
Iori in Mha

The story opens with an enigmatic moment as the protagonist regains consciousness to the startling announcement, "It's a boy." Confused and disoriented, they soon realize that they have taken on the role of Iori Kagami, a character from a well-known video game. As the protagonist grapples with their altered identity, they discover that they have been thrust into the universe of "My Hero Academia," a world where individuals possess superhuman abilities known as Quirks. Struggling to reconcile the truth, the protagonist confronts their newfound existence as Iori Kagami. As they navigate this unfamiliar landscape, they uncover a hidden power within themselves, reminiscent of Iori's abilities from the game. The potential to harness these unique powers gives rise to both excitement and trepidation, pushing the protagonist to embrace their new identity and pursue their place within this world of heroes and villains.

LordLho · Komik
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5 Chs

chapter 1

" It's a boy." Those were the first words I heard when I woke up. I tried to open my eyes, and when I managed to, my vision was blurred, but I could see somewhat clearly. Considering the size it seemed to be, I concluded it was a baby.

So, did I really die?

To be honest, I believed that all the encounters with that being were just dreams. Knowing that I would be able to use Iori's powers, I got excited, which resulted in a baby laugh escaping my lips. Unknown to me, someone prevented the little tap on my bottom.

"How would you like to name him, Mrs. Kagami?" one of the doctors asked.

"Iori. Iori Kagami," Lohan, or rather, Iori. I could see, my voice weak and gentle.

The mother reached out to take the baby as she named him.

"I'll register him now," the nurse said as she left the room.

**Normal Point of View**

"And it's a boy," were the words Ayana Kagami heard from the doctors. This could be the happiest day of her life, unfortunately also the last.

She knew that once pregnant, her chances of survival would be small due to the curse of the clan.

At least, she would be with her husband, but her child would be without parents. She could only trust her friend Aiko and her husband to raise him well. It hurt her not to see her son grow up, protect him from the curse, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Ayana, now holding her son, looked at him.

"My handsome boy," she said with tears in her eyes, gently caressing his head.

"Mama won't be able to be with you, but don't worry, I have some friends who will take care of you. They're very nice people, okay?" She said, her voice starting to falter.

"I love you very much. Your father and I love you very much, don't forget that." She said with tears in her eyes that began to fall.

"How would you like to name him, Mrs. Kagami?" the doctor asked, somewhat sadly. She knew the mother didn't have much time left.

"Iori. Iori Kagami," she said softly, with a beautiful smile.

Ayana wanted to kiss her son, but unfortunately, her body gave up.

The doctor took the baby from the deceased woman.

The doctor began to comfort the crying baby and took him out of the room. It was as if the baby, now named Iori, fully understood what was happening, almost as if he had lost his mother forever.

The doctor herself shed some tears from her eyes. The boy would grow up without parents, but perhaps that wasn't entirely true, considering what the mother had said.

**Iori's Point of View**

I couldn't help it. The fact that I was a baby and couldn't control my emotions didn't help at all.

It's very sad that my mother has passed away since my birth. From what I understood, I also don't have a father.

I cried because it was extremely sad. The woman's words, how devastated she seemed, were something I could imagine. I couldn't see my mother grow up and protect me from the curse, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Now I'm being carried into the room with other babies. I started to think about what my mother said; I probably wouldn't be an orphan. She said she had good friends, and I hoped they weren't secretly idiots.

Two hours later, I started to hear voices coming from the door.

"He's right here, Mrs. Hado," I heard one of the doctors say.

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Hado. Hado, as in Nejire's mother? I'm incredibly lucky, aren't I? This is a perfect opportunity to get closer to Nejire. One step closer to creating a harem.

Don't judge me, I want to live a life without regrets. That doesn't mean I'll think with my lower parts and sleep with anything identified as a woman.

I have four girls I really want to get to know: Nejire, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, and the sexy rabbit Rumi. If any other girl likes me outside of these four and I like them back, I'll probably pursue them too.

My thoughts were interrupted when I was picked up. A woman, with fair skin and wide, curious eyes, was holding me. Her upper eyelashes were long and thick, and her eyes were a royal blue. Her blue hair was periwinkle, resting at the back of the bed.

She looked like a carbon copy of one of the Big Three from UA, Nejire Hado, only much more mature. So, she's probably Nejire's biological mother, Gara Hado.

"Aww, look how cute he is," Mrs. Hado murmured as she caressed my head.

"I can already tell you and little Nejire will be the best older siblings," she said with a small laugh.

"We'll be more than that, Mrs. Hado," I reflected to myself.

According to what she said, Nejire was already born and is older than me. Of course, it shouldn't be too long, since the person who brought me here said I would be