucked the Demon's Lord Daughter. Sid still doesn't know this though, but think what will happen if he gets to know this, I am not going there. And if you're thinking why Aireal said that he would ask Sid to marry her, it's because he didn't know that she was Sid's daughter. Now, Nina and Rohan were under the same blanket, obviously naked. Rohan woke up. As he opened his eyes he saw Nina beside him and remembered everything that happened yesterday and how beautiful last night was. With an almost imperceptible movement, Rohan observed the tranquility that adorned Nina's features. His heart swelled with affection as he contemplated the shared moments that had unfolded, making the night unforgettable. Nina stirred, her eyes meeting Rohan's, and the room seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. Caught in the silent exchange, Nina blushed profoundly, her voice carrying a hint of shyness as she inquired, "What are you doing?" The air held a sense of intimacy, wrapped in a delicate atmosphere that bespoke the depth of their connection. "Just appreciating how cute and hot my girlfriend is," Rohan confessed with a tender smile, his gaze never leaving Nina. Her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson, a testament to the impact of his words and the shared memories that lingered between them.


 In the professional ballet of their emotions, Nina, overcome with the recollection of the passionate night they had shared, nestled closer to Rohan. Her voice, a whisper of gratitude and affection, carried across the quiet morning air, "That was the best night I ever had. Thank you, my love. "Rohan's response was a declaration wrapped in sincerity, "I love you too, The morning unfolded with a sense of domestic tranquility as Nina, with an air of affection, suggested, "Hey, why don't you clean up while I prepare breakfast for you? Wait, wait, my Mum doesn't know I am here. I need to inform her before breakfast. "Rohan, curious, questioned, "What are you going to tell her anyway?" Nina, with a reassuring smile, replied, "Don't worry, I'll just say that I was at my friend's house, and I stayed here because it got too late." Rohan, seemingly unperturbed, said, "Okay, do as you see fit ."Nina promptly dialed her mother's number, her voice a mix of explanation and reassurance. 

Despite the worried tone and a motherly lecture, there was a palpable sense of relief as Nina confirmed her safety." Done, why don't you take a shower while I prepare breakfast for you?" With those words, Rohan gracefully made his way toward the washroom. After dressing up, Nina hastened to the kitchen, and as Rohan emerged, freshly showered, an enticing aroma greeted him. Seated at the dining table, Rohan expressed his appreciation, "This looks great." Nina, with a playful blush, teased, "Umm, do you need me to feed you with my hands?" Rohan, blushing in return, admitted, "Yes, I will be happy if you did." Nina playfully began, "Okay, say aaaaa," as Rohan took a bite, savoring the flavors. "It's delicious," he remarked. "Thank you, I put my heart into it," Nina responded with a warm smile.

As Rohan finished his meal, Nina, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, revealed, "Did I tell you that I am the Demon Lord's daughter?" Rohan, taken aback, questioned the implications, "Wait, what? What did you say? You're the Demon Lord's daughter. Then why did Aireal say that he would ask the Demon Lord to marry you? "Nina, calmly, explained, "Maybe he didn't know that I am the Demon Lord's daughter." Rohan, his mind racing, muttered, "I am so dead. I just... with the Demon Lord's daughter. Oh, damn it." Nina, with a hint of amusement, inquired, "Do you regret doing it?" Rohan, resolute, declared, "Absolutely not. And even if he came to kill me, I will still say that I love you. "Suddenly, without warning, Rohan kissed Nina. Surprised by his bold move, Nina gradually melted into the embrace. With a playful yet passionate pull, Nina grabbed Rohan's collar, bringing him closer, as the delicate dance of love unfolded in the morning's quiet intimacy.

Let's leave them to their fun and get to my story. This is my story and not his. Alright, listen up, scribbler! This is MY story, and I demand a little more pizzazz. That guy over there is having all the fun, the romantic dinners, the passionate kisses. What about me? Am I just a backdrop in this narrative circus? If you think I'll stand idly by while you make him look like the protagonist of the year, you're in for a surprise. I want a plot twist, a sprinkle of excitement, maybe a quirky sidekick, for crying out loud! Do I have to threaten to break the fourth wall and invade your writing space to get your attention? And don't get me started on the dialogue. "I love you too, Nina." Seriously? Give me something with a bit more punch, a dash of wit, maybe a sarcastic remark or two. Let's add some flavor to this vanilla existence you've trapped me in. If you don't start adding layers to my character and throwing in some unexpected twists, I swear I'll march right into the real world, find your coffee stash, and spill it all over your precious keyboard. You hear me, writer? I demand a bit of spotlight, a touch of excitement, and a lot less predictable! YOU LITTLE...


