
Iori in Mha

The story opens with an enigmatic moment as the protagonist regains consciousness to the startling announcement, "It's a boy." Confused and disoriented, they soon realize that they have taken on the role of Iori Kagami, a character from a well-known video game. As the protagonist grapples with their altered identity, they discover that they have been thrust into the universe of "My Hero Academia," a world where individuals possess superhuman abilities known as Quirks. Struggling to reconcile the truth, the protagonist confronts their newfound existence as Iori Kagami. As they navigate this unfamiliar landscape, they uncover a hidden power within themselves, reminiscent of Iori's abilities from the game. The potential to harness these unique powers gives rise to both excitement and trepidation, pushing the protagonist to embrace their new identity and pursue their place within this world of heroes and villains.

LordLho · Komik
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5 Chs

chapter 2

At the dawn of a new day, within a room filled with toys, a handsome young boy with crimson hair wearing red pajamas lay on his bed, embracing a teddy bear the size of his body. Sun rays streamed into the room, caressing his face and causing his eyelids to flutter as he released a sleepy yawn.

"Hmm... is it time to wake up?" The boy's words, spoken with a peculiar Japanese accent, were followed by a loosening of his grip on the teddy bear. Fully awake now, he delicately rubbed his eyelids.

Four years had passed since he arrived in this world, and Iori noticed that Iori Kagami's powers hadn't manifested immediately. He supposed that his Quirk would emerge at the age of four. However, despite a few months passing since his fourth birthday, his ability remained dormant.

After a long yawn, Iori got out of bed and explored his room. The space was ample, featuring a canopy bed, elegant furniture, a play area complete with a slide and climbing wall, soft lighting, luxurious curtains and carpets, impeccable organization, a comfortable sitting area, and even a private bathroom.

And the bathroom! It was larger than the bedroom in his previous life. "It's still hard to believe I'm living this life," he murmured to himself. While he wasn't poor in his previous life, living in a house like this was unimaginable.

Lost in thought for a few minutes at the edge of the bed, his drowsiness gradually faded away. He stood up and made his way to the bathroom. Just as he was about to turn the doorknob, the door swung open from the other side, causing him to step back in surprise.


The door revealed a little girl wearing gray pajamas, emerging from the bathroom. Her periwinkle-colored hair cascaded down to her waist, and her face was oval. Her eyes sparkled as they met the gaze of the crimson-haired boy. "Oh, Iori, you're awake too!"

"Did you sleep well? Are you still sleepy?" she inquired, curiosity evident in her voice. The boy looked at her silently. "Why the silence, Iori!? Are you feeling unwell?"

'She's Nejire Hado, cheerful and lively. My dear older sister. Since our first meeting, I've been completely captivated by this world,' Iori sighed.

He then said, "What were you doing in my bathroom, Onee-chan?"

Nejire shrugged, relaxing. "Well, at least you're talking... I like it here, even if it's just the bathroom." Then she suddenly choked. "What do you mean, trying to kick me out of the bathroom?!"

In response, Iori shook his head and walked past her, murmuring, "Isn't your school starting in less than an hour? Go get ready quickly."

With a muffled giggle, Nejire hummed, "Hmm, okay~ I'll be back soon, and then we'll play all day! Bye, Neji!"

She quickly darted away. Meanwhile, he watched her retreat, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

Iori headed to the bathroom to take a shower and attend to his morning routine. After finishing, he put on a black cotton t-shirt with a subtle red flame design, paired with slightly faded dark jeans.

**Iori's Point of View**

I walked to the mansion's living room and, upon reaching the dining area, was warmly greeted by my adoptive mother.

"Iori, you're finally here." A mature feminine voice echoed as I looked ahead.

My mother, Gara, stood up from her chair and approached. She hugged me, rubbing her cheeks against mine. I loved that treatment, especially because I hadn't experienced it in my previous life.

Even though I knew they weren't my biological parents, I already considered them as such. I felt gratitude for the love and care they provided. The truth about my adoption had already been revealed, but that was more of a formality to me. Considering how advanced I was in terms of intelligence, they decided to share the truth with me.

Of course, we agreed not to tell Nejire until she was older.

The four of us enjoyed a peaceful breakfast, but something unexpected happened to me. As I chewed, I noticed that my hands were trembling slightly. I looked at them, intrigued by the sensation. It was then that I noticed the candle flames on the table flickering, as if reacting to something invisible.

I smiled faintly, unsure of how to explain the situation. As I observed the flames, a feeling of power began to grow inside me, something I had never experienced before.

Suddenly, my nails started to lengthen rapidly, transforming into sharp claws. Watching in surprise, I tried to understand what was happening. The candle flames seemed to come to life, taking on a mysterious purple hue.

My hands were also changing, small purple flames starting to form on my palms. I blinked, surprised by the sight. It was as if something deep and ancient within me was awakening.

A voice echoed in my mind, resonating from times long past. "You are the chosen one, the bearer of Orochi's Flames."

**Normal Point of View**

"Iori, why are your nails so long?" exclaimed Nejire. She sat across from him and quickly noticed the changes, her surprise evident.

His mother, Gara, concerned, asked, "Iori, are you okay? It seems like your Quirk has awakened." Her gentle smile indicated her worry but also her pride.

His father, Jun, noticed his son's bewilderment and joked, "Iori, it's like you've seen a ghost. And you look stronger too, haha!"

A smile escaped Iori, his father's teasing being taken in good stride.

But then, a sudden intense pain struck him, causing him to bend over and clutch his chest. The pain spread throughout his body, as if the flames were restructuring his form, multiplying the agony.

'What the heck is happening?' Iori wondered. The shouts of his family members echoed in his ears as he clenched his teeth, trying to endure the pain. The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was his name being called by them.