
Iori in Mha

The story opens with an enigmatic moment as the protagonist regains consciousness to the startling announcement, "It's a boy." Confused and disoriented, they soon realize that they have taken on the role of Iori Kagami, a character from a well-known video game. As the protagonist grapples with their altered identity, they discover that they have been thrust into the universe of "My Hero Academia," a world where individuals possess superhuman abilities known as Quirks. Struggling to reconcile the truth, the protagonist confronts their newfound existence as Iori Kagami. As they navigate this unfamiliar landscape, they uncover a hidden power within themselves, reminiscent of Iori's abilities from the game. The potential to harness these unique powers gives rise to both excitement and trepidation, pushing the protagonist to embrace their new identity and pursue their place within this world of heroes and villains.

LordLho · Komik
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5 Chs

chapter 3

Several hours had passed since Iori awakened his quirks and fainted during breakfast. Tension hung in the air as his worried family observed, rushing him to the hospital to ensure nothing serious was happening.

Gara and Jun, his adoptive parents, hurriedly made their way to the hospital, accompanied by Nejire, his older sister. Their faces reflected a mix of worry and hope, praying that the sudden pain was merely a result of his quirk awakening. They dearly hoped Iori hadn't inherited a fragile constitution like his mother's.

Yet, relief washed over them as they learned that wasn't the case. The pain Iori had felt was the result of his quirk awakening, a surprising blend of quirks. Two abilities had manifested within him, one resembling his father's mutant quirk and the other resembling his mother's hereditary flames.

The revelation both surprised and filled them with pride. Knowing their son possessed two distinct powers bolstered their confidence in his future. They recognized that Iori had potential to become someone notable, someone who could make a significant difference in the world of heroes.

**Iori's POV**

Opening my eyes, I found myself in the familiar setting of a hospital room. The distinctive scent confirmed my location. Sitting up in bed, I stretched my body, but I soon noticed something different. I felt incredibly well. My physical being seemed more energized, as if brimming with power compared to before. It was as though the awakening of my quirk had positively impacted my body.

This feeling was incredible. I felt empowered, as if I were brimming with energy. It was something I had never imagined experiencing. In my previous life, I was just an ordinary teenager, and this experience was like a dream come true. Everyone fantasizes about having some kind of power, and I certainly wasn't any different. It's hard to believe that this actually happened.

My contemplation was interrupted as a doctor entered the room and announced that he would fetch my parents. With a smile on his face, he quickly exited.

Lying back in bed, I awaited the arrival of Nejire, Gara, and Jun. I didn't have to wait long, as I soon saw a familiar figure rushing into the room.

"Sis!" Nejire exclaimed as she ran toward me. Tears glistened in her eyes, but her smile radiated joy at seeing me awake.

Holding her in a tight embrace, I reassured her with a smile, "I'm fine, Onee-chan. I'm alright."

The reassuring words seemed to calm her worry as she snuggled further into the embrace. Feeling her warmth and happiness, I knew I was in the right place, surrounded by people who truly cared for me.

Shortly after, my parents entered the room, completing the familial scene. Jun laughed and ruffled my hair, while Gara seemed more relieved now that I was awake and smiling.

"You really gave us quite a scare, Iori," Jun teased, but there was a tenderness in his voice that couldn't be ignored.

Gara, on the other hand, looked at me with a mix of relief and concern. "Are you sure you're alright, Iori? The pain seemed intense."

It was only natural for her to worry; after all, she was the mother. "I'm fine, Mom. In fact, I finally awakened my quirk," I replied, my excitement evident.

**Normal POV**

As Iori and his family shared this emotional moment, the attending doctor entered the room. He observed the scene, understanding the affectionate bond between the family members. His attention turned to Iori, noticing something unusual: the boy's red eyes glowed with a purple light, surrounded by mysterious flames.

Approaching, he greeted the family with a gentle smile. "It seems you've awakened quite an interesting quirk, Iori."

The parents exchanged looks of curiosity and concern, waiting for an explanation.

The doctor continued, explaining: "Your eyes and the flames around you indicate that you possess two quirks. One appears to be a mutant version of your father's claws, while the other is a manifestation of purple flames that have strengthened your body."

Gara and Jun exchanged proud glances, pleased to know their son was destined for something remarkable. Nejire looked at Iori with admiration, realizing he was about to embark on an exciting journey.

The doctor, satisfied with the parents' reaction, went on: "Iori, before you're discharged, you'll need to name your quirks and provide a brief description of how they function."

Iori had already given this some thought. "I believe my claws and flame manipulation are connected. So, I'll name the quirk as a set: 'Orochi's Flames.' Additionally, I sense that my body has been enhanced along with flame manipulation."

Everyone nodded, understanding his decision. The doctor concluded: "You're free to go home, Iori. Remember to train responsibly and never underestimate the power of your quirks."

With a determined smile, Iori thanked him and nodded. He had an exciting journey ahead, and with his family by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.