Back to the campsite...


Aisha started training me. The place was located deep inside the forest, away from my camp. Yohan said "Aisha, so... how can I control my powers?". Aisha said as smiled and blinked "Well, we are going to do that only. But first, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I will try my best to answer those questions". At that moment I had so many questions in my mind so I asked my first question "What are demon hunters? Why are we born in the first place?". Aisha said "Well how can I explain this? So, Demon Hunters are Humans who are born with special powers, and they all have their special powers, but the most common power among all of them including you is super strength, self-healing, and super speed. And about why they were born, I don't know why. Still, the organization makes use of those powers to save innocent people". Yohan "So, 2nd question, including me, how many Demon Hunters are there, and what are these special powers you talk about?". Aisha answered "Including you, there are 193 Demon Hunters, so each for every country. Somehow there will be one In every country with power like yours. And by special powers, I meant that they have one extra exclusive power they are born with and those powers are only for that person alone, like you also have a special power which you don't know about". Yohan "I hope that I will have a cool exclusive power. So, 3rd question, What happens if a Demon Hunter dies, I mean what happens to their powers, and are all Demon Hunter's men or there are women too". Aisha said while pointing her index finger "Obviously, there are girls born with those powers, don't think at those powers are only exclusive to you men". I said while holding my hands together "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you". Aisha said with a grin "Apology accepted, and about what happens if a Demon Hunter dies, it's really simple, there powers will be transmitted to a newborn baby of the same country". Yohan said while nodding "If that is true then, It can go to a bad person too right?". Aisha said "Well, yes, but if such a person gets that power then we had to kill him or her, so that it goes to a different person, and about there existence, the organization can erase people memories and everything associated with them, understood". Yohan "One last question. If I turn out to be bad, will you kill me too?". Aisha's gaze turned steely, her response sending shivers down my spine. "Never, Yohan. You're special. I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you... I love you. I'll protect you, no matter what. So, don't you ever talk about biting the dust again, Yohan? So that's why I will protect you, even if the whole world is against you, so, never talk about dying again". As she said those words, my heart skipped a beat, my heart was beating so fast, I was blushing profoundly, I didn't know what to say to her nor had I ever felt like this for any girl before. This was new territory for me. I said, "Aisha, I Love You Too, I fell for you the moment I saw you that night. There was something about you that told me that I met you somewhere before". As I said Aisha started crying and ran toward me and hugged me tightly and suddenly she kissed me. This was my first kiss and at that moment I felt as if I wanted this to never end. Her soft lips and her scent were arousing. As our lips parted, she looked at me with those red eyes, the same as mine, but more cute. Aisha said, "Yohan, I will always be with you, as your partner and lover, so never leave me". I said, "Yes, I promise, that we will be always together".


 Aisha flashed a grin. "Alrighty, training time! But first, a crucial question: do you have any desire to be a hero and save the innocent?" I shrugged. "Honestly, I couldn't care less about random folks. But since meeting you, life's gotten a whole lot less snooze-worthy. So, sure, let's give this hero thing a whirl. Besides, it sounds like a blast!" Aisha chuckled knowingly. "I had a feeling you'd say that. Let's get cracking on your training then." "Sweet, so where do we start?" I asked, eager to get going. Aisha said with a serious tone "First you need to grow your muscles so that your body can keep up with your powers, so you need to do 1000000000 push-ups, 1000000000 pull-ups, 1000000000 sit-ups, and 1000000000-kilo meter run every day".

I said "Isn't that what Saitama did to get overpowered well it was 100, wait... you mean you watch Anime like me, wow, you're like my dream girl, so, how many did you watch, until now I have finished 150 Anime, what about you".

Aisha said, "Slow down, I do like Anime, but I haven't seen as much as you, but I would like to watch with you someday, but let's not talk about that now, You have to train". Yohan said with a defeated tone "But how someone can do that many". Aisha said with a cute tone "You're forgetting that you're no normal human, so be a man or my Prince and start your push-ups, and for a surprise, I will sit on your back as you do your push-ups, okay ba...by."

The thought of having her on my body was arousing and I couldn't say no. Then I took my push-up stanch. Aisha without warning hoped on my baby and said with excitement "Yohan, if you did all the push-ups then I'll kiss you, and this time not on your cheeks, but on your lips". I didn't know what to say to her as I was processing her statement then I said with a serious tone "Aisha, don't forget your promise". With that, I started doing my push-ups.

