
Interstellar inheritance

Under the threat of Zerg, biological beasts and radiation, mobile cities have become the last pure land of mankind...

Wilfried_Eichberg · Sci-fi
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20 Chs


 AD 2112, human development in this century has made great progress, the most worth mentioning is that in 2060 the world's oil storage has been collected because of excessive exploitation.

 In the oil resources will be exhausted for a period of time, the global situation is extremely tense, war is on the verge of.

 But people are forced out, in the oil is not finished, due to a variety of interests on the tie and some beneficiaries of obstruction, human development of new energy efficiency has been relatively low.

 However, after the oil is fully developed, a variety of efficient new energy acquisition programs have been put forward in many countries.

 The most common is solar energy and nuclear energy, these two energy methods in the oil is not exhausted before the earth has occupied a pivotal position.

 And when the oil just exhausted, several world leading countries in science and technology immediately launched a variety of high compression storage batteries.

 These high compression storage batteries with the country's existing large number of nuclear power plants, making these countries just after a short period of turbulence immediately returned to normal. As for their own scientific and technological ability to develop the battery of the country can also be in those big battery demand is almost saturated after the purchase from other countries, of course, the price will naturally be slightly more expensive.

 And not only the battery technology has been the quality of development, the solar energy conversion plate has also made a major breakthrough, as we all know, the use of solar energy is not widely, the conversion efficiency is a key factor.

 Maybe some people will say, this is related to the region, some places have long sunshine and sunny, and some places is shorter sunshine or sunshine exposure amount.

 But even if the amount of sunshine exposure is insufficient, the energy from the sun to the earth every day is extremely huge, although all the use is impossible, but with the nuclear power station to provide convenience for people's lives that is certainly no problem.

 And the new solar energy integrated plate, even in rainy days with its conversion efficiency can also absorb considerable energy for human use.

 The almost perfect solution of the energy crisis also avoids an impending world war which makes people relax in the period when oil is about to be developed...

 ..... But the shadow of war has just gone away soon, with a Jewish American developed a super stable nuclear fusion energy generator was broken.

 As we all know, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are to meet the formula E=mc^2, where c is the speed of light, and m is the loss of mass, but although both are based on this formula but the same unit of nuclear fusion said the energy produced by nuclear fission is much greater than that of nuclear fission.

 The reason is that the periodic table of the elements in front of the increasing degree of average particle mass decay with the decreasing degree of average particle mass of the elements behind the periodic table is much greater.

 In fact, the original nuclear fusion is nuclear fusion, this is nothing, including China has several countries mastered the method of stable nuclear fusion, but due to the technology is not mature and not convenient to directly put into use.

 But the same name with Einstein's Jewish scientist invented this thing used the raw material is not general nuclear fusion of cesium or rubidium, but directly with the hydrogen in water, and complete the fusion completely thoroughly, the resulting residue is iron on the periodic table of the lowest average particle mass. Get this news of other countries immediately sit up and down, this is also a good, can use the earth's almost infinite water to do the raw material, and the energy efficiency is extremely high, to know that although nuclear energy can support for a long time, but the raw materials needed for nuclear energy is also limited.

 Has gone through an energy crisis of the countries naturally to prepare for a rainy day, so the EU, China, Russia and other major powers jointly pressured the United States, attempting to make them hand over this technology.

 It is said that the American president was angry face black, because the American Jew is not affiliated to the United States government research institute, but a powerful chaebol under the research institute employees.

 Although the United States government in the news immediately secretly controlled the man and his research data transferred to a safe place, but the news is still inevitable leak out.

 If it is in the previous energy crisis has not been solved, then even if it is strong as the United States, I'm afraid that also dare not exclusive this technology, but since the energy crisis has been lifted, want to make the strong United States will this thing hand over it is difficult. At this time the global situation is extremely tense, several countries joined to pressure the United States naturally will not give up easily, and almost occupied the global 50% of the resources of the superpower United States will certainly not hand over this research.

 Speaking of military strength, the United States can say that it does not fear any pressure.

 However, this ready to fight with the same name with Einstein's Jewish scientist belonging to the plutocrats claimed that he still had a backup data and was resolved.

 The plutocrats for this technology almost bankrupted, had no time to celebrate the results were stolen by the United States government, so the plutocrats after several discussions decided to sell the backup data to several other major powers.

 When a huge profit, they also asked for a joint statement to protect their consortium of property security.

 Several countries joint pressure naturally happy so, and the United States also only played down the teeth into the stomach swallow, because they are the source of the original owner of the information.

