

three brothers. Each one of them is special, but in this story we will focus on Aaron, a transmigrant facing a new and fantastic world, full of adventure and magic.

Osman8 · Fantasi
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5 Chs

a new beginning

Aaron tried with all his might to open his eyes, but a feeling of weakness stopped him.

He felt like he had run a marathon, then another, and another.

Right now he wanted nothing more than to yawn and go back to sleep, but he felt that if he did he would never open his eyes again.

Against the needs of his body, Aaron kept trying to open his eyes and a few seconds later he succeeded.

But he couldn't see anything, everything was blurry in his vision.

But even he couldn't see anything. If he could use his other senses.

With just a brief sniff, Aaron immediately recognized a scent that he had always wanted to get rid of.

The smell of the hospital!

The distinctive smell of industrial disinfectant, the different scents of air fresheners, medicines and the oppressive aura that hospitals gave him could not leave his memory even if he wanted to.

When his eyes managed to focus and carefully observe the surroundings, it confirmed his suspicion.

He was in a hospital.

The totally white walls, blinds that divide the various patient beds, a TV on the wall. In addition to the bed he was in and the various cathets on his body helped him validate his suspicion.

But he couldn't understand what he was doing in a hospital.

After getting tired of the various experimental treatments and chemotherapies, Aaron gave up completely and decided to live his last days of life with total dignity and doing what he loved. Not locked up in a hospital, hoping to delay the inevitable a little longer.

Many tried to convince him otherwise, with words like:

Surrender is weak ...... Living is strong.

Or ..... you're a queer for not daring to fight.

Alike things.

But Aaron turned a deaf ear to all of them.

All of his life he had lived, not trying to satisfy himself, but those around him.

He always wanted to just get a few ectares of land and cultivate it with his beautiful wife and children.

Live his life in peace and harmony, away from stress and worry. Who knows? Maybe a trip or two around the world and meet people and their culture.

Instead, and thanks to pressure from his family, he studied at a higher level and got a stable job in a medium-sized company.

Because if you didn't do that, you carried the label of "loser of life."

If you can't do that, then you are nobody.


Aaron knew that if he told someone about his dream, they would just laugh at him like he was telling a joke and label him an unambitious loser.

And although he at last he could not fulfill his dream. But doing it, just in a different way.

He worked as hard as he could and saved as much money as he could. When he turned 50 he already had enough to retire comfortably and not have to go back to work and he did.

Only to find out shortly after his cancer!

Lung cancer!!

At first he was incredulous, since he had never smoked, or anything like that.

But eventually I accept it. well, more like he had to.

Anyway, he lived his last days in total comfort and without the stress of thinking about what medicine to take at such and such an hour.

The last thing he remembered was staying in the garden of his house gazing dreamily at the stars.

Thinking about what his life would be like if he really had done what he always wanted.

"He Solo is unconscious, the doctor said that he will be fine and at any moment he will wake up."

A deep voice pulled him out of the depths of his thoughts.

He tried to focus and he could hear clearly.

"Are you sure wall?" A woman's voice responded with concern.

"Yes. He will be fine don't worry darling." She spoke softly wall.

After a little silence the woman whispered softly: "Maybe it's better that he stay like this for a while."

"W-what?" Wall responded with clear disbelief at the response of his wife.

"I-It's just ..... You know. Aaron is about to graduate and ..... y" the woman couldn't finish her words and burst into tears.

The man was silent for a brief moment before replying with a self-deprecating giggle: "Don't worry love. If there's one thing I can assure you, it's that everyone in the Carter family is complete mediocre, good for nothing."

"Truly?" The doubtful woman answered.

"Of course we are !! We are all good for nothing hahahaha."

Contrary to expectations, the woman smiled happily at her words and they hugged.

Aaron who had been listening to the entire conversation couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief at seeing for the first time in his life someone who will proudly declare that.

Friend please have a little self love. And if not, at least for your family !!

"Oh he woke up !!!" The woman yelled happily and approached Aaron quickly.

"It's amazing that you're okay." The woman, in her thirties, looked very happy to see him and she hugged him. She then she took her hands and began to squeeze them tightly. "But don't think this is going to save you from your punishment, little demon !!"

Aaron's eyes widened in disbelief at such a radical change in behavior in such a sudden way.

"Honey, I think you should let him rest." I speak wall a little nervous to see his wife in such a state.

"SHUT!!" The woman yelled at him in a maddening way, which made both Wall and Aaron jump scared, "Don't think I forgot about you, you also have a lot to explain."

"H-Son pay attention to your mother." Wall stuttered a bit, looked at Aaron sternly and said in a less than convinced voice.

"Son? Excuse me, but who are you?" Aaron said very puzzled. But only shortly after speaking, he realized how much all three were speaking in a language totally unknown to him and the strange thing is that knowing that it was a language that he did not know, he could speak it very fluently.

All three went completely silent, before the woman exploded.

"Amnesia? Really? Do you think you're going to cheat on me again? No matter what excuse you try to get out, you won't be spared your punishment."

Aaron could only back away a little, for some reason he felt a little afraid of this woman who could very well be his daughter.