I felt light as if I could do this whole day. Aisha said with an excited tone "Doesn't your body feel light, I told you that you're not a normal human, now complete your push-ups so I can kiss you, dummy". I said, "Yes ma'am!". Then I did 100 then 200 then 300, 400, 500, etc. It was around 100 million that I felt tired, I was surprised at how I could do this many push-ups in a few minutes, it was as if I was Hulk. Aisha said restlessly "Baby, only a few are left, so hurry up, I can't wait to kiss you.". I nodded increased my pace and did and did 90 million in 5 minutes. I was so excited for the kiss that I forgot everything and I did 2 billion push-ups. She then got off my back. I was panting heavily for breath. Aisha then said in a seductive tone "Yo-Yohan, don't you want your kiss?". As I heard that something awakened in me and in a flash, I was standing in front of her. I said restlessly and while blushing "Yes, I want to kiss, this will be my first kiss, so I want it to be special". Aisha said happily "Oh baby, here you go". As her lips touched each other, I felt a tingling sensation inside me and I couldn't let go of the kiss. We then intertwined each other fingers and deepened our kiss. Aisha's lips were soft and it tasted like strawberry. I felt as If I Was in heaven. As our lips parted, we were panting for more. Both Me and Aisha said at the same time "That was amazing, I Love you the words can tell". 

Both of us started laughing at our stereotype comment. Aisha said while looking directly into my eyes and said "Yohan, I promised to be always by your side and to protect". I said, "Hey, that's my line". Aisha said while laughing "Yes, My prince charming, I am in your loving hands". I then stepped toward her when she suddenly said "Don't forget about your sit-ups and squads and running". I said with disappointment "Really? What a way to ruin the mood, I was coming to hug you". Aisha Said teasingly "Well, if you complete your tasks then you could do more than hugging, you know what I am trying to say?". I said excitedly "Obviously, I am always ready". Then I completed my 1 billion squads and sit-ups. Aisha said teasing with a blink "Now, the only thing left is running and then you can get your reward". I was so excited that day, so I said without thinking "Just let this end, and then I'll show you who is the boss here". Aisha said with a smile "Yes Yohan, I know".

I then started running, and my speed was 299,792 kilometers per second. The speed I am referring to is faster than what the human eye can perceive, but it's less than the speed of light. I asked Aisha while running "How much Distance left to run". Aisha said, "It's already done with your speed". It should be said that Aisha was running at the same speed as mine. Suddenly, we heard a bang. Both of us sensed a Kotu.


Aisha said with a serious tone "Yohan, we need to go". I said, "I Know". We ran toward the source of the sound and we reached there in the blink of an eye. What we saw was heard breaking, It seemed as if a truck had hit a car, inside which was a family of 3, Mother a father and a young girl around the age of 10. We looked around but there was no sound of a truck. We ran toward the car at normal speed and brought them out of the car. The parents were already dead, but the girl was still alive. I Said that we needed to take her to the hospital when suddenly with a horrified look, Aisha screamed "LOOK BEHIND!!". As she said that something sliced off my right arm. The pain was unbearable. I then jumped in front of Aisha, Aisha said with tears streaming down her face "Yohan, are you ok, I'll kill that bastard". It was a low-ranking Kotu, similar to the previous one we encountered but much weaker, that's why it was able to hide his presence from us and got behind me.

Aisha then handed over the young girl jumped toward the Kotu and started punching and kicking it. As it was unfolding before me, the young girl, started regaining consciousness. I asked her to stay with us and that we would take her to a hospital. But then she again lost her consciousness. Then suddenly I saw that that my hand was regrowing, cell by cell, muscle by muscle, skin to skin. I remembered what Aisha said, Demon Hunters have exclusive power and this might be my exclusive power.

I saw that Aisha killed off that brainless Kotu, but in her anger, Aisha was still pummeling the Kotu. Then I walked toward her and hugged her from behind. Aisha stopped and started crying and touched my hands and said "Yohan, your arm... it's back, but how?". I said, "It's my exclusive power". Aisha then turned toward me and hugged me tightly and pressed her face against my chest and said while sobbing "Oh Yohan, I was so scared, I am scared of the idea of even something happening to you". I Said while petting her head "I know, but I am fine now, so let's take that girl to a hospital". Aisha said, "Yes, you're right, Let's take her to the hospital". We then took the whole family to the hospital but the parents were already dead. We got toward the reception with the girl in my arms. The receptionist was surprised to see us but upon understanding the situation, she called the hospital staff and took her to the Operation Theater.

The receptionist told us to wait but as she looked away and looked again, we were already disappeared and a letter was on top of a table beside. We Wrote in the letter "We, found the family in a car accident. I guess a truck hit them and ran. Please take care of her and if you need any help, call me on the number below, Thank You".