 After all, if the United States refused to hand over the information and triggered the war, it can be said that other countries provoked, the public's anti-war sentiment will not be very big. And if only because the original owner of the information will be sold to the United States and cause the United States to send troops to sanction, this is the United States provoked, the benefits of several countries will not sit idle, and the current American president is afraid to immediately due to public opinion dissatisfaction and obediently step down.

 With the establishment of the ultra-stable nuclear fusion energy generator, the countries have entered the development of the blowout stage, the problem of energy has been completely do not have to worry about, the production capacity of the countries have been greatly developed, especially like China, there are many countries in the original manual production, now also all used instead of the machine.

 The development of China's position in the world second, only second to the United States, and since the nineteen nineties of Japan, China is the first GDP reached half of the United States.

 On August 9, 2112, P city, J province, China, a 107-storey building roof, a seventeen or eighteen years old or so of the youth is placing a chair, and then lying on the chair looking up at the sky overhead, the roof like him is not a few. Because in four months ago, the United States Hubble second generation telescope found a giant meteorite may collide with the earth in the earth moving forward, this will have a report every few years is not strange, but a month ago has been budgeted out of this giant meteorite will have more than 90% chance of collision with the earth.

 But with the current earth technology, this kind of thing can be solved, this judgment will collide with the earth's meteorite will be a few countries jointly launched by the nuclear bomb smashed.

 This is the third such meteorite in the past hundred years, although the volume is the largest one, but also not a big threat, so people have from the beginning of the worry into now so ready to watch the meteor shower caused by the friction of the meteorite fragments and the atmosphere.

 This looks like seventeen or eighteen years old youth named Li Xuan, eighteen years old this year, height about one meter seven or eight just entered a university of his ideal, now is in the holiday, in this age group of people will not give up this rare natural wonders, so after looking up the approximate time on the Internet, he will be back to the chair roof.

 At this time he also some schadenfreude thought: "dad mom is really, now also work overtime, it is sad for them, missed this rare landscape..." Just want to finish, Li Xuan took out the digital camera to the sky, and he also looked at the digital camera display time.

 "come on .." with the side of the people issued a stunned, Li Xuan's digital camera began to appear the first meteor, and followed by the meteor after a piece of meteor shower, although previously observed a other meteor shower, but Li Xuan now feel a burst of excitement.

 At this time he thought: "this time really didn't white to, last time the shit meteor shower, the meteor flash is not, which have the lasting ah!"

 "Wow... now the first meteor has not disappeared" around people constantly sighed.

 At this time, Li Xuan heart a bad feeling arises spontaneously.

 "eh... not right ah .."

 In theory, the meteor to the fast to the fast, but Li Xuan is found that the meteor not only appear more, but also lasted for a long time.

 Didn't understand what's going on Li Xuan heard the sharp air defense warning sounded in the city, followed by Li Xuan heard the roar of air defense artillery.

 P City is just an ordinary city, but due to the energy crisis period of war preparation policy, so even if it is an ordinary city near the air defense system and a number of air defense holes. Air defense fire has not sounded long, Li Xuan heard a huge explosion, and then a tremor in the bottom of the foot, then he immediately reacted, eight is the meteor casually body positive big, after the atmosphere was not completely burned.

 Want to understand after he immediately ran toward the stairs, and then the elevator climbed up.

 What?This time to take the elevator is to die?Wrong, here is the 107 floor roof, even if the elevator is extremely dangerous, but walk the stairs...

 Looking at the elevator on the number of the continuous reduction, and from time to time the tremor, Li Xuan's heart is very nervous, for fear of the next moment the elevator will be blackout or fall, but now the high-rise elevator is a separate power supply system, finally Li Xuan or reached the bottom of the narrow.

 When Li Xuan rushed out of the building to find that, although he only stayed in the elevator for a few minutes, but outside has been completely out of order, running and screaming crowds everywhere.

 Recalling the city's air defense shelter location when the military training, Li Xuan suddenly selected a nearest air defense shelter direction began to run there... At the same time the earth outer space, a space suddenly twisted, and then a white ball, the white ball stayed in outer space for a while, and then suddenly want to find what like directly toward China J province P city rushed toward...

 With the crowd toward the nearest a bomb shelter running Li Xuan suddenly black, and then kneeled down on the ground and fell down.

 He side of the people can see that there seems to be a white light shot his head, but at this time everyone in their own escape, naturally no one has leisure to tube a person you don't know.

 Halfway has a lot of people because of various reasons fell, fell in the crowd of this chaos, or with his strong body quickly up, otherwise...

 In Li Xuan fainted fell at the same time, a meteorite hit the side of a high-rise building, the high-rise building in the people's screams will be buried in the Li Xuan and his side of a group of people down...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Wilfried_Eichbergcreators' thoughts