
Iori in Mha

The story opens with an enigmatic moment as the protagonist regains consciousness to the startling announcement, "It's a boy." Confused and disoriented, they soon realize that they have taken on the role of Iori Kagami, a character from a well-known video game. As the protagonist grapples with their altered identity, they discover that they have been thrust into the universe of "My Hero Academia," a world where individuals possess superhuman abilities known as Quirks. Struggling to reconcile the truth, the protagonist confronts their newfound existence as Iori Kagami. As they navigate this unfamiliar landscape, they uncover a hidden power within themselves, reminiscent of Iori's abilities from the game. The potential to harness these unique powers gives rise to both excitement and trepidation, pushing the protagonist to embrace their new identity and pursue their place within this world of heroes and villains.

LordLho · Komik
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approval exam

On that morning, the atmosphere crackled with excitement, an anticipation that hung in the air, echoing in the hearts of all the aspiring heroes gathered before the imposing gates of U.A. High School. Among this crowd of dreamers emerged a remarkable young man, with unruly dark hair and piercing eyes that reflected unwavering determination.

Iori, despite all his unique traits, approached the entrance exam with his usual demeanor. He was tall, but dangerously lean, exuding an air of quiet confidence. His attire spoke of practicality, donning a short yellow jacket with long sleeves that barely reached his midriff, paired with a comfortable black t-shirt that accentuated his elegant figure. His snug black pants gracefully complemented his long legs, matching the leather shoes adorning his feet.

As he walked toward the entrance for the written exam, Iori's piercing gaze hinted at the inner intensity. His appearance was striking, capturing the attention of those around him. He might have been somewhat enigmatic, but there was no denying the strength that resonated in his presence.

After completing the written exam, the students were led to another area for the practical combat exam. Arriving there, they listened to the professor addressing them and explaining how the exam would work.

President Mic elucidated the mechanics of the entrance exam to the assembled students. "Alright, folks, listen up! The exam site is teeming with three types of villain robots. Points are awarded based on the difficulty level of each robot you defeat. Remember, it's strictly forbidden to attack the Anti-Hero or any other examinee."

Suddenly, the professor shouted, "Begin!" and the students started running into the city.

Iori moved swiftly towards a group of level 1 robots, launching his basic flame attacks automatically. However, the robots just roared and pursued him. This situation resembled something many MMORPG players would find familiar, where a long-range player had to stay mobile while engaging in close combat.


It was one of the most classic techniques in RPG games. Iori had no idea what kiting was, but circumstances forced him to adopt this tactic to defeat more of these level 1 robots. (15 level 1 robots = 30 points)

After defeating a few more, Iori shrugged and prepared to venture into another battle zone where there were level 2 and 3 robots. He transformed his hands into flaming claws and engaged three other N2 robots, pulling them into close combat. The four exchanged blows for a while, with Iori eventually emerging as the victor. His claws had torn the robots' bodies into several pieces. Thanks to his powerful structure and the searing heat of his ability, he could use it for both offense and defense. The tips penetrated, ripped, and defended, with his claws becoming almost as wide as a conventional shield.

While distracted, another robot advanced towards Iori, moving swiftly in his direction. Iori utilized his enhanced agility from the purple flames to skillfully dodge the robot's initial strike. In a fluid motion, he countered with a swift strike from his Flame Claws, targeting a joint on the robot's arm. The purple flames enveloped the point of impact, causing significant damage. The robot recoiled momentarily to recover from Iori's attack. During this moment, he formed daggers and throwing knives from his flames and hurled some in the most traditional manner. Three out of the five knives he threw hit the target, striking the weak point of the level 3 robot, further weakening it. After recovering, Iori unleashed a series of rapid punches and kicks against the robot, maintaining a defensive stance while evading and attacking with his Flame Claws, which gleamed as he struck critical points in the robot's structure. Each impact was accompanied by controlled bursts of purple flames, causing the robot to tremble and retreat.

With a combination of his standard fire abilities, Iori managed to fry the unfortunate rank 3 robot until it was completely destroyed. The robot collapsed to reveal its defeat. Iori continued to hunt down a few more robots to improve his score, also using Flame Bursts to assist other participants when needed.

(3 level 2 + 1 level 3 = 20 points. 5 level 2 + 3 level 3 = 44 points)

This exam was a race, as participants had to destroy as many robots as possible in a simulated city, which was partially destroyed. Zone B was supposed to initially house a population of 100,000 people.

There were four types of robots:

Level 1 - 2 points (General-Minimum)

Level 2 - 4 points (General-Intermediate)

Level 3 - 8 points (General-Advanced)

Level 0 - 0 points (Colonel-Intermediate)

The mission of the exam was to destroy more robots for a higher score, with a strict prohibition on attacking other heroes. There were also rescue points for aiding fellow participants.