As we both returned to the forest Aisha said worriedly "Yohan, do you think that she'll be fine?". I answered reassuringly "Yes, she'll be fine but don't forget your promise". Aisha blushed profoundly and said and said annoyedly, "Dummy, I know that and you'll get your reward". I said, "Calm down, that girl will be fine, we can look for her tomorrow if you want?". Aisha said, "Thank You. You;ll get your reward tonight in your tent, so make sure that Ria is with her parents today". I said with a thump up "As you wish".

Later tonight. Mum said upon seeing me "Oh dear, you're back" but she saw my chopped off right sleeve as it was sliced off with my hand. She questioned, "What happened to your sleeve?". I just said the excuse I thought along the way "Umm, I saw an injured animal so I tore my sleeve and wrapped it along the wound". My mum pressed me and asked me to have dinner as it was getting late and Ria was worried about me. As I approached Ria, she hugged me and said "Bhaiya, where were you the whole day?". I said, "I was looking around the forest and found I found an injured animal so I tore my sleeve and wrapped it around the wound". Ria said while looking directly into my eyes pleadingly "Really? I want to meet that animal too". I said, "Maybe, If you don't sleep with me tonight, only for today". Ria said half-heartedly "Okay, but only for tonight".

We then all had dinner and headed into our respective tents, this time I was alone in my tent as I asked Ria to sleep with Mum and Dad tonight. As I was laid in my tent, thoughts of me and my Aisha were in my head, how would spend the night, how it would feel. It was already midnight, but there was still no sign of Aisha. As I was about to lose hope, suddenly a melodic voice came into my ear. I was my Aisha, she was calling me from outside to tent to open my tent, so she could get inside.

I excitedly unzipped the tent and saw Aisha standing outside. I invited her inside and zipped the tent again. It was only me and Aisha inside the tent. Aisha said shyly "Sorry to make you wait, I was nervous. Are you ready baby?". I said shyly too "I am ready, baby". We started kissing, and after that, she started shedding my clothes. Then she started shedding her clothes. She was stunning. We both said that we love each other and started doing it. (Readers, I am going to narrate only this much, the rest I leave up to your imagination. But know this I got laid and lost my virginity that night just like Rohan. I still remember my first time).



Back to the city from where we left off, so same day...


A few hours later, Nina found herself on the phone, engaged in a heartfelt conversation with her Mum. The conversation went like this:

(Nina: "Hello, Mum.

Nina's voice quivered slightly as she greeted her mother over the phone.

"Nina, are you still at your friend's?" her mother inquired, her tone tinged with concern.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Actually, there's something I need to discuss with you when I get back," Nina replied, her words slightly rushed.

Her mother's tone shifted, becoming more probing. "Are you keeping something from me, dear?"

Nina hesitated, feeling a pang of guilt. "I... I want you to meet someone. He's special. Please, Mum?"

There was a moment of silence before her mother's voice came again, gentle yet perceptive. "Is this 'someone' your boyfriend?"

Nina's breath caught in her throat. "How did you... I mean, I never mentioned..."

Her mother interrupted softly, "Darling, I'm your mother. I can sense these things. I'd love to meet him. Wait, it's not Rohan, is it?"

Nina blushed furiously, her cheeks burning. "I... I've got to go, Mum. I'll talk to you later.")

Nina ended the call abruptly, her heart racing with excitement and a touch of embarrassment. She couldn't wait to share the news with her mum, even if the conversation had taken her by surprise.

Rohan's inquiry left Nina blushing, but she closed the distance between them, intertwining their hands as if seeking strength in their connection. Their foreheads gently pressed together, a silent reassurance passing between them.


"She said she wants to meet you, and it seems she already knows it's you," Nina admitted her voice soft but tinged with excitement. Rohan's gaze locked with hers as he processed the information. "And how does she know that?" Nina returned his gaze steadily. "I've mentioned you to her countless times before, and she knows how much I care about you. Maybe that's why. I even shared with her details about our first meeting." A smile spread across Rohan's face. "Ah, I see. That explains it. Do you think she'll accept me as your boyfriend?" Nina's cheeks flushed with a silent blush. "I believe she will. She sounded genuinely excited and even mentioned your name during our call." "Really?" Rohan's expression softened with relief. "She sounds nice." Nina's playful pout emerged. "Hey, 'nice'? Is that all you can say? She's more than nice; she's everything I could hope for in a mother." Rohan chuckled, realizing his oversight. "My apologies. She sounds amazing. Now, shall we go meet her? I admit, I'm feeling a bit nervous." Nina nodded, her heart filled with affection. They exchanged a tender kiss, their foreheads still touching, their love evident in the gesture. Hand in hand, they began their journey toward Nina's home, ready to face whatever awaited them together.


