

Aaron stared at himself in the mirror and although he refused on countless occasions, he had to accept that he was transmigrating, or was he reincarnated? The truth is that he did not understand or want to know.

The only thing he knew and was happy about was that he had a chance. Another chance to live life the way he wants it, anyway. Who doesn't want to be able to live anymore?

He had a face that could be considered handsome and a little long. Deep blue eyes, thin, medium-length nose, his lips were neither too thin nor too thick. On top of all that, he had slightly wavy dark brown hair, so dark it looked reddish.

His haircut was a mid-sided undercut that went very well with his hair. A small scar could be seen across his right eyebrow, giving him a somewhat rebellious look.

He couldn't complain about his new look!

In fact he was extremely happy with his new appearance.

The doctor diagnosed him with post-traumatic global amnesia. Which he meant was that he lost all memories of him after a heavy blow to the head.

"Come on son, we have to go." Wall leaned out a bit and said to Aaron.

"I'm going." Aaron donned plain jean and shoes, topped with a T-shirt with a worn, unbuttoned plaid shirt.

On leaving he was met by 'his parents' of him paying the hospital bill with a worried expression.

"Are we leaving yet?" Aaron asked.

"Only a moment."

Aaron just nodded and took advantage of the loss of sight, to launch into the exploration of the hospital.

The reason? It was very simple actually. He could speak and understand a language that he had never known.

What does that have?

Well, the language that he could instinctively speak and understand was not any language on earth.

Which led him to the theory that he had not reincarnated in another body on earth.

If not, in another world or dimension.

Is it crazy?

He has literally reincarnated in another body!

He was willing to accept that theory and got excited at the thought.

To his utter disappointment, the hospital where he was staying was totally normal and he found nothing to make him suspicious.

After his 'his parents' finished paying the bill they took him and took him away.

As the three were about to leave the hospital, Aaron spotted a different hallway from the others.

Its walls were painted black, blue lights illuminated it. In addition to a large metal door with a fairly technological lock.

Aaron pulled out of the wall's grasp and walked in his direction. But when wall and Luisa noticed, they grabbed him with great force and dragged him away.

"What are you doing? I just want to know what's in there !!" Aaron yelled in panic at the force with which they dragged him.

"You can't see what's in there !! You should know by now!" Luisa screamed, but then she remembered Aaron's amnesia and just dragged him close to the wall.

People going in and out were met by the strange scene of two parents dragging a young man who was screaming and seemed to want to go back to the hospital.

As much as Aaron struggled, his father wasn't released until they got him into the car. The car was of a very old model and in fact threatened on numerous occasions with shutting down.

When he arrived at 'his house' the first thing that caught his attention was a tree with a royal blue color, which was in front of his house.

Whether the roots, the trunk, or the leaves, they were all royal blue.

Almost like a conditioned reflex, he looked around at the other houses, which also had a tree like this one.

As Luisa and Wall entered the house, Aaron went to the tree. He touched it, smelled it, struck it and tasted it with immense curiosity.

He was practically certain that he was in another world, which excited and excited him.

Everything around him was completely new to him and his curiosity couldn't help but overflow, even a simple tree could thrill him in such a way.

Luisa and Wall watched everything from the window with concern.

"Honey. Do you think it will be okay?" Luisa asked as she leaned on her shoulder.

"Oh sure it will be fine darling." Wall responded immediately.

"WOW !! He finally went crazy!" He exclaimed an 8-year-old boy who was peeking out behind them, a happy smile on his face.

"David! How can you be happy with your brother's misfortune?" Luisa chided angrily when she saw the boy's happy face.

"I'm sorry, Mom!" Little David lowered his head in dismay.

"Nothing sorry, you're grounded without video games for a week." Luisa screamed totally hysterical.

"Yes." David replied, crestfallen. But deep down, he was jumping for joy, thinking that Aaron had gone crazy and would never bother him again.

"Come on honey, don't be so harsh on him. I'll punish him myself." Wall gently stroked Luisa as she winked at little David, who left with a smile.

When Aaron finished analyzing the tree for a while, he stopped finding it interesting, turned around, and walked to the house.

It was an average one story house, in fact it looked old and not well maintained.

Upon entering the house Aaron was surprised. Clothes scattered on the floors, different kinds of stains adorned the walls, Aaron even saw some pancakes stuck to the ceiling.

"What happened here?!" He asked him totally puzzled.

"Your." A boy of about 14 years old came out of one of the rooms and leaned against the wall while he looked at him.

His appearance shared many similarities with Aaron himself, so he assumed that he was his brother in this world.

"I?" Aaron raised an eyebrow in doubt.

"Yes, you. Genius!" The boy looked at him mockingly. "There is no one in this house, who can create as much destruction as you. What ?! You don't remember anymore?"

"Seriously?" Aaron's eyes widened in surprise.

But before the boy could respond, the house bell rang. To which wall opened.

On the other side was a man in a dark blue uniform, with several badges on his chest and a crew weapon at his waist.

"We heard the news." The man looked seriously at Wall. "Is wall true? Please tell me what is true ....." The man pulled the set cap off his head and practically begged wall.

Wall had an uneasy expression, but he nodded: "Yes Roger, it's true. Aaron has lost his memory and he's not the same as him before."

Roger couldn't believe it, he began to shake visibly and as if he remembered something, he turned around and shouted with joy: "You heard it guys! THE DEVIL IS GONE !!!"

Shortly thereafter a great uproar of people celebrating was heard. When wall opened the door fully, he noticed that his yard was full of police cars everywhere, with uniformed men celebrating happily.

The joy could be clearly seen on his faces, many took their caps and threw them into the sky in celebration, while others cried with happiness, especially a bald fat man who kept repeating through tears 'at last'.

Aaron was completely freaked out when he saw this scene, but the 14-year-old only watched the scene with interest and muttered, "I could see it coming."

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