(With a playful twist to my narrative, I couldn't help but interject, "Hey there, Writer! Mind if I sneak in for a quick chat? I just have to say, I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement over how this story is unfolding. That little girl and my superpower of regeneration? It's like I'm the star of my own action-packed movie! Well, without the fancy special effects, of course... and the stunt doubles. But you catch my drift!"


Taking a dramatic pause, I continued, "And dear reader, consider this a sneak peek into what's on the horizon. That little girl? Oh, she's going to shake things up in ways you won't believe. Trust me, it's going to be one heck of a ride!"


Let's seamlessly ease back into the flow of my narrative, and continue the story.)


Remember Nore, that disgusting-looking Kotu I mentioned in the beginning? Yes, His role in the story is going to come up.


Nina came to a sudden halt, her footsteps faltering as a troubled expression flickered across her features. Sensing her unease, Rohan turned to her with concern etched in his eyes. "Nina, is everything alright?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. Taking a deep breath, Nina met his gaze and spoke, her words tinged with a hint of apprehension. "I was just thinking... what if I cast a spell on you? One that prevents you from teleporting in the Demon realm. I mean, my father is still after you, and he could send someone to ambush us again, maybe even trap you in a portal without you realizing it." Rohan squeezed their intertwined hands reassuringly, his unwavering trust evident in his gentle grip. "Do as you see fit, Nina. I trust you completely," he affirmed, his voice filled with conviction. Nina's lips curved into a soft smile at his unwavering support. With a nod, she focused her energy and cast the spell upon Rohan, a faint glow enveloping his body as the magic took effect. Feeling the no subtle shift in his being, Rohan couldn't help but comment, "I feel the same." Nina chuckled softly, her laughter like music in the air. "Oh, did you expect to sprout wings and fly away?" she teased lightly, her affection for him shining brightly in her eyes. Rohan's cheeks flushed at her playful remark, but he shook his head with a sheepish grin. "That's not exactly what I had in mind..." Amused by his reaction, Nina leaned closer to him, her hand resting against his chest as they walked side by side. "Alright, Rohan baby, I know what you meant," she said, her voice warm with affection. Their hands still intertwined, their bodies pressed together in a comforting embrace, they continued on their journey. However, their surroundings soon began to shift, the familiar scenery morphing into a dark and foreboding forest, the daylight fading into an eerie twilight.


Perplexed by the sudden change, Rohan furrowed his brow in confusion. "Wait, weren't we just on the footpath? How did we end up in this forest?" he questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Nina's expression mirrored his bewilderment as she glanced around at their new surroundings. "I have a feeling this is my father's doing, or one of his minions," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "It seems we've been transported here without passing through a portal..."

As they ventured deeper into the unfamiliar forest, Rohan couldn't shake off his sense of unease. "But didn't you cast a spell to prevent this?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Nina leaned closer to him, seeking solace in his comforting presence. "Yes, I did, but this feels different. We've simply been displaced within the same realm; we're still in the Human realm," she explained, her tone tinged with resignation. Determined to navigate through the uncertainty, Rohan wrapped his arm around Nina, drawing her close to him. "Stay by my side, Nina. We'll figure this out together," he vowed, his voice filled with determination. Meeting his gaze, Nina nodded in silent agreement, a blush creeping onto her cheeks at his unwavering support. Nestling her head against his chest, she murmured softly, "I'm more than happy to oblige."


As they continued their journey through the mist-laden forest, little did they know that danger lurked in the shadows, waiting to test the strength of their bond and the resilience of their love.


Alright, let's zoom in on Nore, our slimy little sub-villain for this chapter. Nore, that repulsive Kotu, is as wicked as they come. From the day he could crawl, he's been nothing but trouble for humans. His grand ambition? A harem full of demon beauties. Now, demons, mind you, they come in all shapes and sizes. Some could pass for humans like Aireal, who was a dead ringer for a human. Those human-looking demons? They're the heavyweights in the demon world, packing serious power. But Nore? He's a puny Kotu, physically speaking. Yet, he's got a razor-sharp mind, enough to outsmart even the mightiest of Kotus. That's why Sid, our Demon Lord—picked Nore. (You know, Sid? Our Demon Lord? Can't believe you forgot.)


Peeking through the shadows of the trees, Nore watched them with his eerie, glowing eyes, plotting ways to tear them apart and undo Nina's spell. "Hey, Noel, spill the beans on how you dragged them into this spooky forest, won't you?" Nore addressed me, the master narrator, with a twisted grin. "Oh, I'd be delighted," he began, his voice dripping with a mix of mischief and menace. "First, I slipped a teleportation stone, no bigger than a pebble, right in their path. Crafty, huh? Now, you might wonder, what if some other hapless sap stumbled upon it? But fret not! This stone feeds on Força vital (Narrator here: Força vital is the life energy that is through every organism, Well Demon Hunters also possess Força vital, but it's exponentially high), far more potent than your average Joe. So, the instant they brushed against it, bam! Here they are." "Excellent explanation, Nore!" I chimed in, my tone laced with a hint of amusement and dread. "But spill the beans, old chap. What wicked scheme churns in that sinister mind of yours?" Nore's response was a wicked chuckle, sending shivers down the spine. "Ah, but where's the fun in laying all my cards on the table? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have havoc to wreak. Toodle-oo!" And with that, he slinked off into the darkness, leaving an aura of ominous anticipation in his wake.


The forest lay cloaked in a dense, oppressive fog, a sinister shroud that seemed to swallow all light and sound. Within its murky depths, Nina and Rohan traversed hand in hand, their every step haunted by an unspoken tension. The air itself crackled with an eerie energy, as if the very atmosphere conspired to suffocate their senses. "Nina," Rohan's voice cut through the silence like a blade, his tone tinged with concern. But the misty veil refused to yield her presence, wrapping her in its ghostly embrace. Sensing his unease, Nina nestled closer to him, her slender frame trembling against his. "Rohan, I'm scared," she confessed her words a whispered plea for comfort amidst the encroaching darkness. Yet beneath her trembling facade lay a deeper truth, a yearning for his touch, for the safety of his embrace. *"I'm not truly scared,"* she silently confessed to herself. *"I just need him close, to feel his warmth, to reveal my vulnerability. So, hold me tight, my love."* Yohan's reassuring chuckle pierced the fog-laden air, a feeble attempt to dispel the palpable fear that gripped them both. "I've got you, my love," he promised, his voice a lifeline in the midst of uncertainty. But even as his words offered solace, shadows danced ominously at the corners of their vision, whispering tales of impending doom. Hand in hand, they pressed onward, navigating the twisting paths of the forest with cautious steps. Each rustle of leaves, each creak of branch, seemed to echo with the malevolent intent of unseen forces. And as they ventured deeper into the heart of the fog, the boundary between reality and nightmare began to blur.


Rohan said "Nina", there was no reply. He then looked beside him, Nina was not with him, but she was here a moment ago. Rohan worried, scared of what might have happened to Nina.


As scrambled through the forest, a small waterfall emerged from the mist, its cascading waters a beacon of both beauty and foreboding. Rohan's heart quickened as he beheld the sight, a primal instinct urging him to seek refuge in its embrace. But as he reached the summit, his senses reeled at the surreal tableau before him. Five women, cloaked in flowing white gowns, stood poised at the edge of the precipice, their forms a haunting blend of beauty and dread. With graceful movements, they leaped, one by one, into the abyss below, their descent a macabre dance upon the edge of sanity. But when the final figure plummeted from the waterfall's edge, reality itself seemed to fracture, twisting into a nightmarish labyrinth of confusion and despair. In an instant, Rohan found himself standing in her place, his mind reeling with disorientation. Before he could comprehend the gravity of his situation, a sinister force propelled him from behind, hurtling him toward the yawning chasm below. Plunging into the icy depths below, Rohan fought to resurface, his lungs burning with each desperate breath. Emerging from the water's embrace, he was met with the sight of the enigmatic woman drawing nearer, her beauty tinged with a haunting allure. But before he could react, an unseen force dragged him downwards, his struggles futile against its relentless grasp. The icy embrace of the water swallowed him whole, dragging him into its murky depths with relentless determination.



He then swam toward the surface. As he reached the surface, he saw the woman, coming toward him. Those women were quite hot. Suddenly something started pulling Rohan to the bottom. He then used his power and sin toward the land. As he reached it, he started coughing. There was darkness everywhere. As he looked everywhere, his eyes darted onto a heartbreaking sight. He saw Nina hanging. Blood came out of her eyes, nose, and ears. It was unbearable for Rohan, He ran toward her. He tried putting her down. Rohan was crying, angry, and frustrated with himself, and his powerlessness. He cried "Nina, no... you can't die like this, we promised so many things last night. To have a family, to have children, you just can't leave me like this". As he uttered those words, the lifeless form of Nina seized Rohan by the throat with a chilling grip. Her body began to ascend, lifting him upward with an unnatural strength. As her eyes snapped open, they were nothing but empty voids, oozing black blood that stained the air with a sinister presence. Simultaneously, the otherworldly women from before closed in on him. Their twisted forms exuded an aura of malevolence as some slimy tentacles snaked out, ensnaring his limbs in a vice-like grip, rendering him immobile. A sense of dread washed over him as he realized he was being drawn inexorably towards a fate worse than death. In a desperate attempt to break free from the suffocating darkness closing in around him, Rohan's mind erupted with a surge of dark energy. Ominous smoke swirled around him as a small horn protruded from the left side of his forehead, a manifestation of his inner turmoil and latent power. His dark aura erupted in a violent blast, hurling his assailants away with a force born of sheer desperation. Crashing to the ground, he cried out for Nina with all his might, his thoughts consumed by the overwhelming need to find her and ensure her safety amidst the chaos that surrounded him. Straining to sense Nina's presence, Rohan's mind became consumed by thoughts of her. "Thank goodness Nina's alive. I have to locate her quickly," he resolved, urgency pulsing through his thoughts as he sought her amidst the chaos.


Transporting back a few moments, amidst the eerie atmosphere of the forest, the scene unfolds once more.

Nina's Perspective...

As they entered the thick of the forest, Nina felt herself enveloped in a disorienting haze of shadows, her senses tingling with an ominous premonition. Lost in the eerie gloom, her steps faltered, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Beside her, Rohan's presence should have offered comfort, but something felt off, his demeanor subtly altered in a way she couldn't quite place.


"You seem different," she ventured, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "Why aren't you talking?" Rohan flashed her a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "What do you mean? It's me, your Rohan." Nina nodded, but doubt gnawed at her. "Yes, it's you, but... I have this feeling that you're not." Yohan interjected with a smile, his tone laced with a sinister edge. "Perhaps it's the spell you cast on me. It might be distorting your perception. You should cancel it." Fear flickered in Nina's eyes as she shook her head. "No, you'll be in danger." Rohan's smile remained, but his eyes betrayed a hint of desperation. "You can replace it later, once you're sure it's me. Please, I can't bear to see you like this."

 (Nina is hallucinating. What she is seeing is what Nore is making her see. The person who is disguised as Rohan is Nore.)


Reluctantly, Nina acquiesced with a nod.


Just as she was about to break the spell, Rohan's voice pierced through the haze of her hallucination. The sound snapped her back to reality, and she found herself face to face with a grotesque Kotu, Nore. Before she could react, slimy tentacles snaked out, ensnaring her in a suffocating grip.


Across the branches, Rohan leaped into action at the sight of Nina in peril. But before he could reach her, Nore restrained him with his vile tentacles, a mere inches from his face. Anguish contorted Rohan's features as he bellowed a warning, his voice laden with rage and desperation.


"You bastard, leave her alone! I will kill you!"


Nore's response was a chilling laugh, his eyes glinting with malicious amusement. "Oh, little chap, I've been expecting you. But you had to ruin everything, didn't you? No matter. I have other plans for your dear girlfriend here." As Nore's tentacles tightened around Nina, Nina spit on him and said with a smirk "You disgusting little thing, I dare you, even if you do anything, I will never cancel the spell on Rohan." With a swift slap, Nore drew blood from her nose, inciting Rohan's fury to new heights. Umbrage flared in Rohan's eyes as he issued a chilling warning. "Touch her again, and I swear I'll end you." But Nore remained unfazed, taunting Rohan with a sinister smirk. "Let's see you try, chap. With your power, you could easily break her spell. Come with me to the Demon Realm, and we can make this right." Nina closed her eyes shut, Rohan's gaze hardened, his resolve unyielding as Nore reached for Nina's throat. In a blur of motion, Rohan unleashed a torrent of dark energy, his rage manifesting into a solid, black rope-like substance that severed Nore's hand. With a scream of pain, Nore recoiled, his tentacles loosening their hold on Nina. She collapsed to the ground with a soft moan, but Rohan wasted no time in launching himself at Nore, delivering blow after blow in a frenzied onslaught. Witnessing Rohan's blind rage, Nina summoned her courage and approached him, wrapping her arms around him from behind in a soothing embrace. Her voice, a calming melody amidst the chaos, urged him to find peace.


"There, there, my love. I'm fine. Calm down."

Gradually, Rohan's fury subsided, his dark aura dissipating as he held Nina close. Relief flooded through him as he buried his face in her embrace, his heart swelling with gratitude for her safety. As they stood together amidst the fading echoes of battle, the world around them shifted back to normalcy. The forest receded, replaced by the familiar surroundings of the footpath at dusk. Yohan's gaze fell upon the spot where Nore had stood, but the vile Kotu was nowhere to be found.

"Damn it," Rohan cursed, his frustration palpable. "I wanted to kill that bastard. Nina's voice, filled with reassurance, reminded him of what truly mattered. "Forget about him. We're together now. Perhaps he's returned to the Demon Realm, where he belongs. And daddy will kill him as it is cause he failed." Yohan hesitated, but Nina's conviction bolstered his resolve. With a nod, he agreed to put the matter behind them. Together, they walked hand in hand towards Nina's home, leaving the horrors of the forest behind them.

Arriving at Nina's rented apartment, they stood before the door, anticipation and nervousness swirling in the air. As Nina pressed the doorbell, the sound echoed through the hallway, prompting a woman's voice from within.

With each passing moment, their tension grew palpable until finally, the door swung open, revealing a woman with a warm smile on her face. She bore a striking resemblance to Nina, with the same height and black hair pulled back into a ponytail. The intriguing part was that her breasts which were bigger than Nina's, might be E or F-Cup, And her hips were Wider than Nina's. dressed in jeans and a white cardigan sweater.


"Finally had time to come back home," she greeted them, her voice tinged with relief and concern. "You have any idea how worried I was for you. You called in the morning, and now it's nighttime." Her gaze shifted towards Rohan, a curious smile dancing in her eyes. "Are you Rohan? Come inside, we're supposed to talk, right?" With a nod, she ushered them in, and Rohan and Nina settled onto the sofa, their nerves still on edge. Sensing the tension, she offered them refreshments, and Rohan requested water. As she disappeared into the kitchen, Nina's gaze flickered towards Rohan, a silent plea in her eyes. Rohan's reassurance was silent but firm, his determination unwavering even in the face of uncertainty. When she returned with a glass of water, Rohan's trembling hands betrayed his inner turmoil. But despite his nervousness, the woman chuckled softly, her laughter a gentle balm to their frayed nerves. Taking a seat beside Nina, opposite Rohan, she created an atmosphere of uneasy calm. The weight of unspoken emotions hung heavy in the air, each breath filled with anticipation and apprehension as they awaited the impending conversation. The conversation from here goes like this:

Nina: Mom, meet Rohan.


Rohan: Hello, it's nice to finally meet you.


Mother: (smiling warmly) Oh, Rohan. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Nina has told me so much about you.


Nina: (blushing) Yeah, Mom, Rohan he is really cool.


Mother: (teasingly) Nina hasn't stopped talking about you since she was a little girl. It's like you've been a part of our family all along.


Rohan: (surprised) Really? I had no idea.


Nina: (giggling nervously) Yeah, well, I only recently told Rohan about my feelings.


Mother: (chuckling) Well, it's about time, isn't it? You two make a lovely couple.


Rohan: Thank you, that means a lot.


Mother: So, Rohan, tell me a bit about yourself. Nina's filled me in on some things, but I'd love to hear from you directly.


Rohan: (eagerly) Well, just yesterday I found out from Nina that I have demonic powers but the thing is I am also fully Human and your husband is after me.


Mother: (surprised) Your daddy? Nina, why didn't you tell me?


Nina: (hesitantly) I... I didn't want to burden you with it. He left when I was very young.


Rohan: (apologetically) I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories. I just wanted to be honest.


Mother: (taking a deep breath) It's alright. We'll figure this out together. You have my support.


Nina: (grateful) Thank you, Mom.


Rohan: (nodding) Yes, thank you. It means a lot to us.


Mother: (standing up) Now, why don't we continue this conversation over some tea? I think we have a lot to discuss.


Nina: (smiling) That sounds lovely.


Rohan: (standing up as well) I'd like that.


Mother: (walking toward the kitchen) Enjoy yourself then, until I prepare some tea.


Nina: (walking beside Rohan, feeling relieved) I'm really glad you're here, Rohan.


Rohan: (squeezing Nina's hand) Me too, Nina. Me too.


Back into the Demon Realm...


As Nore returned, he was met with the ominous sight of Sid, seated upon his imposing throne. Trembling, Nore prostrated himself, pleading for forgiveness and another opportunity. Sid's response was swift and merciless - a mere gesture of his index finger, and Nore erupted from within, blood splattering in all directions.


With a chilling calmness, Sid's demonic visage twisted into a sinister grin. "Rohan, you're proving quite adept at causing chaos. But rest assured, your prowess will not go unnoticed. I am coming for you." His laughter echoed through the Demon Realm, sending tremors of fear and uncertainty throughout its dark corridors.


Stay tuned for the next episode as the story continues...